I have mentioned before, that in a radio interview by Blue Otter, it was explained that certain Native Americans can grow food in the desert without the need for irrigation. During this interview it was also explained that People within the community could also know who was making improper spiritual […]
Unconventional Wisdom
This is an excellent series in which I explore the relationship between Current Sea and our environment. I also write about steps we can take to enhance our intake of Current Sea and end our play with the unrighteous - unholy.
As to electricity
In this "Unconventional Wisdom" series, I have made reference to free energy several times. So how would we go about receiving such energy? Perhaps, if we were to look at how radios and cars work we would discern but one way to obtain free energy. In generic terms, a radio receiver allows […]
As to moisture - part 2
In broad terms, it can be said then that the reason it appears high humidity is a problem is because the Earth and People are out of balance. This false perception of humidity will fade into nothingness once balance is restored. After all, warm humid days with a nice cool breeze that refreshes the […]
As to moisture - part 1
In writing the "Unconventional Series" and making a correlation between moisture, current sea, and Abundance, I have been very aware of the negative connotation we consciously or unconsciously tend to have regarding humidity. For example, high humidity or moisture is readily associated […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - Village 3 - one last comment
It is commonly said by experts that children need to be acquainted with the harshness of "reality" as soon as possible rather than keeping them in a "bubble" of "deception". This they say, will help them cope better with the "real world"... well, could it be […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - Village 3 - continued
In my simple recount of my experience or perhaps better said non experience with People in the third village note the following: when we could not find our way to village 3, no one from this village came to show us the way and invite us in. Politeness to those who come to destroy you is a deception. […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - Village 3
Village 3 represents one step further in the Progression to expressing the Truth of Who We Are. People in this village had either attained or retained such close relationship with Creation / Creator and their True Nature, that they were simply unavailable to the unrighteous / unholy. No matter how […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - Village Two - more
As indicated before, concurrently to a Proper attitude of Thanks Giving to the Father, it is important to put an end to or prevent the squandering of resources. When People in the second village chose not to participate in the serpent's play, they did more than just stand True to their own […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - Village 2 continued
If the environment in which both villagers lived is the same, what makes it then possible for one to thrive and another to flounder? I would suggest the answer to this can be found in the internal environment of the People. It is at this inner level that Father invites us to make a change and return […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - Village 2
As you may recall, village two was characterized by a clean environment with healthy People who Respected and Valued themselves, their traditions, and their surroundings. This was in direct contradistinction to the first village where sickness, famine, and lack of direction / identity was apparent. […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - continued - part 2
Within the context of the example of the first village, it could perhaps be misconstrued that to "stop looking unto alien cultures for the answer" means for example that native cultures should not look toward western or asian cultures for the answer, or that western cultures should not […]
Missionary trip with commentaries - continued
Before I move unto the second village it feels appropriate to elaborate a little bit more regarding the "aspirin story" shared in my last entry. If you were to ask me, I can honestly say I didn't know the aspirin belonged to the villagers and that I was supposed to give it back to them. […]
Missionary trip with commentaries
The progression of learning how to stop playing so as to become non to the unrighteous / unholy, is well illustrated in the three experiences I shared in my last entry. All three villages where in the same area, same jungle, same conditions, yet each living a completely different reality based on […]
Ending the play - continued
It may seem tantalizing for some, to utilize the information in my last entry to legally go after all the unrighteous / unholy and their purveyors who manufacture and produce all sorts of forgeries which are then marketed / imposed upon us as if they were Real and Authentic and therefore harmless or […]
Ending the play
Throughout my and Linda's blog, we have written about "ending our play" with the unrighteous - unholy. Today it seems a good day to give some further explanation as to what this entails. I will do so by sharing three experiences I had while doing some missionary work in the jungles of […]
That which we create
There is an additional way to enhance our reception of the current sea, namely, by that which we create. Father has explained to us that Creativity is a natural ability of humanity meant to be expressed individually and spontaneously. Thus, when we participate in this process Free of concerns for […]
What is the difference?
What is the difference between the pre-Columbian cultures that created terra preta and today's "technologically advanced" civilization? The pre-Columbian cultures in the Amazon Basin restored carbon back to the Earth in a creative way. In so doing, they enriched themselves and their […]
The environment in which we live - continued

On reading the previous entry, one could make the argument that the only reason the information about charcoal and moisture was available to be published in a woman's magazine is because someone had to do serious research through the scientific method to find this out. Without this research, one […]
The environment in which we live
So, now that I'm kind of settled here, let's get right back to the "Unconventional Wisdom" series. In the last few entries I have been sharing some ideas as to how one might enhance one's ability to receive the Current Sea which Father makes Freely available to us via the solar wind. […]
How do we make a change for the better? One step at a time. Today we use glass containers to store our food. Some other day we visit a second hand store and find some glass cookware. When it is time to purchase clothes, we get natural fibers. Instead of purchasing three tomatoes from a grocery […]
The things we touch
With the "side notes" complete, let's return to exploring the ways in which we can enhance our capacity to receive the current sea that Father makes available to us on a daily basis. Today, we focus on touch. Why? Because our body can absorb nutrients through our skin and this in turn can […]
A second side note
Besides supporting overpopulation, the industrial revolution is at the root of another aberration: massive abandonment and poisoning of the land. Here are a few more quotes from Wikipedia's article on the "Industrial Revolution". "The growth of modern industry from the late 18th […]