Linda has made available an audio and written contemplation to discover one’s Life Goal. You can find it by clicking here or by selecting the "Celestial Symphony" link in the right column of my blog. InJoy with a Light Heart. [Last modified 11/26/12]
Father's Way › Knowledge
Father has shared much Knowledge with us during these past years. Injoy.
A bleeding nose - part 2
Why on earth would someone want to let a bleeding nose run its "course"? Well, the answer is simple and comes from experience. One of the lesser known ways the body has to eliminate things is through discharge of blood. In the case of a bleeding nose (assuming the bleeding was not […]
A bleeding nose
One night not too long ago, I woke up just in time to realize my nose was beginning to bleed. From experience, I knew exactly what to do: quickly go to the sink and allow the bleeding to proceed. What you say, let your nose bleed instead of stopping it? Yes, I say.
Life changing
For a life changing Opportunity that allows Truth to surface again, you may consider using the "Dreams and Days" process (see "Mystery and Beauty" for a brief explanation of this process) to look up the following words in the dictionary:- grovelling- mortification- mortal […]
Christian Science
Here is another very pertinent quote from the book "Science and Health with key to the Scripture" by Mary Baker Eddy.Never fear the mental malpractitioner, the mental assassin, who, in attempting to rule mankind, tramples upon the Divine Principle of metaphysics, for God [1] is the only […]
Safety is in the Father
Indiana recently had a "supreme" court ruling indicating that the law allows police to enter any house for any reason without probable cause, without a warrant, and even without knocking and asking for permission to enter. This ruling says that residents of the intruded house must submit […]
Where do you go?
In past entries, I made a reference to domestic violence and terror. Today, I would like to continue on this topic.When someone is abused by another, the abused has the option to call the police with the expectation that worldly law will place the abuser behind bars if necessary. However, where do […]
As Linda and I where doing the "Dreams and Days" process with one of the Words Father gave us, we came across the following gemstone of definitions: terrorism: a system of government that rules by intimidation terrorize is used of the deliberate incitement of fear as a method of […]
Here in the city, public transportation buses often display advertisements of various sorts. One I find very telling comes from a campaign against "domestic violence" and it says as follows:"Telling me what to do is abuse. Stop it."Need more be said?
non - laws
In my last entry I made a reference to ending the delusion that something which does not exist has any power over us.For example, government does not exist. It really is nothing more than a fiction of someone's imagination, yet we act as if it's real and as if it has a power to which People have to […]
Christian Science
Some time ago Father suggested we take a look at Mary Baker Eddy's book "Science and Health with key to the Scriptures". So I did and have to say that in various aspects she was right on with Father.One of her insights I particularly found exemplary because of its simplicity follows […]
You may have wondered whether withdrawal of consent makes any difference to unrighteous - unholy activity. In Truth, it does. It actually makes all the difference, for without People's consent, the unrighteous - unholy cannot play. This is different than complaining. Complaining solves no problem. […]
Single best thing
Recently Father shared with us that one of the single best things one could do to improve nutrition and nourishment was to simply eat organic food. So we began the switch. Of course, probably the first thing one notices when switching from conventional to organic produce is the price differential. […]
Just in time
Having made the suggestion that herbs and flowers can be beneficial for one's choice for Father, along comes a most wonderful posting by Linda on this topic. With her permission, I'm quoting her "Rose-Lavender : Rosemary-Oregano" posting this day. Rose-Lavender : Rosemary-Oregano Have you […]
I left one out...
Yesterday I wrote a list of additional ways that can support one's choice for Father and today I realized I missed one. So here it is.The sublime: flower essences and essentials oils. Both have a part to Play in one's journey. Injoy.
Getting rid of shades and shadows of darkness
I have written before that shades and shadows of darkness are the many entities and “things” that the unrighteous-unholy have created to drain us of our energy and make us vulnerable to their “stuff”. I have also addressed the issue of how to be free of them before. Today, I will do so a last time […]
Way too simple?
In the posting “What else do we ask for?” there is a comment regarding people thinking that the Father Way of not playing and asking for His Plan to prevail upon this land is way too simple because it does not involve physical confrontation. I have heard Steve Quayle often rebuke and spit on the so […]
A side note
I may have written about this before, but it certainly seems worth repeating. There appears to be a derogatory demeanor in the way many radio show hosts and guests speak of what they call the “masses” or “sheep”. These individuals ridicule the so called “herd mentality” of Americans and wonder aloud […]
Buying Feelings
Since I have been writing about Feelings, I though it is appropriate to quote Linda in the understanding she received recently regarding Feelings and the Thanks Giving and Christmas seasons. “This morning I realized why people participate in the Thanks Giving and Christmas shopping season even […]
Did you notice?
And so it comes the time to define the direction of Father’s Wa Did you notice in my posting “Feelings, Abundance, and the Kingdom” that Aurora tells Showay that Feelings will nourish and support him? Here is the quote:“...let the feelings that speak of your Divine Nature nourish and support your […]
What about others?
If you have read the last two postings, this is indeed a question that may have crossed your mind. If I focus on myself, ask for my restoration to Right and Proper Function of my Divine Expression, ask for the Divine Plan to succeed, and withdraw my participation in the idea that I need to help […]
What else do we ask for?
Today, as I was browsing through the BlueStarWay website, I realized that it was appropriate to take a few quotes from the “Civil Unrest” notice, located on the homepage of our website, and use this to expand yesterday’s posting. As you may recall, yesterday, I wrote about seeking first the Kingdom […]