Here is a nice little gem from Source about Father Which Is in Heaven. Source: It is your Father's Good Will and Intent to place before you a table laden with all that sustains and nourishes the Soul.
Tag - Divine Increase
More Gardening Updates

Below is a picture showing the last harvest from the green house. We had lots of red chard left and some tiny carrots. But that's not really the reason I chose to show this picture. The real reason is the summer squash! Why? Because in a way it just popped out of nowhere. You see, I planted a few […]
Points of interest - Part 1
Welcome back. If you read through my squatting entries and you still came back, good for you. The next step in the progression of understanding the Beauty of who We Are and of Creation is through a series of seemingly unrelated points. We'll see what comes out of it. Science teaches us about […]
Garden Season Update

Well, spring is well underway down here in the Arizona desert and the garden is responding to the increased temperatures. Here are a few more pictures of some of our harvests. Here is some lettuce from the green house. I had to pick a bunch because its bolting, which means it's wanting to go to […]
The squatting conundrum - the end

How is it that we humans feel ok carrying poop inside of us all day long but then develop this poop-phobia once it is outside of us, I still don't understand. What I do know however, is that this experience in the woods was actually a live changer and nowhere close to the psychological scarring […]
The squatting conundrum - 5
Mustering enough strength, I faced the “unfaceable” and did the unthinkable. I turned around and actually looked at my poop straight on for the first time this lifetime (and perhaps many lifetimes) and to my surprise the sense of humiliation that preceded the event quickly evaporated into thin air. […]
The squatting conundrum - 4
Being as 'informed' as I was and close to a flowing stream, I knew I couldn't just leave my deposit just sitting there waiting to contaminate the water. I didn't want to be held accountable during my lifetime review for starting an e.coli outbreak. “You almost made it to Heaven… but remember that […]
The squatting conundrum - 3

With the call of Nature answered, I was left with another dilemma, namely what to do with the results of answering a number two call. I could have simply walked away never looking back but in this instance I unfortunately knew better. My conscience was reminding me of a book I read during one of my […]
The squatting conundrum - 2

I had no access to the park restrooms and civilization was too far away... this meant that I had no choice but to face the humiliation of my physicality and find a little bush or tree to hide behind... How brutal can Nature be to a 'potty trained' city boy who wanted to be 'spiritual' and raise […]
The squatting conundrum

What is it about poop that many cultures find so appalling and denigrating? I really don't know. What I do know however is that I used to suffer from the same strange behavior. Let me share a story with you.One time during my travels with Linda, we were Guided to camp somewhere close to Albuquerque, […]
Words of Wisdom
Here are more pertinent quotes from Father:You must release that which isDivine in Nature from that which isnarrowly focused in greed and hunger.Seek not that which is mundane for the lustful excitement it gives you.Seek instead the sublime Power and Energy of your Divine Being.While at first it may […]
Pause Days

"A few more days…", thought Showay , "and daylight will begin to lengthen again." He was at his desk, looking at the diagram of Terra’s orbit "around" HelioStella. With a smile he reclined in his chair and allowed his thoughts to drift back to that wonderful first […]
Practical Application – an introduction
As pointed out in an earlier entry, when us People loose sight of the Divine Nature / Origin of Life, we loose sight that by Universal Law, we (and all of Life) are entitled to Respect and therefore to not be violated nor intruded upon by anyone, including the unrighteous – unholy. Concurrently, […]
Summary – Part 8
Qualities of Respectful People - continued Here is the list, which I checked more than twice… Respectful People Honor their Sacred Walk upon this Earth. Respectful People are Virtuous. That is to say, they have a great Love of that which is Right and a conscious Desire to Live by this. Respectful […]
Summary – Part 7
Qualities of Respectful People As you read this list, keep in mind that all the qualities and characteristics of Respect are inherent or natural to Life and therefore us People. Why? Because we are Divine in Nature. Anything other than expression of these qualities is abnormal, it is a sign that […]
Summary - Part 5
What is Respect? The short version is simple: Respect is to recognize the Sacred and Holy Nature of Life and therefore ourSelves. It is to recognize our inviolable Nature and to disengage from anything that would tell us otherwise. It is to act in a manner that supports and facilitates expression of […]
Summary - Part 4
Respect - a Right and Proper Way A more Proper understanding of capital "R" Respect for / of Life and therefore People, Earth, and Nature conveys knowledge of the Sacred and Holy Nature of Life, Life’s entitlement to Respect, and Life’s inherent great Spiritual and Moral Worth. This is […]
One may wonder
After reading the quote from "A Simple Answer", one may wonder, if all we have to do is ask for Father’s Plan to prevail upon the Earth, why then any need to get glimpses of this Different Way? Here is what Father has Said about such matters during our visit to the Ruby Valley many years […]
One more aspect...
There is one more aspect that I want to explore with regard to the word "consideration" and therefore "Respect". From earlier entries we uncovered that "consideration" is "thoughtful or kindly feeling or treatment". In exploring the word "kind" we […]
One thing to recognize
Here is another quote from Father which helps bring a clearer perspective as to how to approach awakening to our True Nature. So it is in your standard structure, that you shall see that which is Grand and Glorious come to be when you seek not perfection of a Divine Nature. Seek instead […]
To be...
The word "consideration" has more in store for us. Actually, way more… Consideration: thoughtful or kindly feeling or treatment kind: goodhearted benign in accordance with nature, natural, appropriate, lawful the distinguishing nature or character of something the ordained and proper […]
Divine Increase and dogs
As shared earlier, our friends in the first farm sell dogs to "raise" the money needed to stay afloat.This of course works (sometimes) in the mercantile game of poverty indebtedness where the norm is to profit at the expense of another, but would such activity be considered Desirable when […]