Here is another quote from Source: Source: My Dear Child, there is but one answer to the question of Divine Creaturehood. It is this: be you not at Peace and ‘goes well’ is unlikely. It is in great Peace and Joy all Happiness is found. You are no more, no less, than a Divine Creature of habit, who […]
Life Changing
Open letter to the youth
Some time ago, I wrote an "Open Letter to the Youth." I did this in response to the choice of these budding men and woman to voice their Desire for adults to Respect Nature and take action to protect our children's future. I forwarded this letter to many youth organizations with the hopes […]
Confirmation 2

The other little article in that Hispanic magazine "El Desierto" that caught my attention was about the solar system. This is another little confirmation. This time it pertains to the solar system video I made. Did you know that...? ... The solar system has a tail? The article talks about […]
Confirmation 1

I really like getting small confirmations here and there of what I have come to understand. A few days ago, I was at a car repair shop in Yuma, AZ and came across a Hispanic magazine called "El Desierto" (The Desert) - issue 783, 17/2019, January 14 to 20. In it were two tiny articles that […]
The Squatting Conundrum - The Presentation Video
Like I said, I seem to be on a video production roll. Here is a video presentation of my entries titled "The Squatting Conundrum." I really believe you won't regret getting passed the (potential) initial shock... Don't worry, nothing gruesome or disrespectful... In-Joy Note: Video display […]
Sensory Deprivation - The Video Presentation
Well, it seems like I'm on a roll with video production. A while back, I wrote a series on Sensory Deprivation through which I explained the importance and significance of re-establishing our connection to the Earth and Nature - both an active part of Creation. Really! Since then it came to me to […]
Solar System Presentation
Here is a little video I made based on some information Father shared with Linda and I regarding the solar system. It took quite some effort on our part to be able to see outside the "box." It's really quite amazing the extent to which worldly "education" limits and interferes […]
Using beauty to hide darkness - part 3

So, how is it that Linda and I didn't notice the horse's pain in the container when we first bought it?I can think of two reasons.First, we were hungry. Hungry for nourishing and beautiful things that would help us create a Mystical and Magical environment in the run down house we were staying in. […]
Using beauty to hide darkness - part 2

Upon closer inspection of this beautiful container I realized that the expression of the horse's head was one of pain and discomfort. Very much identical to the ones Stormy May shows in her movie "The Path of the Horse" when she speaks of the abuse horses are being subjected to by […]
Using beauty to hide darkness - part 1

A few days ago I unpacked a box that contained things Linda and I bought while in Indianapolis. In it was a beautiful looking cylindrical storage container depicting a scene with Father Christmas riding on a horse and carrying all kinds of gifts.As you can see, the design is very well done. […]
Another little confirmation
Remember my bee entry "Bees and us" in which I note how much we can learn from bees? Here is another quote from Mr. Mraz's article (he had almost 60 years of beekeeping experience at the time of the article): While I never made any money in beekeeping, it has been a wonderful life with no […]
Little confirmation

A few weeks back I was given a copy of an old magazine called "Gleanings in Bee Culture." This particular issue was dated July 1977. That is a 42 year old copy! Nevertheless, as I was reading it with great interest, I came across an article by Charles Mraz from Middlebury, VT which I found […]
Growth and malnourishment

In my parenting book I indicated that humanity's "pressure" for early reproduction is related to its unhealthy state and I likened this to stressed plants in a garden. Every gardener knows that stressed and sickly plants will go to flower and seed well in advance of healthy specimens.Here […]
The official movie...
Well... not quite but a little movie nevertheless. I went to the garden today and noticed one of the white bees on a flower. I watched and observed it dedicate minutes upon minutes on one single flower. Eventually I realized that perhaps I would have time to go back, get my camera, and do a little […]
Little white bees...

It has been quite interesting to be surrounded by so many bees. Several weeks ago I came across a bee type I had never seen before. Not that I know much about bees, but at least I can tell the difference between honey bees, sweat bees, bumble bees, and wasps...Anyway, when I saw it I was totally […]
Honey, sweet honey...

Well, after many many years of a bee-keeping break, the community in which I reside resumed bee keeping. While we have all kinds of wild bees hovering all around, this year we were gifted a hive by the area bee-keeper. Not so long ago was my first harvest of honey. Delicious! Here are a few photos […]
More Gardening Updates

Below is a picture showing the last harvest from the green house. We had lots of red chard left and some tiny carrots. But that's not really the reason I chose to show this picture. The real reason is the summer squash! Why? Because in a way it just popped out of nowhere. You see, I planted a few […]
Bees and us

Bees, bees, bees buzzing all around... buzzing over here, buzzing over there... coming and going... what secrets do they hold? Bees holding secrets and information...can that be? They do give us honey... of that we are sure, but knowledge? That's quite unlikely! Or is it likely? Let's take a peek! […]
Garden Update

Things have been quite interesting this season. We are experiencing cooler than usual temperatures which is just nice and dandy for the desert. More cool and fresh air, nice real blue sky and puffy clouds, moisture, and an extended cool weather crop. Here are a few more pictures from the garden. […]
The points of all the points
The point of all the prior points is that Life on Earth was designed to be Nurturing and Abundant in ways that we no longer remember. It is a huge mistake to make the assumption that we can take "scientific" observations based on current situations and presume that such conditions have […]
Points of interest - Part 4
Through such things as evolution, astronomy, religion, and history we are made to believe that we live in a fierce and merciless creation where survival of the fittest is the rule. That violence, lust, and war are just an integral part of creation and therefore human nature. A testimony to the […]
Points of interest - Part 3
Here is the third point.As stated before, science tells us that air is nothing more than oxygen and nitrogen with a few insignificant other substances. Science also tells us that our lungs only exist to take oxygen out of the air and dump waste products back to nature. However, we know from […]