These FREE e-books contain special and topical compilations of Martin's Blue Star Blog entries. You will find very unusual and rare information in these books. Highly recommended.

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Is there such thing as Real Magic? How is it different than black majik or science?

For those oppressed by tyranny and seeking a Different Way to break free from it

The Sun... the Moon... the Earth... and humans... what do they share in common?

Did you know that Abundance 'rains' upon us every day? Neither did Martin until Father Said...

What does Faith have to do with Wealth and Abundance? How can Faith end tyranny?

Follow Martin's trains of thought as he searches for a Different Way of doing things

To know if you're being disrespected you must first know what it means to be Respected

Men expressing their Creativity through their masculinity... is that possible?
Parenting Book Cover

A very touching and life enhancing perspective for those seeking a Different Way of Life
Cover for Wake up Time

Why wait until who knows when, when you can wake up now?
Cover for Our Children\'s Safety

There is much talk about our children's safety, but whose responsibility is it anyways?
Mystical and Magical (Donation-BSB-SE-01)

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This book is a special compilation from Martin's Blue Star Blog designed to awaken the reader to a new and healthy understanding of the mystical and magical aspects of Creation.

During our time in North Carolina, Father shared the following Wisdom:

While fearfully observed,
intrinsically, energetically enjoyable,
creative magic is fulfilled / fulfills
your Endeavor.
Think you not an enchanted story
nourishes that which is child and adult alike ?
The adult Soul,
in particular man,
cries out for the much needed
nourishment and sustenance such endeavor would provide.

Through this exploration you will learn to differentiate magic in its natural and benevolent expression from majik a perversion of Truth which was introduced to lead people astray.

You will also learn about Beauty, Mystery, Feelings, Father Christmas, your Pure-Pose in Life, and Father's Desire.

A much needed book for those seeking to nourish their Souls.

51 pages.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

Is there such thing as Real Magic? How is it different than black majik or science?
Spiritual Swimming 101 (Donation-BSB-SE-02)

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"Visiting a friend today, it became more apparent than ever, that there is no point in anyone seeking to be free of governmental tyranny when one is oppressed by tyranny in one's own house, job, or business."

With this understanding, built upon Father's prompting, Martin begins a very unusual exploration designed to uncover the many ways tyranny manifests in our personal lives. He then provides much needed alternatives and solutions based on the Guidance and Wisdom received through Father and Linda's assistance.

165 pages.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

For those oppressed by tyranny and seeking a Different Way to break free from it
Heliotropos - Blue Star Blog Edition (Donation-BSB-SE-03)

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This Blue Star Blog Edition is based on our first sci-fi book "Heliotropos - Toward the Sun" which was written in New Mexico. Through Showay and Aurora, and personal commentary, pictures, diagrams, and references to other sources Martin presents some interesting information that may just change the way you look at Creation and yourself.

This book also contains pertinent information on preparation and on a new system of commerce. Believe it or not, it is all interrelated.

56 pages.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

The Sun... the Moon... the Earth... and humans... what do they share in common?
Unconventional Wisdom (Donation-BSB-SE-04)

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"Money does not grow on trees, but Abundance certainly rains upon us from the skies on a daily basis in the way of the Current Sea.

By bringing forth the understanding Father shared regarding the Current Sea and solar flares, Martin is able to explore the interrelationship between the sun, earth, nature, and humans in a very different Light

In this book you will also learn about the current sea thievery and what to do to end it as well as the action anyone can take to increase his / her capacity to receive this Heavenly Wealth.

When we express and live Harmoniously with Life and Universal Law our creations enhance our health and capacity to In-Joy the Blessings of Life.

95 pages.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

Did you know that Abundance 'rains' upon us every day? Neither did Martin until Father Said...
Unconventional Faith (Donation-BSB-SE-05)

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"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

With this quote from the King James Bible, begins a most unusual exploration into the realm of Faith. Martin first discovers a nasty can of worms, cleans it up, and then proceed to provide interesting knowledge that removes Faith from the wishful intangible realm into practical and tangible physical manifestation.

In this booklet you will learn how Proper use of your Faith can end tyranny and support your Divine Walk upon this Earth in True Wealth and Abundance.

66 pages.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

What does Faith have to do with Wealth and Abundance? How can Faith end tyranny?
Unconventional Life (Donation-BSB-SE-06)

This is a Free Download. A Donation to support this work is completely optional.

This book was inspired by Martin's visit to four farms while in Missouri and illustrates how Father can bestow Understanding on anyone willing to listen. Did Martin ever fathom that this visit would inspire him to search for a Different Way and to re-evaluate the meaning of money, freedom, free will, organic, private property, and respect ? No, not really. Yet it all came to be under Father's Gentle Instruction.

Join Martin in this exploration that led him to conclude:

"... when one begins to focus on the Scared and Holy Nature of Life, the opportunity is made available for the Mystical and Magical to become a reality once again [in our lives.]"

149 pages.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

Follow Martin's trains of thought as he searches for a Different Way of doing things
Respect - A DIfferent Perspective (Donation-BSB-SE-07)

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This compilation strictly focuses on Martin's exploration of "Respect." What it is, how to live it, and how to differentiate it from the false construct we have been given. This information is also contained in the book "Unconventional Life - Welcoming What Is," but has been turned into its own book for ease of reference.

Linda once asked Martin:

"... how can you know when you are being disrespected if you don?t know what it is to be Respected?"

Martin now presents this question to you and invites you to find out.

