I realized later today that I was probably incorrect in saying that the isolated bands of wild mustang horses had been roaming undisturbed for 400 years. Yes, they succeeded in remaining wild and free, but I don’t know if the “undisturbed” part is accurate. The article does say that up through the […]
Father's Way › Entente
There is a way to conduct commerce free of the mercantile game of poverty indebtedness. This category contains some of the Knowledge that Father has shared with us in this regard.
Insufficiencies – An illustration
Yesterday, as Linda was going through some old archived magazines, I saw an issue of the “New Mexico Magazine” (June 2001) with the title “Horse Power” on its cover. So I picked it up and began reading an article titled “Spanish barbs”. What I read was so insane, that I thought it would make an […]
Insufficiencies – part 2
The second insufficiency Father Spoke to us about is the desire to restore the Earth. Today I shall expound more on this understanding When Father explained to us that “doing good” was the cause for insufficient funds in our Journeys, Linda asked what would bring Abundance to her Desire. This is […]
Insufficiencies – part 1
In the “Entente” posting a few days ago, I mentioned, as Father explained to us, that “doing good” and “restoring earth” are inadequate action and therefore are not viable solutions. I shall attempt to expound on this some more this day. “Do good” is insufficient funds While on the onset, it appears […]
One last visit to the creamery – Part 2
Yesterday I wrote about my experience regarding the energetic interaction between people. So today, I shall write about my experience with the little festivities at the creamery. As it turned out, the creamery was having a special celebration which consisted of live music and an outdoor dinner. When […]
One last visit to the creamery – Part 1
There is one more aspect of my visit to the creamery that I would like to write about: the energetic interaction between people and between people and the land. Today I will write about my experience regarding the energetic interaction between people. My next posting will be on my experience with […]
So here you have it, my visit to the creamery provided the basis from which I was able to lay out the understanding upon which Entente rests. What is Entente you may ask? In a simply way, Entente is the coming together of individuals who Desire “Right Action, Right Expression, Right Thinking, and […]
The future
I have been saying in my postings that there is no much difference between paper money and precious metal money. Both are based on the concept that one must work to obtain it, thus creating a system of what the unrighteous - unholy would call “voluntary enslavement”, which by the way, in my opinion, […]
Hunger for money
I talked yesterday about the hunger for money that was present in the farmer’s market at the creamery. On one side this hunger could be understood as arising from the need to pay bills and taxes, lest tyranny stops by to seize the land. A system that imposes payment of taxes / bribes to allow the […]
A balancing act
Back to the farmer’s market at the creamery. As I walked several times along the various stands to get an idea of what was being offered, it became obviously apparent that for the most part, all the stand owners were indeed hungry for money and were very eager to receive that money with every […]
The Real Value
In the trading of goods, Linda reminded me when she heard my last postings, that it is not necessary to receive in Exchange for goods only that which one needs. It is possible to receive in trade something we do not need, yet can be used in trade with someone else who does have a need for it. Some […]
Clarifications on yesterday’s posting
There are some minor clarifications to yesterday’s posting. The first one is in regard to using money to establish the trade value of the free range eggs. How is it that I can say money is a measure of destructiveness, enslavement, and sickness and then use that same money to provide a trade value […]
What is more costly?
During my visit to the creamery I also had an opportunity to visit the farmer’s market. It was a nice casual atmosphere with several local people selling home grown produce, fruits, meats, and other products. Some prices seemed reasonable and others seemed plain and simply outrageous. Like a dozen […]
Why is it?
Why is it that it is an environmental hazard to dump paints, solvents, aerosols, pesticides, plastics, electronics, and fertilizers in the trash, but not to use them? Why do these products damage the environment once they are in the trash but not while they are being used? Why is it that we “care” […]
There is a difference
It is common practice in the "spiritual field" for people to say that they decided to teach something so that they can learn what they are teaching. Somehow we think that this is an acceptable practice, and don't recognize the fact that this kind of attitude does not work. If you were in […]