Straight ahead, straight ahead... oh what great Joys await us each day. Straight ahead, straight ahead... 'seek and now you shall find'. Straight ahead, straight ahead... 'ask and now you shall receive'. Straight ahead, straight ahead... welcome back to Life my friend.
Merry go round - 7
Merry go round, merry go round... would you please break free from the spell ? Merry go round, merry go round... would you please step out of the round ! Straight ahead, straight ahead... we can now awaken and welcome "A Simple Answer" in our lives.
Merry go round - 6
Oh ! I see ! The cruises and beaches, the booze and the bitches, the world to save, dominate, or conquer, the slaves or maids at your command... that's what makes it worth the round ! Merry go round, merry go round... did that bring you Fullfillment or Love this time ? Merry go round, merry go […]
Merry go round - 5
Earth bound ? Yes, Earth bound ! But... but... there is no glitter when Earth bound ! You know ... the reflections and sparkles of glass and mirrors, the shiny surfaces of polished metal, the noise we confuse for music, the garbage we take for entertainment and food, the colors and shapes, the ups […]
Merry go round - 4
Oh ! I see ! Perhaps life turns out differently when you ride the elephant ! Wait, what if it turns different when you ride the airplane ? It can take you far off places, you know ? What !? You've tried that before and it didn't help ? You couldn't escape the demons that chase you in your head ? […]
Merry go round - 3
Non Circular Reality ? Yes my friend ! A Reality where a generation learns from its mistakes and children are set free from having to re-do it all over again. A Reality where we actually progress from happy to happier and then unto elation and bliss. A Reality that doesn't mesmerize us with trinkets […]
Merry go round - 2
Merry go round, merry go round... how is it we always end up experiencing the same? Merry go round, merry go round... are you riding the horse this time? Merry go round, merry go round... did that make any difference this time? Will it ever do, you think? Merry go round, merry go round...when will […]
Merry go round - 1
The refrain of a song I wrote some time ago comes to mind: "I wonder, I ponder oh my good friend (repeat three times) how things could be different this day my friend ?" How could things be different... when we have been repeating the same patterns of glorified self-destruction for so many […]