When I read yesterday's entry to Linda she made a most keen observation: "this explains why the tomato seeds did not experience mutations while in space, they were receiving the full spectrum of solar / cosmic energies".That is indeed an interesting possibility. Here on Earth the Sun / […]
Father's Way › Soul Nourishing Agriculture
In this series, I share lots of interesting information and KNowledge that will help us establish a new and different way Father has termed "Soul Nourishing Agriculture".
By the way...
Let's bring the current sea information down to Earth and see if the unrighteous - unholy activity of pirating the current sea manifests in other ways.The rice, wheat, and sugar that is obtained directly from nature is wholesome and healthy. However, once farmers hand this food to unrighteous - […]
Interesting information
It is interesting how information just seems to be coming together from the most unexpected places. A few days ago, we received a catalog from Territorial Seed Company. Browsing through it, I came to page 90 where they describe their "Rutgers CS Space Select" tomato. According to their […]
To see things differently
I'm very happy with how the information about the current sea has been flowing and providing the background to differentiate between the opulence of unrighteous - unholy and the elegant simplicity of the Father Way.In my last entry, I explained that the unrighteous - unholy take the vast majority of […]
Where did it all go?
Did you read the article I referenced in my last entry? In this article we are told that the amount of stardust reaching our Earth on a yearly basis is 40,000 tons. There is another article posted recently that says the same thing: 100 tons per day (36,500 tons per year). Now, compare these numbers […]
Planning for Abundance
As we prepare for spring and for the Abundance that is freely made available by Father through Nature, let's consider the possibility that perhaps plants receive their nourishment not only through the soil, but also through the bounty of resources that shower us from the "heavens" on a […]
When something is missing
Recently, Father suggested I visit a creamery farm that raises its own milk cows on pasture and hay. The day I visited was nice and cool, with blue skies and puffy white clouds perfect to take a stroll. After I walked around their pastures, this is what came to mind: I’m standing in front of the […]
Just some thoughts
We have been on a draught here for too many weeks. However, this time, my plants are doing ok. There has been sufficient water to take care of them. What is the difference? Could it be my un-mowed patch of abundance (see July update)? Or was is just the pruning I did? Perhaps both. I have heard […]
A message from the Sun
I have been contemplating much about gardening for a while and at some point have come to realize the following connection regarding the Sun and plants / seeds. Father has explained to us that the Sun is a manifestation of His Desire to Provide sustenance and abundance for the Earth and the People. […]
Patch of abundance – July update
As it turns out, several weeks ago, I had decided that it was time to mow my patch of abundance in the back yard. At that time, it had been storming for several days with strong winds and it all looked like a mess. Since most of the plants had gone to seed, it seemed a good time to renew the patch […]
Pausing briefly
Linda likes to visit suvivalblog.com and a few days ago she read about a woman who passed away from eating hemlock, a wild plant that can be easily confused with wild carrots (probably what happened). This is her posting on this issue (hemlock and safety). A word of caution I may not have stressed […]
Breathing time
Here is an updated photo of my patch of Abundance in the back yard. Not sure why, but the patch does not seem to photograph as well as I think it looks. Nevertheless, here it is. As you can see, the clover is in bloom (purple dots) and much of the grass has gone to seed. Many salad greens and […]
A Lighthearted Shift
For a few days, I have been looking at a section of my backyard. This is what it looked like. As you can see, it was an area filled with dandelions that had gone to seed. It was nice to see the yellow flowers dot the area, but the tall seed stalks looked so out of place. Whenever I would look […]
Cast out mentality
As I was walking and contemplating how we have been molded into a perception that no longer recognizes the Abundance of the Father to the extreme of engaging in active rejection and destruction of His Abundance, I came to understand that this is related to the story of the "fall" of Adam […]
A slight shift in perception
Two summers ago, the casual caretaker of the empty house next door had a problem with his lawnmower, so he came to the conclusion that the only way to address the overgrown vegetation in his lawn so as to not get fined by the city was to spray the entire yard with poison, I mean weed killer. It was […]
A patch of Abundance
This season, perhaps you may consider learning to receive the Abundance of the Father. His Abundance is Freely Given to be Freely received. No toiling, no laboring, no enslavement, no debt. Free all the time. Available all the time in Exchange for Thanks Giving. Can you conceive of such a Life? […]
Eating fresh is better
I have been revamping the design for our website and as I was doing the page for the 2008 Thanks Giving Homily Father Conveyed to us, it became apparent there is some very pertinent information which I would like to post this day. This information was given through Linda. My minor modifications for […]
Food is not medicine
Not so long ago, Father explained to us that herbs are not medicine. They are food and food is not medicine. This means that contrary to traditional lore, herbs do not cure disease. Instead, they provide the missing nourishment we need to restore Harmony in us. When we are properly nourished, […]