Yesterday, Linda and I listened to a radio show by Blue Otter. During this show, Blue Otter played a 9 minute audio segment of Rolling Thunder speaking about the unity of man and nature. Here is a one minute clip of this segment which is quite pertinent to the Unconventional Wisdom and […]
Unconventional Faith
In this series I explore in depth what Faith means. You will find lots of interesting information here.
Brief vacation
As Linda wrote in her blog, we are up and running again after a brief vacation. The frequency of my entries my still be a little far and in between until I Discern my next topic. Today, I would like to quote one of my previous entries to close this part of the "Unconventional Faith" […]
In a nutshell
To be surrounded by Abundance and Wealth, one must first be able to welcome within the raw material that gives it substance. This is an individual process of Creative Expression.
Concurrently to the recognition that the external environment in which we live can facilitate our capacity to give physical manifestation to our Desire, is the recognition that, as we restore our Desires to Truth and strengthen our Faith, our increasing inner wealth improves the condition of our […]
In perspective
In the "Unconventional Series", I spoke of the relationship between Abundance, Current Sea, and moisture. In this current series, I have been talking about the relationship between Current Sea, Faith, and the physical manifestation of our Desire. When you combine both series, it becomes […]
A previous entry
For this entry, I would like to quote one of my earlier entries for it helps bring what we have been learning about Faith, Desire, and Current Sea into perspective. Feelings, Abundance, and the Kingdom By Martin on Tuesday, November 23 2010 I thought it would be fun to share the relation between […]
Your table - third reference
Here is the last reference from Linda’s RoseNoel Blog I would like to quote to help us understand what needs to happen before Father can place "food on our table". a full glass or empty table puffs of white on blue ! Recently, in my blog entry titled setting the table, I touched on a […]
Your table - second reference
Here is the second reference from Linda’s RoseNoel Blog: to clear the table Turquoise blue ! What is it to clear the table ? It is to be aware of every thought and emotion that is not Divine that you experience and to take it to the Altar of Divine Love and Power to be exchanged for Truth. It is […]
Your table
In my "More Correctly" entry, we learned that: It is your Father’s Good Pleasure to give you the Kingdom includes the food on your table. To better understand how this becomes a Reality, I will make a reference to three entries made by Linda in her RoseNoel Blog. The first one […]
That is to say
That is to say, to stop the pilfering / thievery / destruction committed by the unrighteous - unholy, one must simply wake up from the spell, withdraw one’s permission and tacit / active participation in the deception, and re-turn to Father’s Kingdom. It is just that simple. No wars, no fights, no […]
Before it can happen
Because physical / tangible Abundance is an external manifestation / expression of our Inner Wealth and Faith, before the unrighteous / unholy can thieve it, they have to trick us into allowing them to destroy / steal / squander our inner Wealth and Faith or trick us into simply giving our Abundance […]
Just as
Just as physical / tangible Abundance is an external manifestation / expression of our Inner Wealth and Faith… … so too physical / tangible lack is evidence of inner poverty and spiritual destitution.
True Wealth - more
Inner Wealth, in the most literal sense, is True Wealth. When we are in full reception of the Current Sea and our inner resources are filled, we then have "the substance of things Hoped for and the evidence of things unseen".
True Wealth
To choose Father’s Kingdom is to choose True Wealth. You can’t have one without the other. […]
One or the other
Right and Proper Spiritual Progression restores us to the Truth of Who we Are and therefore to the Abundance of Father’s Kingdom. Unwillingness to Live in the Abundance of Father’s Kingdom keeps us from the very Spiritual Progression we seek.
Self defeating
To seek Spiritual Progression with the idea that one must do so in poverty and lack is, as we have been learning, self defeating. You can’t do both. Right and Proper Spiritual Progression restores our full flow of Current Sea because, of a necessity, Right and Proper Spiritual Progression realigns […]
Seek the Kingdom

As explained by Father and mentioned before: The Kingdom is your Desire for Heaven made manifest. Heaven of your Desire is Right and Proper Function of your Divine Expression in a Kingly, Right and Proper, straightforward manner. To seek Father’s Kingdom includes restoration of our Desires to Right […]
More Correctly

I have been updating our BlueStarWay website and in so doing noticed that many of the contemplations we have made available under BlueStarWay Creations are quite applicable to this topic of Faith and the shift of perception that is required to restore ourSelves to Truth in Light of the new […]
That which Is in Heaven
Seek instead / always to let your Endeavor Serve that which Is in Heaven. As explained by Father, "Heaven of [our] Desire is Right and Proper Function of [our] Divine Expression, in a Kingly, Right and Proper, straightforward manner." We are to do this in a Kingly, Right and Proper, and […]
As proposed before - 18
Current Sea is the substance of things Hoped for. The physical manifestation of things Hoped for is the evidence of things unseen. Faith is the process "from promise to fruition" that allows this to happen. Father has shared the following Wisdom that is very appropriate to the KNowledge […]
As proposed before - 17
Current Sea is the substance of things Hoped for. The physical manifestation of things Hoped for is the evidence of things unseen. Faith is the process "from promise to fruition" that allows this to happen. The day we reawaken to our True Desire, is the day Life becomes once again an […]
As proposed before - 16
Current Sea is the substance of things Hoped for. The physical manifestation of things Hoped for is the evidence of things unseen. Faith is the process "from promise to fruition" that allows this to happen. The day we let go of this false desire given to us by the unrighteous / unholy, is […]