Again, with Linda’s permission, here is another of her entries: do you stand in-between ? Plants blooming on Sunny days ! A reminder — that one who stands between the unrighteous - unholy and family, can open the door to attack. Those who Truly seek The Father must not pray for […]
Father's Way › Gems
These are some entries that I particularly like.
Another reminder
With Linda’s permission, here is another "re-post" of another of her entries: what about prayer ? SunShine, snow bright, Light ! Prayer, as is currently taught, is an excellent vehicle to curse others while falsely pretending to do "good". Prayer, as is currently taught, is a […]
A Reminder
With Linda’s permission, here is a "re-post" of her entry: a reminder for those who … Gentle snow warms the heart. It has been an interesting year. A year of learning. It has become clear that many who curse another don’t know two things about what they are doing. Any unrighteous-unholy […]
Quick reminder
There is an effective song of protection called "The Deer Song" [1] . It is said Saint Patrick successfully used this prayer to protect himself from those who wished him harm. Father has confirmed the benevolent nature of the song / prayer. InJoy. Notes: [1] You can search youtube for it. […]
Give us this day our daily bread ?
A few days ago, during one of my walks, I noticed some leftover hamburger bread on the road and LightHeartedly thought "this is probably not what is meant by the 'give us this day our daily bread' line in the "lord's prayer". Right after uttering these words in my head I recognized […]
Wonder-full follow-up
Several entries ago (Missing Link 5), I explained that Father Conveyed to us that we the People are here on Earth to "walk in Father’s Garden so we can reach the Garden of Source."This Knowledge is certainly conducive to changing our perception of ourselves. We are spiritual Beings who […]
Kind words
I'm frequently surprised to see how pertinent what I write is for my Journey with the Father. There is much that I have learned from this creative expression. Linda kindly said one day that if she was somewhere out there and somehow had come across my blog, she would be one to read it. I smiled with […]
As Father would have
In the Father Way I wish no one anything other than Father's Will for them. As St. Patrick once said: Christ in the Heart of those who think of me Christ in the mouth of those who speak of me I also add: Christ in the eyes of those who look at me Christ in the ears of those who hear me Christ in the […]
Have Faith
This is adapted from our book “A Powerful Man” Faith: from the Promise to fruition. Faith is the consciousness that one holds between the time a Promise is given by the Father and the time it manifests in the world. Therefore, Faith is neither expectation, nor hope of what may or may not happen. […]
Moments of Freedom
As you progress in your journey with the Father, you will have moments of Freedom. These are Father’s suggestions for these moments: When / during moments of Freedom: - Seek Father’s Good Will to do - Strengthen yourself in Gloriosa [All That Is] - Pray for your reason to be restored to Right & […]
Trust in the Father
Linda and I both talked yesterday about Father’s teaching regarding having Faith that the safety of each individual is with the Father and about letting go of the false responsibility the world places upon the People that it is our duty and “higher nature” to make sure others / family are safe. The […]
Sunrise Prayers
This is another excerpt from our "Book of Prayers 1". Any of my comments or clarifications are in brackets. The first prayer that Father Which Is in Heaven brought to our awareness was what we have now come to call the 'Sunrise Prayer.' This prayer is very simple and consists of greeting […]
First Breath
This is from our "Book of Prayers 1". In this Conveyance, Father gives us specific Guidance about Knowing our Selves. Choose each day anew, until with your inner most Being, you Know that you choose rightly. Choose each day upon waking who you serve and honor. Choose the way of the […]