Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Ending the play

Throughout my and Linda's blog, we have written about "ending our play" with the unrighteous - unholy. Today it seems a good day to give some further explanation as to what this entails. I will do so by sharing three experiences I had while doing some missionary work in the jungles of Argentina, but before I get started with this, there is a need for some important Knowledge to be Conveyed.

Father has explained that People upon Earth come here to big "P" Play in the Father Way. This is a Light Hearted Play through which we learn and experience Creation. It is a Play that is meant to nourish and strengthen the Soul, brighten the Heart, and increase our understanding of Creation and the Father Way. This is why People and animals like Playing so much. Play is a part of Life upon Earth.

Big "P" Play is different than little "p" play. Little "p" play is the play introduced by the unrighteous / unholy upon their arrival. That is to say, not only did the unrighteous / unholy purposely hamper our ability to big "P" Play in the Father Way by altering the Earth, our environment, and our genetics, but they also used our natural disposition to big "P" Play, to entrap us in a game of poverty indebtedness and slabor.

When Father Speaks about ending our play, He Speaks about recognizing the fraud and ending our participation in the forgery the unrighteous - unholy imposed upon us. It is in doing so that we can begin big "P" Playing again.

For example, someone who makes a copy of an authentic painting and sells it as the real and original painting, commits fraud. Those who bought the forgery thinking it to be authentic, have been deceived and have acquired a worthless copy. Yes, the forgery looks like the authentic painting, but it is not the same. Having been made by someone else and with the intent to defraud, the forgery does not carry nor convey they original energy imparted by the artist through his creative expression.

In other words, let's say the artist created his painting to convey Feelings of Joy and Appreciation of Nature and evoke such Feelings in those who look at his painting. When one looks at this original painting the message is clear. The energy of the painting conveys the original intent of the artist. On the other hand, the con-artist forges the painting motivated by greed, deceit, and thievery. Therefore, the energy of the forgery does not convey the original intent of the artist.

That is to say, while the forgery displays the same imagery as the original and may therefore evoke Feelings of Joy and Appreciation of Nature, it also exposes the viewer to the energies of greed, deceit, and thievery imparted to the forgery by the con-artist. In so doing, the forgery not only exposes the viewer to conflicting energies but it also purveys the false perception that greed, deceit, and thievery are part and parcel of developing an appreciation of Nature.

While contemplation of the authentic painting could help someone awaken to a True and accurate appreciation of Nature, contemplation of the forgery could only lead one astray or reinforce an already existing misconception.

Therein lays, as I currently understand it, the real fraud and crime perpetuated by the unrighteous / unholy against the People:

  • the false representation that their forgeries of Universal Law, Truth, Love, and of the Natural Frequencies of Creation are Real / Authentic and therefore are carriers of the Original Intent and Authority of Creator for us
  • the use of these forgeries to defraud us of our resources and enslave us in their ways
  • the use of these forgeries as carriers of their deception and ill will toward us
  • the use of these forgeries to interfere with our capacity to Know Truth, walk Harmoniously with Creation and Creator, and to have a Peaceful and Respectful experience of Life upon Earth in the Abundance of Creator
  • the false witness they present against Creator and His Creation and the animosity that this causes toward Creator

Just as in the example of the painting, the only way the recipients of the forgery can end the damage, is by recognizing the painting for the forgery it is and trashing it, so too, the only way us the People can end the damage caused by the fraud imposed upon us, is to recognize it as such and trash it. Yes, it is a painful realization, but it has to be made if we are to find Truth once again. Yes, there is perhaps a lot of resources invested in the forgery, but as Father has explained, it is time to cut the losses and move on. Soon, the loss of hanging on to the forgery will far surpass the loss of letting it go.

Father has addressed this notion of ending our play in three ways:

  1. Ending our receptivity to unrighteous / unholy play
  2. Stopping going out to play with the unrighteous - unholy
  3. Ending our own unrighteous - unholy play

In other words, stop accepting forgeries or believing in what the unrighteous - unholy say and teach us, stop leaving Father's Garden in pursuit of false truths and riches, and stop incorporating deception in our behavior.

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