While it seems things are going nuts, the reality is that old fear mongering tactics are being used to distract us from where our focus should be. They have been doing this garbage for thousands of years and it has given them good results... why would they change now? Perhaps it is time to stop […]
Tag - Respect
Little confirmation

A few weeks back I was given a copy of an old magazine called "Gleanings in Bee Culture." This particular issue was dated July 1977. That is a 42 year old copy! Nevertheless, as I was reading it with great interest, I came across an article by Charles Mraz from Middlebury, VT which I found […]
The official movie...
Well... not quite but a little movie nevertheless. I went to the garden today and noticed one of the white bees on a flower. I watched and observed it dedicate minutes upon minutes on one single flower. Eventually I realized that perhaps I would have time to go back, get my camera, and do a little […]
Little white bees...

It has been quite interesting to be surrounded by so many bees. Several weeks ago I came across a bee type I had never seen before. Not that I know much about bees, but at least I can tell the difference between honey bees, sweat bees, bumble bees, and wasps...Anyway, when I saw it I was totally […]
Sensory Deprivation - 4
What can be done about this? Lots! Just disconnect from the artificial world and reconnect to Nature. It is really that simple.Unfortunately for people stuck in cities this is not such an easy task to accomplish. Specially with all the microwave and satellite signals that are being broadcasted with […]
Sensory Deprivation - 3
What are some of the ways through which we are brain washed and mind controlled on a daily basis? As you read the list below, keep in mind that constant repetition was also signaled as an important aspect of mind control. repeated family criticism, sarcasm, and mistreatment years upon years of […]
Sensory Deprivation - 2
Here are some examples of sensory deprivation we have come to consider 'normal' but that is really designed to allow the contortion and manipulation of our mind. As you may notice, some of this sensory deprivation has been going on for a long, long time...way before the industrial revolution. […]
Sensory Deprivation - 1
We humans have been created to have a constant interaction with the natural frequencies of Creation. Here upon Earth that includes touching the ground with our bear feet, being in nature, hearing the wind and the birds, feeling the cool breeze, being warmed by the Sun, inhaling the sweet fragrances […]
Sensory deprivation
The other day I watched a documentary on the various mind control programs that were pursued by several institutions during the 1900's. Quite perverse if you ask me which is why I didn't finish the documentary. There is only so much you can watch before it starts affecting you negatively. After all, […]
Ever realized?
Have you ever realized everything that goes into growing the vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, herbs you eat? The Sun, the Moon, the stars, the rain, the winds, the soil, the Earth, animals, insects, microbes, minerals, gemstones, rivers, wells, planets, galaxies, little people all participating in […]
In Father's Words
Here are some quotes from Father: ...that which is by Divine Natureinherent in humankind, humans,is that which is Noble,and by Virtue of incessant Interventionavailable, always available.Every moment of every day,that which is by Nature kind and developmentally, strategically aware in humanity,is […]
Words of Wisdom
Here are more pertinent quotes from Father:You must release that which isDivine in Nature from that which isnarrowly focused in greed and hunger.Seek not that which is mundane for the lustful excitement it gives you.Seek instead the sublime Power and Energy of your Divine Being.While at first it may […]
In Father's Words
Now is the hour for you to see clearlyyour Father's Good Will in all matters.It is not in pettiness and (worldly) passionthat you Discern My True Will.Labor not over the mistakes from the past.You divert valuable energyfrom what is needed to be done.
More of Father's Wisdom
Let Father work in you.be Joyous, happy, anddo not try to figure anything out.Just Know that Fatheris working in you.
Hard work
Here is a quote from Father:Hard workwas never intended toobtain, gain, or win the prize.Here is a quote from our book "A Refinement" that expands on this understanding. When you believe in hard work, without realizing it, you seek and choose the most difficult way in which your Endeavor […]
A glimpse

"There is one more thing to know Showay. This world was not designed to expand that which is the female principle. Man has walked upon Terra in domination to regain his sense of receptivity. While purported to honor women, native tradition held it not so. In sovereign domination man has walked […]

In utmost gratitude for a visible HelioStella rise, Showay and Breye-yendeze greeted the day and welcomed Aurora’s visit. "As you welcome, embrace, expand, and express the creative - receptive within you," Aurora said while injoying the morning sun-bath with her friends, "heed these […]
Artless Creativity

As the days continued to pass, Showay began feeling more and more complete with his initial attempt to define what he saw at the farms. He was sure greater understanding would unfold as his capacity to welcome his receptivity in a masculine way expanded. To facilitate this process, he would remind […]
Forward Progression

"So how do you put this together?" pondered Showay, "I know that on the surface it would appear this is another one of these words that contains both the definition of the problem and the answer, but this seems to be different… the definition of ‘artificial’ is clear and to the point… […]

Back in the present Showay felt a warm sense of compassion toward himself as a child. Contemplating this event with the clarity time bestows, he recognized where the problem lay. Following the the guidance of a good friend, he began talking to the lonely and angry child that sat alone during that […]
Back in time

One thing that would reoccuringly surface to trouble Showay during this otherwise Peaceful and uneventful time of respite, was his visit to the farms. He knew what he had seen. He knew he could easily identify some of the more apparent differences between the four farms. Yet, there was an intangible […]
Who will receive it?
Who will receive the Gift of Spiritual Discernment? a. one who will misuse it b. one who thinks himself worthless and undeserving c. one who will squander it away d. one who will use it Properly by Respecting others and Self As you may be able to recognize… being Respectful does have its […]