Some time ago, I wrote an "Open Letter to the Youth." I did this in response to the choice of these budding men and woman to voice their Desire for adults to Respect Nature and take action to protect our children's future. I forwarded this letter to many youth organizations with the hopes […]
Tag - Home
The obvious
Once you know where Father's Cathedral is then the obvious becomes obvious: To Know Him you need to be in Nature. Whether it be a little patch of weeds, the backyard, a park, a farm, or the middle of nowhere you will always find Father in His Cathedral waiting for you to notice the Beauty of what He […]
Sensory Deprivation - 4
What can be done about this? Lots! Just disconnect from the artificial world and reconnect to Nature. It is really that simple.Unfortunately for people stuck in cities this is not such an easy task to accomplish. Specially with all the microwave and satellite signals that are being broadcasted with […]
Sensory Deprivation - 3
What are some of the ways through which we are brain washed and mind controlled on a daily basis? As you read the list below, keep in mind that constant repetition was also signaled as an important aspect of mind control. repeated family criticism, sarcasm, and mistreatment years upon years of […]
Safe Space
I came across this Conveyance while going through some files. Thought you might find it of interest.LindaDoes the sweat lodge provide a feeling that can be likened to what one feels like when when it is cold outside and one is wrapped up in a feather comforter seating on a sheep’s wool with a fire […]
Four farms - four ways
In the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to visit various properties / farms, all owned by individuals with a Desire to do things in an "organic" or non conventional / non polluting way. Four farms / properties, four completely different approaches. I think it will be interesting […]
A new season
So here you have it:The understanding that we came to Earth to experience Father's Garden so as to progress unto Source's Garden. That to fulfill our Desire for this experience first, allows everything else to happen. That in this Garden, the nourishment and sustenance is made freely available on a […]
Home sweet Home
In the Heliotropos series ("Great Opportunities"), I spoke about the Wisdom of taking care of Home first. But what and where is Home? Before Linda and I started our Journey together with the Father, we each had the standard idea of “home”: the house where a family dwells and in which one […]