Who will receive the Gift of Spiritual Discernment? a. one who will misuse it b. one who thinks himself worthless and undeserving c. one who will squander it away d. one who will use it Properly by Respecting others and Self As you may be able to recognize… being Respectful does have its […]
Father's Way › Spiritual Discernment
Spiritual Discernment is an important aspect of our Journey with Father. Here I share some of the things I have learned regarding this.
How do you do it?
How can one develop his Gift of Spiritual Discernment? a. play video games or watch the nightly news b. trial and tribulation or trial and error c. ask the Divine for it Yes, it is that easy…
How do you know?
In the "Pick your route" entry, choosing whose Guidance to receive was easy. You knew the outcome of each choice. In actuality, it is not that easy. How would you know? a. google it b. find an app c. ask a friend d. consult a fortune teller e. develop your Gift of Spiritual Discernment
Pick your route
You have been invited to a gathering of like minded Souls. You really want to go but the only way to get there is to use your inner Guidance. Which one will you follow? a. This one claims "you will have a good time, let’s just go the opposite way" b. This one says "you’re not worthy, […]
A choice - 6
Which describes a Different Way? a. slave labor, poverty indebtedness b. spiritual poverty, deprivation c. Sovereign Expression, Pure-Pose, Abundance, full-fillment of True Heart’s Desire … and the answer is… "c" - Sovereign Expression, Pure-Pose, Abundance, full-fillment of True Heart’s […]
A choice - 5
Which one describes a Different Way? a. manipulate, deceive, seduce, impose your will, force yourself, ridicule, criticize b. save others, "healing" them without permission, demand their worship c. Respect others, let them make their own choices … and the answer is… "c" - Respect […]
A choice - 4
Which one describes a Different Way? a. give your Love away, depend on others for Love b. unworthiness, self deprecation c. KNow Love as Self and keep the experience for yourself … and the answer is… "c" - KNow Love as Self and keep the experience for yourself (that is to say, let others […]
A choice - 3
Which one describes a Different Way? a. steal energy, give energy away, squander, hunger, attack, destroy b. Respect, keep your energy and let others keep theirs, Proper Use of resources, Peace … and the answer is… "b" - Respect, keep your energy and let others keep theirs, Proper Use of […]
A choice - 2
Which one describes a Different Way? a. worldly law, profit at the expense of People and environment b. religious doctrine, "from the poor it shall be taken" c. Universal Law, welcome your Inner Wealth and use it Properly … and the answer is… "c" - Universal Law, welcome and […]
A choice - 1
Before I continue with the Showay story, I thought I would provide some "multiple choice" entries on identifying a Different Way. Here is the first one: Which option describes a Different Way? a. majik, spells, curses, shades and shadows of darkness, potions, incantations, false […]
A new season
So here you have it:The understanding that we came to Earth to experience Father's Garden so as to progress unto Source's Garden. That to fulfill our Desire for this experience first, allows everything else to happen. That in this Garden, the nourishment and sustenance is made freely available on a […]
Home sweet Home
In the Heliotropos series ("Great Opportunities"), I spoke about the Wisdom of taking care of Home first. But what and where is Home? Before Linda and I started our Journey together with the Father, we each had the standard idea of “home”: the house where a family dwells and in which one […]
Harmony with the Father
A few entries ago ("A step toward Truth", "Harmonious equals not subservient", and "Missing Link 5" ) we learned that to walk Harmoniously with the Father does not equal subserviency. Instead, Harmony with the Father equals making a choice to be restored to and Live in […]
Important entry
Linda made an important entry today The information contained in it is certainly pertinent to stop our play in the game of the unrighteous - unholy. So, without further due, here is a copy of her entry: on arrival and no endorsement On a Grand and Glorious Day ! Scheduling posts / alien arrival […]
Missing link 5
I have written in various entries about the false belief we tend to have that before we can walk with Father, we must attain perfection. I have also written that Father has shown us that seeking perfection, to then walk with Him, is to do things backward. First we walk with Him and then everything […]
Missing link 4
The past few entries leads me to the fourth missing link that Father has shared through Linda's insights. Word in brackets have been added by me: Linda: Basically, ...Father has been addressing topics where we have a division of our energy. They are in fact actually ways in which we put [deception] […]
Another Step Toward Truth
We have been living within this framework of deception for so long that we have accepted that People's lives naturally move toward the pull of death. We often hear how death is the only certainty of life and how we must come to terms with this "sooner or later". Well, Father has news for […]
Empty promise
As illustrated in yesterday's entry, real backward thinking causes one to do things against the natural flow of Creation. This is by unrighteous - unholy design. To try to succeed within the framework of deception so well characterized by Maslow is to seek failure. There is no enlightenment at the […]
Backward thinking
Looking at Life through the "eyes of deception" results in backward thinking. To go about Life with the notion that to achieve spiritual transcendence one must first meet other basic hierarchical needs, is to go about life in the wrong way. It is a life full of obstacles, frustrations, and […]
Right side up
In the past few days, I have been contemplating how to address what Father showed me about the well known "hierarchy of needs" developed by Maslow. In Maslow's theory, we are told that there are 6 hierarchies to which humans aspire and that we cannot accomplish the higher hierarchies of […]
instant or Real?
Some time ago Linda and I had a conversation with a friend who runs a childcare home business. During this conversation, our friend shared an experience she had with the children. Turns out that one day she decided to make real mashed potatoes as a treat for them. She went through all the process of […]
Some more clearing
There are two other misconstructions in the bible that need brought to our attention for the purpose of this writing. It is important to recognize these misconstructions so that they don't silently creep in when we hear Truth and contaminate our perception of what is being said or conveyed to us […]