Bees, bees, bees buzzing all around... buzzing over here, buzzing over there... coming and going... what secrets do they hold?
Bees holding secrets and information...can that be?
They do give us honey... of that we are sure, but knowledge?
That's quite unlikely! Or is it likely? Let's take a peek!
With a little bit of observation, you may come to comprehend that the honey contained within each beehive is literally imprinted with the energy of the hive. It's joys and problems, its dedication, its health, its well being, and its feelings... Are they happy with where they are? Do they like the nectar that's available to them? How do they feel about how humans treat them? How do they feel about their surroundings? It's all in the honey, you see?
Yet not only that, this honey also contains a compilation of knowledge about the environment and all the plants within their flying range. Is it a forest, open range, or something in between? Is the land cultivated? Is it contaminated and toxic or is it healthy and alive? Is the hive surrounded by the chirping of birds and the soothing sounds of flowing wind or by the annoyance of farm machinery, or worse, city noise? It's all in the honey, you see?
With a little bit of practice one could taste a drop of honey and in but an instant know all there is to know about the hive, the surrounding area, and the beekeeper(s) as well. Not unlike a well trained wine connoisseur does with wine.
Most amazingly, this ability also extends to milk, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, and so on. Everything we taste and eat contains a compendium of information that is probably greater and certainly more valuable and usable than all the libraries of the world put together.
Of course, we are not conscious of this ability because to be so would place us in complete awareness of the destructive and abusive practices being used by commercial, and yes individual, operations. Who wants that? Yet even in complete denial of this ability, we can't escape the consequences of our choices. The bland taste of today's food, as well as the state of our bodies, minds, and society as a whole attest to this in an undeniable way... even to those who pretend no harm comes from unhealthy choices.
How can one naturally manifest Joy, Peace, Love, Abundance, Health, Respect, and Thanks Giving when all the food one comes in contact with only contains the energy (and therefore information) of sorrow, abuse, hard work, slave labor, pestilence, herbicides, pesticides, toxicity, noise, pollution, anger, greed, debt, destruction, hatred, mechanical intervention, and so on?
It's no wonder people are having such a difficult time manifesting True Happiness and are so depend on drugs and entertainment to hide their misery. Yet there are not enough drugs nor entertainment, and for that matter neither civilization nor technology, that will ever be able to correct this problem.
So what can we do about this? Let's have a drop of honey and we will know...
For you see? There is so much we can learn from bees...
... and until that 'aha' moments arrives, we could Endeavor to grow our own food with a song of Beauty, Joy, and Thanks Giving in our Hearts, buy locally grown food from people who grow their garden in such state of awareness, and Bless everything else we buy from grocery stores by affirming the Loving Intent of Father for each one of us and His Desire to Nourish us and Support us through the food He places before us.