I found the following little gemstone of information in the wrapping of an artisan bread I bought many years ago. Boulanger: French noun meaning "baker" […] In France today, bread is seen as a symbol of hope, equality, and stability. The role of the baker, or boulanger, is highly revered. […]
German - a brief study - 7
By the way, the study I made on the word "german" is just one more way in which things point out to the Truth that all humans are ‘germans’ and therefore ‘germane’ and ‘humane’. Or should I say ‘that all humans are ‘humane’ and therefore ‘germane’ and ‘germans’ ? Don’t get caught in the […]
German - a brief study - 6
This capacity to commune with Father / Source is what makes a German or human being genuine and true. Where ‘genuine’ is understood as that which is ‘Native or natural rather than foreign or acquired’. It is what ‘belongs to or proceeds from the original stock (as genuine Celtic people ?). And where […]
German - a brief study - 5
Putting it all together we get: A German, or Respectful man, or natural human being is someone who is sane and has a sound mental condition. This allows him (her) to determine right action and right thinking through observation and contemplation. This right action takes into consideration how his […]
German - a brief study - 4
Let’s refresh our minds on the meaning of Respect. Respect: heed regard consider Heed: attentive: observant mindful: mind-full: full of sanity, sound mental condition Consider: [ L. con-, with, + sidus, constellation, star. Perhaps originally "observe the stars" ? ] to contemplate think […]
German - a brief study - 3
That is to say: What is in-human doesn’t come from the same Father / Source as that which is human. Therefore, it is not a child of All That Is. This is to say: What is in-human is UNnatural.
German - a brief study - 2
Let’s now find out what it means to be in-human. inhuman: not human not having the qualities natural to a human being esp. destitute of natural human feelings or sympathy for others unfeeling, brutal, or barbarously cruel That is to say: If being unfeeling, brutal, or barbarously cruel is to be […]
German - a brief study - 1
So, now, putting all the definitions presented in the prior entry together we get this: A German is a human who is genuine and true. It is someone who has the feelings befitting to a man. These feelings are characterized by Respect for Life. This is what it means to be a German. This is what it […]
German - a brief study
A few days ago, I opened up a binder and found a study I made some time ago about the word "German". Quite interesting if you ask me… but then again, I find my own writing entertaining and interesting so what can I say? Today I started re-reading some of my entries and next thing I knew I […]