Father Which Is in Heaven: You are neither a fool nor fool hardy. Be NOT fooled by those who would foist upon you that which is in opposition to your Father Which Is in Heaven. […]
Parenting Book
This category contains all entries belonging to the book "The littlest, tiniest, and most uncommon book on parenting".
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Father Which Is in Heaven: Be NOT deceived by the package for the package deceives. […]
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Father Which Is in Heaven: Proceed in the Father’s Plan and Direction and you shall prevail. Success is measured in Peace of mind, comfort, and Joy. […]
bop... the end
And so it is my dear friend, this book is coming to an end with a simple thanksgiving and a few words from Father Which Is in Heaven. To the AdamAic woman and to Father Which Is in Heaven who changed my (and perhaps your ?) Life for the Better: Thank you. Thank you for your Beauty. Thank you for […]
bop... A Possibility - 11
12. The beauty of successful parenting is in simply ‘creating the conditions’ that allow Nature and Creation to do what each is Designed to do to develop and nurture Beautiful, Creative, Peaceful, Joyous, and Respectful Beings who fulfill their Vision on Earth with the Father Within.
bop... A Possibility - 10
11. Then, as parents raise this child, or perhaps… as parents simply learn to support this child raising herself / himself, parents could change their standards by which successful parenting is measured and come to realize that… … successful parenting is not established by the type of schools and […]
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10. And laslty, but not finally, and perhaps I should even say initially… parents could consult with the Father Within about such things as: vaccination registration of the child into the system type of education needed by the child extent to which immediate family and friends would or would not be […]
bop... A Possibility - 8
9. The baby / child could be treated by parents as an equal. As Father would say, "mano a mano" or "hand to hand". He / she would be allowed to make as many decisions as possible and parents would Respect such choices. If such choices were to lead to real danger, then parents […]
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8. Parents could realize that the so called ‘formative years’ of their child should be experienced in the safety of their Sacred Environment rather than in early education institutions. No matter how ‘advanced’ or ‘natural’ they may claim to be. Parents could also ensure the family lives in the […]
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7. Mother, father, and child could InJoy most of their time outdoors within their Sacred Environment. Perhaps baby could be allowed to roam free within the safety of this garden in such a way that he / she can learn from Nature, through Nature, and of Nature free of mindless, noise making, […]
bop... A Possibility - 5
6. The mother could then continue to support her nutritional needs through specialized food items that are rich and nourishing to both herself and child. This would certainly not be be a time for fat free, reduced calorie, poison loaded, and starving dieting. Much less a time to worry about […]
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5. The health of the expecting mother could be monitored right within her Sacred Environment by choosing the services of a midwife. This would then allow delivery to occur within this natural environment and in the presence of caring people. Perhaps delivery could even occur outdoors… amisdst nature […]
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4. Gestation could be a time of Joy and anticipation during which both parents could "talk" to the developing child and assure him / her of their Love and Father’s Good Will and Intent. Gestation could also be a time during which parents continue to seek further Guidance and Direction […]
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3. When the day of conception arrives, care could be given to assure the coming together is motivated by Love and a Desire for a child. Whether ‘planned’ or ‘spontaneous’, this coming together would convey these feelings of Love to the child, giving him / her a most beautiful gift. this day, would […]
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2. When both parents receive clear confirmation from the Father Within to conceive a child, they could embark on a Journey of preparation… a journey of great Joy, anticipation, and Creativity. following the Wisdom of ‘primitive’ societies, parents could enhance their nutrition for about 6 months […]
bop... A Possibility
Here are some ideas of how parents could go about… well… parenting. Again, take them lightly, they are just possibilities. Which ideas and how you turn them into reality is up to your creativity. Have fun and delight in the process. 1. Out of Love for the Father Within and a great Desire to Love and […]
bop... and an Epilogue - 14
It is Truly never too late to make a change for the Better and welcome greater Happiness and Joy into your Life. May the Father Within / Living God be with you. Peace my friend.
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Besides the suggestions already made, this Light-Hearted Journey of re-discovery could probably include the following steps: learn to Love yourself as the man of Virtue or woman of Graces that you are meant to be re-awaken to your innate Love for the Father Within by re-connecting with Nature […]
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If marriage came for you before this Journey of re-discovery, then be great-full. After all, it was your Desire to be a good parent that brought this book to you. Now the task at hand is to determine whether you could benefit from allowing yourself, your spouse, and perhaps even your children time […]
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That there is a great need for this time of re-discovery is clearly and amply shown by the so called "selfish" attitude of "current" generations. This "selfishness" needs to be addressed in healthy ways. Especially in societies that have made artificial environments […]
bop... and an Epilogue - 10
To quote a Stargate episode: "It takes as long as it takes" And this is ok. As it turns out, we could all greatly benefit from giving ourselves permission to take care of our selves first before entering into relationships and conceiving children. For… how can someone become a lifeguard […]
bop... and an Epilogue - 9
As Linda and I continued to explore the concept of family and parenting with Father, it became clear to us that the vast majority of people would be immensely happier if they would embark upon a Light Hearted Journey of re-discovery before jumping into marriage and raising children. This Journey […]