Below is a picture showing the last harvest from the green house. We had lots of red chard left and some tiny carrots. But that's not really the reason I chose to show this picture.
The real reason is the summer squash!
Why? Because in a way it just popped out of nowhere.
You see, I planted a few summer squash seeds this year hoping to overcome last years' total failure with this vegetable. Last year I couldn't even get the plants to grow.
This year however, I succeeded with a few plants and in my enthusiasm I have eagerly and repeatedly checked them for signs of squash. Now at one point I saw one plant beginning to grow a tiny squash. I was really happy but then that little tiny squash shriveled into nothingness. I thought doomsday was at hand for my summer squash crop, that this was just a sign of ominous disaster foretelling what to expect. I needed the Abundance to nourish myself! Not surprisingly this caused a little struggle in me.
It was an old struggle. It is a new struggle. It is a current struggle. It is a struggle that repeats itself on a daily basis around the world, namely "I can't live off the land anymore. I need to move to the city to get a job to stay alive."
This struggle occurred in my lineage and caused it to leave the land for the city. This struggle also occurred in Linda's lineage and caused her lineage to leave the land. Both of our lineages were spiritually hampered by this choice and in actuality so is everyone's lineage as well. Why? Because leaving the land for the city is the equivalent of leaving Eden for the world of deception. Leaving the capacity to receive a direct supply from Creator so as to accept a barrier between Creator's Good Will and Intent for us and us. A barrier that requires slave labor or slabor in exchange for food, housing, and comfort. A slabor that destroys the Earth and her people.
Fortunately for me I knew better and I reaffirmed my choice to get rid of the colonial mindset that says I have to "earn a living" to stay alive. I picked up a book on vegetables and learned that squash is actually known for making "imperfect" fruit, or fruit from unpollinized female flowers which naturally shrivel. What a relief! There was still hope, yet the days continued to pass and no signs of squash were to be seen.
Then, a couple of days ago, when I was re-affirming my choice for Love or the Father I suddenly felt like looking at one of the plants and there it was! A very large squash. I looked to the next plant and another! Literally out of the blue! Mind you that I had been regularly checking these plants and never saw any real squash growing on them... Yet there they were now!
Ha! Success! How good it feels and tastes!
Talk about tangible, instantaneous manifestation of one's choice for Life!
Our choices do matter!
Never sell out for the false witness of the world and its glitter!
And if you or your lineage already has, it's never too late to correct the course!