While it seems things are going nuts, the reality is that old fear mongering tactics are being used to distract us from where our focus should be. They have been doing this garbage for thousands of years and it has given them good results... why would they change now? Perhaps it is time to stop […]
Tag - Life
One answer to the question
Here is another quote from Source: Source: My Dear Child, there is but one answer to the question of Divine Creaturehood. It is this: be you not at Peace and ‘goes well’ is unlikely. It is in great Peace and Joy all Happiness is found. You are no more, no less, than a Divine Creature of habit, who […]
Father's Good Will
Here is a nice little gem from Source about Father Which Is in Heaven. Source: It is your Father's Good Will and Intent to place before you a table laden with all that sustains and nourishes the Soul.
Open letter to the youth
Some time ago, I wrote an "Open Letter to the Youth." I did this in response to the choice of these budding men and woman to voice their Desire for adults to Respect Nature and take action to protect our children's future. I forwarded this letter to many youth organizations with the hopes […]
Solar System Presentation
Here is a little video I made based on some information Father shared with Linda and I regarding the solar system. It took quite some effort on our part to be able to see outside the "box." It's really quite amazing the extent to which worldly "education" limits and interferes […]
Little confirmation

A few weeks back I was given a copy of an old magazine called "Gleanings in Bee Culture." This particular issue was dated July 1977. That is a 42 year old copy! Nevertheless, as I was reading it with great interest, I came across an article by Charles Mraz from Middlebury, VT which I found […]
Growth and malnourishment

In my parenting book I indicated that humanity's "pressure" for early reproduction is related to its unhealthy state and I likened this to stressed plants in a garden. Every gardener knows that stressed and sickly plants will go to flower and seed well in advance of healthy specimens.Here […]
Little white bees...

It has been quite interesting to be surrounded by so many bees. Several weeks ago I came across a bee type I had never seen before. Not that I know much about bees, but at least I can tell the difference between honey bees, sweat bees, bumble bees, and wasps...Anyway, when I saw it I was totally […]
Honey, sweet honey...

Well, after many many years of a bee-keeping break, the community in which I reside resumed bee keeping. While we have all kinds of wild bees hovering all around, this year we were gifted a hive by the area bee-keeper. Not so long ago was my first harvest of honey. Delicious! Here are a few photos […]
Points of interest - Part 1
Welcome back. If you read through my squatting entries and you still came back, good for you. The next step in the progression of understanding the Beauty of who We Are and of Creation is through a series of seemingly unrelated points. We'll see what comes out of it. Science teaches us about […]
The squatting conundrum - 5
Mustering enough strength, I faced the “unfaceable” and did the unthinkable. I turned around and actually looked at my poop straight on for the first time this lifetime (and perhaps many lifetimes) and to my surprise the sense of humiliation that preceded the event quickly evaporated into thin air. […]
The squatting conundrum - 4
Being as 'informed' as I was and close to a flowing stream, I knew I couldn't just leave my deposit just sitting there waiting to contaminate the water. I didn't want to be held accountable during my lifetime review for starting an e.coli outbreak. “You almost made it to Heaven… but remember that […]
The squatting conundrum - 2

I had no access to the park restrooms and civilization was too far away... this meant that I had no choice but to face the humiliation of my physicality and find a little bush or tree to hide behind... How brutal can Nature be to a 'potty trained' city boy who wanted to be 'spiritual' and raise […]
The squatting conundrum

What is it about poop that many cultures find so appalling and denigrating? I really don't know. What I do know however is that I used to suffer from the same strange behavior. Let me share a story with you.One time during my travels with Linda, we were Guided to camp somewhere close to Albuquerque, […]
The obvious
Once you know where Father's Cathedral is then the obvious becomes obvious: To Know Him you need to be in Nature. Whether it be a little patch of weeds, the backyard, a park, a farm, or the middle of nowhere you will always find Father in His Cathedral waiting for you to notice the Beauty of what He […]
Sensory Deprivation - 5
There is another reason why we have been exposed to sensory deprivation from the natural frequencies of Creation and the Good Will and Intent of Father Which Is in Heaven for us which is to know ourselves as the Love that we are and Pleasantly In-Joy our visit upon his Garden here on Earth.Here are […]
Sensory Deprivation - 4
What can be done about this? Lots! Just disconnect from the artificial world and reconnect to Nature. It is really that simple.Unfortunately for people stuck in cities this is not such an easy task to accomplish. Specially with all the microwave and satellite signals that are being broadcasted with […]
Sensory Deprivation - 3
What are some of the ways through which we are brain washed and mind controlled on a daily basis? As you read the list below, keep in mind that constant repetition was also signaled as an important aspect of mind control. repeated family criticism, sarcasm, and mistreatment years upon years of […]
Sensory Deprivation - 2
Here are some examples of sensory deprivation we have come to consider 'normal' but that is really designed to allow the contortion and manipulation of our mind. As you may notice, some of this sensory deprivation has been going on for a long, long time...way before the industrial revolution. […]
Sensory Deprivation - 1
We humans have been created to have a constant interaction with the natural frequencies of Creation. Here upon Earth that includes touching the ground with our bear feet, being in nature, hearing the wind and the birds, feeling the cool breeze, being warmed by the Sun, inhaling the sweet fragrances […]
Making someone or something more important that our own walk with Father and making decisions based on what someone else thinks or has written is leaning. Leaning away from our sovereign nature. Leaning away from Father's Good Will and Intent for us. This leads to trouble and we miss the obvious: […]
Safe Space
I came across this Conveyance while going through some files. Thought you might find it of interest.LindaDoes the sweat lodge provide a feeling that can be likened to what one feels like when when it is cold outside and one is wrapped up in a feather comforter seating on a sheep’s wool with a fire […]