Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Tag - safe space

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The squatting conundrum - the end

Humanure Book Cover

How is it that we humans feel ok carrying poop inside of us all day long but then develop this poop-phobia once it is outside of us, I still don't understand. What I do know however,  is that this experience in the woods was actually a live changer and nowhere close to the psychological scarring  […]

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The squatting conundrum - 5

Mustering enough strength, I faced the “unfaceable” and did the unthinkable. I turned around and actually looked at my poop straight on for the first time this lifetime (and perhaps many lifetimes) and to my surprise the sense of humiliation that preceded the event quickly evaporated into thin air.  […]

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The squatting conundrum - 4

Being as 'informed' as I was and close to a flowing stream, I knew I couldn't just leave my deposit just sitting there waiting to contaminate the water. I didn't want to be held accountable during my lifetime review for starting an e.coli outbreak. “You almost made it to Heaven… but remember that  […]

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The squatting conundrum - 3

Book on pooping in the woods

With the call of Nature answered, I was left with another dilemma, namely what to do with the results of answering a number two call. I could have simply walked away never looking back but in this instance I unfortunately knew better. My conscience was reminding me of a book I read during one of my  […]

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The squatting conundrum - 2


I had no access to the park restrooms and civilization was too far away... this meant that I had no choice but to face the humiliation of my physicality and find a little bush or tree to hide behind... How brutal can Nature be to a 'potty trained' city boy who wanted to be 'spiritual' and raise  […]

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The squatting conundrum


What is it about poop that many cultures find so appalling and denigrating? I really don't know. What I do know however is that I used to suffer from the same strange behavior. Let me share a story with you.One time during my travels with Linda, we were Guided to camp somewhere close to Albuquerque,  […]

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Sensory Deprivation - 5

There is another reason why we have been exposed to sensory deprivation from the natural frequencies of Creation and the Good Will and Intent of Father Which Is in Heaven for us which is to know ourselves as the Love that we are and Pleasantly In-Joy our visit upon his Garden here on Earth.Here are  […]

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Sensory Deprivation - 4

What can be done about this? Lots! Just disconnect from the artificial world and reconnect to Nature. It is really that simple.Unfortunately for people stuck in cities this is not such an easy task to accomplish. Specially with all the microwave and satellite signals that are being broadcasted with  […]

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Sensory Deprivation - 1

We humans have been created to have a constant interaction with the natural frequencies of Creation. Here upon Earth that includes touching the ground with our bear feet, being in nature, hearing the wind and the birds, feeling the cool breeze, being warmed by the Sun, inhaling the sweet fragrances  […]

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Sensory deprivation

The other day I watched a documentary on the various mind control programs that were pursued by several institutions during the 1900's. Quite perverse if you ask me which is why I didn't finish the documentary. There is only so much you can watch before it starts affecting you negatively. After all,  […]

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Safe Space

I came across this Conveyance while going through some files. Thought you might find it of interest.LindaDoes the sweat lodge provide a feeling that can be likened to what one feels like when when it is cold outside and one is wrapped up in a feather comforter seating on a sheep’s wool with a fire  […]

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Artless Creativity


As the days continued to pass, Showay began feeling more and more complete with his initial attempt to define what he saw at the farms. He was sure greater understanding would unfold as his capacity to welcome his receptivity in a masculine way expanded. To facilitate this process, he would remind  […]

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Back in time


One thing that would reoccuringly surface to trouble Showay during this otherwise Peaceful and uneventful time of respite, was his visit to the farms. He knew what he had seen. He knew he could easily identify some of the more apparent differences between the four farms. Yet, there was an intangible  […]

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Practical Application - a conclusion (the end)

Once we wake up from the spell and give ourselves permission to allow the deception to end, we allow Truth to enter, fill our Being, and become an experience of our daily Life. With this understanding we can ask on a recurring basis: How would I see things differently now that I know about the  […]

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Practical Application – a conclusion (part 1)

When the false witness of deception shows up in its many ways, we simply do not play and do NOT give it permission to enter, influence us, and become part of our experience.  We make a conscious choice to not harbor it in our Being nor make our resources available to it. We recognize we are entitled  […]

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