Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Tag - Feelings

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The exploration of the concept of Respect has been a most enlightening one, full of interesting surprises. It has certainly made it easier, at least for me, to have a fuller understanding of what it means to be Divine in Nature and how such Divinity is meant to be expressed and experienced. You may  […]

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One more aspect...

There is one more aspect that I want to explore with regard to the word "consideration" and therefore "Respect". From earlier entries we uncovered that "consideration" is "thoughtful or kindly feeling or treatment". In exploring the word "kind" we  […]

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perception of deception or The Language of Father ?

Like little rooster, who speaks not the language of farmer, I call and call asking my needs be met. “I need water, I need feed, I need (no) worms or bugs, I need a nest, I need to roam free…” But while the rooster crows and the farmer hears, farmer does not understand little rooster’s language and  […]

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Imagine 4

Imagine a Life in which all we do Nourishes our Soul in a way that is Harmonious with Creation. In which Respect, Joy, Happiness, Health, Harmony, Contentment, and Balance facilitate our capacity to follow our Heart, just as legs make it possible for us to walk. In which we have the capacity and  […]

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Imagine 2

Imagine then… Life without the need for the concept of free will. Not because all Truth has been lost to us and therefore we no longer can choose to Live and Express the Truth of Who We Are, but because the unrighteous / unholy and their deception / manipulation has been cast out of this Earth and  […]

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As proposed before - 3

Current Sea is the substance of things Hoped for. The physical manifestation of things Hoped for is the evidence of things unseen. Faith is the process "from promise to fruition" that allows this to happen. Physical things are the evidence of things unseen, proof of the existence of  […]

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Unconventional Wisdom - Part 16

It seems to be a good day to talk about the practicality of what we have been learning. To refresh our KNowledge: Father makes the current sea available to us on a daily basis, interestingly enough, "free of charge". This current sea is carried by the solar winds and contains minerals,  […]

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A new season

So here you have it:The understanding that we came to Earth to experience Father's Garden so as to progress unto Source's Garden. That to fulfill our Desire for this experience first, allows everything else to happen. That in this Garden, the nourishment and sustenance is made freely available on a  […]

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Kind words

I'm frequently surprised to see how pertinent what I write is for my Journey with the Father. There is much that I have learned from this creative expression. Linda kindly said one day that if she was somewhere out there and somehow had come across my blog, she would be one to read it. I smiled with  […]

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As Father would have

In the Father Way I wish no one anything other than Father's Will for them. As St. Patrick once said: Christ in the Heart of those who think of me Christ in the mouth of those who speak of me I also add: Christ in the eyes of those who look at me Christ in the ears of those who hear me Christ in the  […]

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Planning for Abundance

As we prepare for spring and for the Abundance that is freely made available by Father through Nature, let's consider the possibility that perhaps plants receive their nourishment not only through the soil, but also through the bounty of resources that shower us from the "heavens" on a  […]

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Missing link 5

I have written in various entries about the false belief we tend to have that before we can walk with Father, we must attain perfection. I have also written that Father has shown us that seeking perfection, to then walk with Him, is to do things backward. First we walk with Him and then everything  […]

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instant or Real?

Some time ago Linda and I had a conversation with a friend who runs a childcare home business. During this conversation, our friend shared an experience she had with the children. Turns out that one day she decided to make real mashed potatoes as a treat for them. She went through all the process of  […]

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Great Opportunities

As I was writing about HelioStella and the two levels of preparation that were needed for Point of Departure, it was readily apparent that within the necessity of this preparation there were many Opportunities for the People upon Terra to change what they do and how they do it. If you were to think  […]

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The right pier

Heliotropos has been an interesting journey of discovery and awakening to the wonders of Creation. How much more wonderful is Creation, than the restrictive / constrictive / demoralizing / degrading view given to us by scientists, astronomers, and priests who tell us we are these insignificant  […]

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Radical measures

Now that we have learned about the need for a safe or sacred space of elegant simplicity designed to nourish and sustain the Soul during Point of Departure, let’s take a look at the direction that would facilitate humanity’s transition during this time. “Showay continued with his next question for  […]

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Departure timeline

The picture is getting clearer. The understanding that AurorA has conveyed brings a new perspective to the events and changes that are being observed upon Terra and even upon the other planets of the star system. Terra is preparing for HelioStella’s shift into a new orbit and the changes can no  […]

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Point of Departure

Point of Departure

We have learned about the real orbit of HelioStella, a Christed Being whose life does not revolve around another, but simply around himself in his journey of exploration. In this journey, there will be a point in which he will master the Pleasure of the Kingdom. This can be said to be a time of  […]

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