While it seems things are going nuts, the reality is that old fear mongering tactics are being used to distract us from where our focus should be. They have been doing this garbage for thousands of years and it has given them good results... why would they change now? Perhaps it is time to stop […]
Tag - Solitude and Sanctuary
Artless Creativity

As the days continued to pass, Showay began feeling more and more complete with his initial attempt to define what he saw at the farms. He was sure greater understanding would unfold as his capacity to welcome his receptivity in a masculine way expanded. To facilitate this process, he would remind […]
Summary - Part 5
What is Respect? The short version is simple: Respect is to recognize the Sacred and Holy Nature of Life and therefore ourSelves. It is to recognize our inviolable Nature and to disengage from anything that would tell us otherwise. It is to act in a manner that supports and facilitates expression of […]
That is to say
That is to say, to stop the pilfering / thievery / destruction committed by the unrighteous - unholy, one must simply wake up from the spell, withdraw one’s permission and tacit / active participation in the deception, and re-turn to Father’s Kingdom. It is just that simple. No wars, no fights, no […]
As proposed before - 17
Current Sea is the substance of things Hoped for. The physical manifestation of things Hoped for is the evidence of things unseen. Faith is the process "from promise to fruition" that allows this to happen. The day we reawaken to our True Desire, is the day Life becomes once again an […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - Village 3 - one last comment
It is commonly said by experts that children need to be acquainted with the harshness of "reality" as soon as possible rather than keeping them in a "bubble" of "deception". This they say, will help them cope better with the "real world"... well, could it be […]
A new season
So here you have it:The understanding that we came to Earth to experience Father's Garden so as to progress unto Source's Garden. That to fulfill our Desire for this experience first, allows everything else to happen. That in this Garden, the nourishment and sustenance is made freely available on a […]
Home sweet Home
In the Heliotropos series ("Great Opportunities"), I spoke about the Wisdom of taking care of Home first. But what and where is Home? Before Linda and I started our Journey together with the Father, we each had the standard idea of “home”: the house where a family dwells and in which one […]
Harmony with the Father
A few entries ago ("A step toward Truth", "Harmonious equals not subservient", and "Missing Link 5" ) we learned that to walk Harmoniously with the Father does not equal subserviency. Instead, Harmony with the Father equals making a choice to be restored to and Live in […]
As Father would have
In the Father Way I wish no one anything other than Father's Will for them. As St. Patrick once said: Christ in the Heart of those who think of me Christ in the mouth of those who speak of me I also add: Christ in the eyes of those who look at me Christ in the ears of those who hear me Christ in the […]
Interesting information
It is interesting how information just seems to be coming together from the most unexpected places. A few days ago, we received a catalog from Territorial Seed Company. Browsing through it, I came to page 90 where they describe their "Rutgers CS Space Select" tomato. According to their […]
It is a beautiful sunny day with coolness upon the breeze. Perfect for spring cleaning and planting preparation. It seems most appropriate this day to celebrate the Universal Truth that: ...the Father is Sovereign in all matters great and small. May you have a Blessed day of Joyful preparation. […]
Missing link 5
I have written in various entries about the false belief we tend to have that before we can walk with Father, we must attain perfection. I have also written that Father has shown us that seeking perfection, to then walk with Him, is to do things backward. First we walk with Him and then everything […]
You may remember from the posting "Sunrise Prayers" that Father spoke about asking for solitude and sanctuary of our Greater Endeavor in Prayer. Having expounded on my understanding of solitude, it feels appropriate to take a look at the word "sanctuary". In exploring the word […]
Make your own kind of music – part 2
In my post “Make your own kind of music” I made a reference to a song by Mama Cass in which she sings about making “your own kind of music... even if nobody sings along”. In this same song, she sings that “you are going to be lonely, the loneliest kind of lonely”. Well, it seems appropriate to […]
Make your own kind of music
The Spiritual Swimming series has been completed and I’m quite happy that this is so. It turned out to be way more beneficial for me than I expected, however, it is time to shift the focus unto the Father Way. Father has explained to us many times, in many ways, and over and over that He would not […]