Yesterday March 17 was equinox day, a day of 12 hours of light. This means we have been pretty much right or directly behind the Sun. Now we are ready to progress toward the "other side" of the Sun where we shall have the Summer Solstice. From "here" to "there" there […]
Father's Way › Heliotropos (Toward the Sun)
Read what Father has shared with us about the solar system and Earth's orbit around the Sun. This series also includes information about the current progression of the Sun into a new orbit.
Abundance rains from the skies

Linda and I have both written several entries regarding the knowledge Father has brought to us which explains that the solar wind brings His Abundance on a daily basis to Earth and thus to us. Yesterday, Linda and I wrote about the Blessings of the "drop shipment" Father made available via […]
The Blessing of Solar Flares
Being in the midst of a great solar flare that has reached the Earth, we must see outside the framework of deception that we may perceive Truth for what it is. Father has shared some information regarding the purpose and value of the solar flare that He has made available to this Earth by His Good […]
Great Opportunities
As I was writing about HelioStella and the two levels of preparation that were needed for Point of Departure, it was readily apparent that within the necessity of this preparation there were many Opportunities for the People upon Terra to change what they do and how they do it. If you were to think […]
Earth and Terra
Since my last entry yesterday provided an opportunity to make a comment about what has happened on Earth, it seems appropriate to make a reference to an article titled “The sun rises two days early in Greenland, sparking fears that climate change is accelerating”. It would be easy to infer from this […]
The right pier
Heliotropos has been an interesting journey of discovery and awakening to the wonders of Creation. How much more wonderful is Creation, than the restrictive / constrictive / demoralizing / degrading view given to us by scientists, astronomers, and priests who tell us we are these insignificant […]
Radical measures
Now that we have learned about the need for a safe or sacred space of elegant simplicity designed to nourish and sustain the Soul during Point of Departure, let’s take a look at the direction that would facilitate humanity’s transition during this time. “Showay continued with his next question for […]
A Sacred Space
With a clearer understanding of what is about to happen in Terra’s future, let’s find out what someone upon Terra would do to create a safe and sacred space that would facilitate moving through this transition. In this, a distinction must clearly be made between the two stages for which preparation […]
Where in our timeline?
We have found out that HelioStella is past first deviation and closer to point of departure. The question arises then, how many years are left for preparation... Keep in mind that we wrote this science fiction book around 2003. It is 2011 upon Terra now… Showay had become especially aware of the […]
Departure timeline
The picture is getting clearer. The understanding that AurorA has conveyed brings a new perspective to the events and changes that are being observed upon Terra and even upon the other planets of the star system. Terra is preparing for HelioStella’s shift into a new orbit and the changes can no […]
Point of Departure

We have learned about the real orbit of HelioStella, a Christed Being whose life does not revolve around another, but simply around himself in his journey of exploration. In this journey, there will be a point in which he will master the Pleasure of the Kingdom. This can be said to be a time of […]
The orbit… HelioStella's orbit at last

Having brought up some important points for consideration through prior postings, it is time to jump right back into Heliotropos. It is a vital day upon Terra... “[AurorA] Now unto other matters. In Infinity you see neither circularity, nor vague and nebulous circuit of your Desire. See instead […]
Useful distinction
A few days ago I listened to a Coast to Coast AM interview with Steve Quayle and found it interesting to hear him say that knowledge brings or leads to sorrow. It seems appropriate to bring Discernment to that statement for the benefit of Truth. In my experience, the Knowledge that Father brings […]
Until that day
As we continue with the exploration of HelioStella’s orbit and progression it is important to remind ourselves that as sorrows, pains, hates surface we can lay them upon the Altar of Divine Love and Power in Exchange for that which is an expression of our True Nature. The information that AurorA is […]
Pure matter of perception
A Living Christed Being shining bright upon Terra’s skies, each and every day as a sign of the Father’s Desire to nurture and sustain Terra and her inhabitants, yet most people upon Terra walk oblivious to such mystical and magical experience of Life. They wonder where the signs of Creator are? How […]
Liquid and concrete
As AurorA indicated, HelioStella is a Living Being who is seeking understanding that will allow him to Master the Pleasure of the Kingdom. When she said to Showay that what she was about to share with him “is far and away greater in message and portent than has ever come before”, she certainly was […]
A simple question
We have seen that upon Terra, there are many things that are not as they are claimed to be. With this in mind, Showay felt he needed to go back to basics. [Showay] “This may sound like an overly simple question, but is HelioStella a sphere?” [AurorA] “Yes. You could say a bubble of energy which […]
A matter of perspective

If HelioStella is not devoted to revolving around another, does he have an orbit of any kind? This is indeed a question that Showay pondered himself. Here is the answer AurorA provided: [AurorA] “There is indeed. However of a vaster Sort than anyone has conjectured. The scale on which orbit is […]
A Greater Logic
I have indicated in previous postings where I have quoted from our book “Heliotropos: Toward the Sun”, that I have rearranged the conversations between Showay and AurorA as necessary. This does not mean I’m altering the information, but rather simply re-organizing the flow of information for two […]
Toward the Sun
So here we are, ready to begin exploration of HelioStella, the Sun in our science fiction story “Heliotropos: Toward the Sun”. You may wonder where the name Heliotropos and hence HelioStella comes from. AurorA explains this to Showay during their first conversation upon the observatory he so much […]
Setting Sail
If in our story “Heliotropos: Toward the Sun”, Terra inhabitants have been misdirected regarding the orbit of Terra around HelioStella / Sun, it also stands to reason that they have been given false information regarding HelioStella as well. Before we venture into the conversations in this regard […]
Seasons upon Terra

Did you notice that in Aurora’s description of Terra’s orbit she indicates that Terra’s rotational axis always points away from the Sun? What is the significance of this you ask? Well, since you ask… You may remember from school that we are told that the Earth upon which we live is tilted and that […]