And so it is you now Know what happened upon the land the day farmer choose to tell a silly joke to Mister. Yet, it would be a different day when Rooster Ernst would teach his children how to be free of the false belief that says 'anyone can hurt them'. It would indeed be a different day when all […]
Childrens Books
This category contains all entries related to children's books.
The big misunderstanding - 8
"All this noise and racket, " thought farmer, "just because I made a silly joke about chickens pecking at Mister. Now I know ! No more silly jokes !" Turning toward his dog, farmer said, "Mister, I'm sorry. No need to worry anymore. I won't have the chickens peck at you at […]
The big misunderstanding - 7
Farmer heard the huge racket and went outside in a hurry. "What's going on ? Are the chickens ok ?" he worried. He looked and looked around but the chickens were nowhere to be found. They were hugging the ground and they were really, really, really quiet. "Shhhhh" Finally, Mister […]
The big misunderstanding - 6
Suddenly, Mister woke up. His ears on high alert. He was sure he heard the noise of chickens approaching. Without delay, he raised his head, looked around and saw them. All the chickens were marching toward him. All of them at once ! In but an instant, Mister jumped up and began barking with all his […]
The big misunderstanding - 5
Farmer noticed the change in Mister but didn't know what caused the problem... and to make things worse, he didn't know what to do to restore the Peace upon the land. "What shall I do ?" pondered farmer. And so it was that one day, after making sure everything was safe and the chickens […]
The big misunderstanding - 4
So Mister thought farmer was going to let the chickens loose on him. "Oh no !" thought Mister. "It's ok to have chickens clean my space when I'm away... but them pecking at me ? Nooooo waaaay ! That may hurt. I have to make sure they stay away from me now. So things got really, […]
The big misunderstanding - 3
Then, one day, farmer noticed that Mister was scratching and scratching himself crazy. Wondering what happened to his friend, he came to Mister and began looking through his thick, soft, fluffy white coat. "Mister !" Farmer said. "You have ticks and fleas all over you ! What did you […]
The big misunderstanding - 2
Mister had a favorite spot upon the land from where he could watch and guard the chickens. When Mister would go inside farmer's house to cool down on hot sunny days, the chickens would come to Mister's place and do some house cleaning. They would scratch and peck the dirt and grass pecking away any […]
The big misunderstanding - 1
THE BIG MISUNDERSTANDING Once upon a time, but not so long ago, lived a farmer upon the land. This farmer had a valiant dog called Mister. Mister was a great guardian dog and he was very good at protecting farmer's land. Now, even though Mister was a valiant dog, this didn't mean he could understand […]
The big misunderstanding
Hi there, Some time ago, I had some children stop by and ask me to read one of the children's books Linda and I have written. With great Joy, I complied and went inside my house to pick the last story we wrote together before her passing. After a few short minutes, I came out again with a printout […]
Bunny the bunny - part 5
After what seemed to him like the longest night of his life, the Sun-Shine finally touched his eyes. "Wake up Bunny, wake up," whispered the Sun from a distance. "It’s time now." With a smile, Bunny jumped out of bed and went to the stove. "Yes it is !" said Bunny. […]
Bunny the bunny - part 4
H…o…p, h…o…p, h…o…p. Bunny hopped very carefully this time. He did not want to spill a single drop. Once, inside his cottonwood house, he started a fire in his stove. "Not too hot, not too low," Bunny reminded himself. "Just right to cook the sap down all night long." After […]
Bunny the bunny - part 3
Picking up his tools, he gently made a small hole in grandma’s trunk and hammered an elderberry tap in place. As soon as he hung the bucket under the tap, he heard a very familiar sound. Dip, dip, dip… went the sap into his bucket. Dip, dip… dip. "How nice, how nice," sang Bunny with a […]
Bunny the bunny - part 2
"Here it is !" exclaimed Bunny with a Joy-full Heart. "Wake up grandma… wake up." Bunny whispered softly to a huge maple tree. "It’s time grandma ! Are you awake ?" "Uuhaaa…," replied the maple tree as she slowly stretched her branches alongside the breeze. […]
Bunny the bunny - part 1
Bunny the bunny - Maple Syrup Time Bunny the bunny is a bunny, whose name is… Bunny. Silly it may seem, but not all bunnies are named Bunny. And so this story begins with Bunny the bunny waking up one morning and going outside: "I can feel it !" said Bunny, "Maple syrup time is here […]
Children story
Toward winter’s end, I had the fortunate experience of going to a beautiful maple and cottonwood forest with some friends to gather maple sap. I have to admit that upon entering the forest I felt an immense sense of love and belonging. This feeling was so great and felt so good that, had I known how […]