104 pages.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

To know if you're being disrespected you must first know what it means to be Respected
Artless Creativity (Donation-BSB-SE-08)
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"Artless Creativity" continues with the understanding Martin received while visiting the four farms in Missouri.

For this exploration though, he turned to his loyal characters Showay, Breye-Yendeze (Showay's dog), and Aurora. By giving them free range of motion a profound story that explores creativity from a completely different perspective is recounted. This allows the unveiling of 'unspeakable taboos' and a "great myth that has restrained humankind from advancement."?

49 pages.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

Men expressing their Creativity through their masculinity... is that possible?
Parenting Book Cover
The tiniest, Biggest, and most uncommon book on parenting ( Donation-BSB-SE-09)
This is a Free Download. A Donation to support this work is completely optional.

"The book you are about to read is an Expression of Great Love and Gentleness. It is the unfolding of a process that began a long, long time ago - a Desire to find a way to Respect children made manifest."

These are opening words to a beautiful book through which you will be guided to take a look at the parent - child relationship from a very uncommon perspective. The goal is to understand how this parent - child relationship affects the perception of Creation. This Wisdom makes it possible to identify the type of conditions needed to In-Joy Life and conceive and raise healthy children. In so doing, the possibility presents itself to end the generational mistakes humanity has been repeating ad nauseam and which have brought so much misery upon Earth.

This simple process also provides the opportunity to mend relationships with self, parents, children, and ultimately Creator.

Regardless whether you are single or married, a teenager, grandparent, or somewhere in between...

Whether you love children or would rather never see one...

Whether you are just thinking about having children, are already surrounded by them, or are no longer responsible for them...

Whether you are a man or a woman, do or don't work with children...

Whether you are a city or country life lover...

This book contains a beautiful message that can greatly enhance anyone's In-Joyment of Life.

"It is the kind of book I wish my parents had read before conceiving me. What a difference it would have made!

Hope you In-Joy it as much as I did creating it."

284 (easy to read) pages

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.


Occasionally, I come across information that compliments this Parenting Book really well. This information will be uploaded as separate downloadable files which can be accessed under the "Downloads" tab on this page.

** Every once in a while download files for this e-book vanish into thin air and the "Downloads" tab disappears. Please let us know if you experience this problem by using the "Contact Us" form.


-- "Many, many months after writing this book, I came across a wonderful book which powerfully illustrates what I seek to convey in relationship to raising children and our True Nature.

This book by Jean Liedloff is titled "The Continuum Concept: In Search for Happiness Lost." Through this book Jean explains a key concept she observed during her stay with a remote Amazonian tribe.

Please note that as developed as her power of observation was, there are two additional insights which, while she may have noted, did not get conveyed in her book. One was the fact that this tribe used to walk barefoot all the time and therefore remained continually grounded to the Earth (this is what makes the notion of a continually discharging body work). Two was the recognition that this tribe had an outstanding wisdom of nutrition which is manifested by their broad faces, perfect teeth, and broad noses. The connection between health, well being, and nutrition was amply documented by Weston A. Price in his book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration."

If you would prefer to watch a video interview of Jean Liedloff explaining the profound wisdom she learned from this Amazonian tribe, click this link.

-- Another wonderful book that provides invaluable information for self and children is "8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back" by Esther Gokhale.

-- There is a wonderful youtube channel by a Chinese woman Li Ziqi. Through her videos she gives a living example of what Linda sought to convey regarding "women of Graces" and how they turn everything they do into a Beautiful Blessing.

Note the environment in which she lives: the natural Abundance and Beauty that is all around her. Not only because of what she does but also because of what her ancestors have done to the land to turn it into an oasis of Life wherein she can forage to her Heart's content.

This is a living example of Father's Loving Intent and His Desire for us to Live in utmost Abundance, Beauty, and Peace.

Follow the link below to access her channel and prepare to be amazed:

-- The list of supportive material continues to grow and expand! For an expansive view of birthing and how the gestation period affects each one of us, please watch this video:

Birth As We Know It - Prana Fest Presentation 2014 on Vimeo

Finally, remember to download our book "The tiniest, Biggest, and most uncommon book on parenting" by accessing the "Downloads" tab.


A very touching and life enhancing perspective for those seeking a Different Way of Life
Cover for Wake up Time
Wake up Time ( Donation-BSB-SE-10)
This is a Free Download. A Donation to support this work is completely optional.

This mini e-book is an excerpt from our book "The tiniest, biggest, and most uncommon book on parenting." In it we address the need to stop waiting for perfect conditions or prophecy fulfillment before we do what needs done in our lives.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

Why wait until who knows when, when you can wake up now?
Cover for Our Children\'s Safety
Our Children's Safety ( Donation-BSB-SE-11)
This is a Free Download. A Donation to support this work is completely optional.

This mini e-book is an excerpt from our book "The tiniest, biggest, and most uncommon book on parenting." This short essay conveys some of the understandings Linda was Given regarding our children's safety and how our actions impact their lives... for worse or for better...

"The bottom line though is that through deception, we have used our opportunity of free will to do inappropriate, unrighteous-unholy things that are creating an environment in which children (and adults) are no longer safe."
Contrary to indoctrinated belief... children are NOT our future and the future is NOT in their hands. Instead... WE - parents, adults, and elders alike - are our children's future.

It is time for us to wake up and learn how to do things Differently. Reading this excerpt will give you a better understanding of what can be done to restore safety to children and adults alike.

Please click on the 'Downloads' tab to access this FREE file.

There is much talk about our children's safety, but whose responsibility is it anyways?
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