We want to make it perfectly clear, especially to the young who have not
been raised in the way of Respect, that we have posted the requirement Father
has placed for the material presented to be and remain accurate,
unaltered, and fully True to the context of His Teachings.
The Penalty He has clearly outlined for subverting this material is not
something that would be implemented on an individual level, but by Universal
Law. This carries its own retribution.
To those who would scoff at this, thinking themselves immune to Universal Law,
we can only say, please be aware that these are not empty words. Ignoring
Universal Law and the Father’s Way does not bring absolution from the
consequences of one’s actions. Anyone focused on the Father Knows the Truth of
You may freely distribute this material only in its complete and unaltered
format. This includes printed material.
- All material shall retain the “In Divine Service” notice and the Words that Father has Spoken regarding His Authority in Universal Law for the Protection and retribution of violating His Word.
You may freely reference this material only if you correctly “cite your
- That is to say, to make reference to information from Father’s material you will appropriately credit BlueStarWay and the name of the material from which the reference was made.
- References and quotes may not be taken out of context. Sentences in italics shall remain in italics to indicate direct Conveyance from Father.
- No referenced or quoted commentary by Martin, Mister, or Linda is to be given or presented as direct information from the Father, but rather as having been shared by their understanding at the time the material was written.
For more information read the "Creative Notice" and "Translation Notice".