I really like getting small confirmations here and there of what I have come to understand. A few days ago, I was at a car repair shop in Yuma, AZ and came across a Hispanic magazine called "El Desierto" (The Desert) - issue 783, 17/2019, January 14 to 20.
In it were two tiny articles that caught my attention.
The first was a section with famous quotes about the youth.
The two that confirm what I have said in my squatting conundrum video about things not having changed for the better read as follow:
- "The youth of today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, devour their food, and disrespect their teachers."
- "The youth of today don't seem to have any respect for the past nor hope for the future."
Would you like to guess how long ago these two comments were (supposedly) uttered? I know they sound like something that could have been said of this age, but no it was way back then...
100 years ago? No.
500 years ago? No.
Ok, a 1,000 years ago! No... still not even close.
These two comments were made over 2,400 years ago. That's not a typo. Two thousand four hundred years ago people were already aware that something was amiss.
Dare guess who uttered these comments about the youth? The first one was uttered by Socrates. The second by Hippocrates.
Dare guess what the commonality between that age and this age is that is causing the problem? The same lifestyle and system of oppression. After all, Greece is considered the cradle of "western civilization." Pretty much everything society holds as dear and intellectually "advanced" came from that age.
Perhaps it's time for a change?
It has never been "western society" who needed to "conquer, educate, and civilize" the "primitives."
It has always been the "natives" who needed and probably still need to help "westernized" cultures regain their sanity.