There is indeed another Bright New Way as Father would Say that leads unto a Bright New Tomorrow. Change needs to be made on an individual basis. When a man who knows Truth and lives as a Sovereign heads a family, then the family can live in Truth and Sovereignty. When strong families who know Truth […]
Spiritual Swimming 101
Making the choice for Father - SP 28a
Now back to Father and the second “thing” to be done to succeed in choosing His Way. This is also from our book “Soul Awakening”. The second of these is: to make a different choice than your father / mother. Your reservation is well founded in deceit, dishonor, and decay. Seek not these things, […]
Making the choice for Father SP 28
In my last posting I spoke about making a choice. A choice to find your very own Way with the Father – that which you came here to do in the Father Plan for this time of transition unto a new orbit of the Sun. This is what Father told me regarding making this choice. This is in our book “Soul […]
What is next? – SP 27
When Father explained to me what I needed to do to begin my Journey with Him in Earnest, I was quite honestly startled. At that time I had a very naive perception of reality, the world, and people. I was into the new age belief that “we are all love” and if you just give enough love out to the […]
to attach or secure – SP 26
So here it is, finally, the last posting on this exploration of tyranny and perhaps 1 or 2 postings away from closure to the spiritual swimming series. In worldly tradition we are taught the value of attaching (bonding) to people or things. Yet as you read along this posting you will probably […]
Enter into conflict with – SP 25
This is the second to last post on this exploration of what it means to engage in the tyranny of another. We have come quite some ways… To enter into conflict is indeed a way to engage in the tyranny of another. Whether one initiates the conflict or gets involved in a conflict, one participates in […]
To entangle or involve – SP 24a
Ok, let’s continue. SP 24 was about the word “entangle”. Today, it’s all about “involving”. This promises to be another one of those “who would have thought possible” postings... which you may have guessed because it has taken me several days to actually post it. Involve: To roll, wrap, or shroud in […]
To entangle or involve – SP 24
Two other ways to engage in tyranny are: allowing oneself to become entangled or involved, or entangling or involving someone else. It goes both ways, whether you allow yourself to be engaged by a tyrant or you are the one engaging others in tyranny, you are acting in a way that is not of one […]
To occupy the attention or efforts of - SP 23
Another way to engage in the tyranny of another is by allowing one’s attention or efforts to be “occupied”. In SP 7 it was unveiled that to “occupy the attention of” is related to the words exercising, taxing, perturbing, and worrying. Let’s see what comes out of today’s exploration. Occupy: To take […]
Reference correction
I noticed today I incorrectly quoted the Century Company as being the publisher of the dictionary I'm using for the SP series. The Century Company published this dictionary from 1927 to 1931. My copy was published in 1938 if I understand this correctly. From 1933 to 1938, the New Century Dictionary […]
To urge, persuade, or induce – SP 22
As we continue in this exploration of what it means to engage in the tyranny of another, you may have noticed that we keep exploring words and behaviors that appear to be seemingly harmless and are well adopted in our society. Yet it remains the fact that all these words are descriptive of the word […]
To please – SP 21a
Let us now take a look at why the act of “pleasing” is related to engaging in tyranny. Please: [compare to plea, placid, and placate] To be agreeable, or give pleasure or satisfaction Act to the pleasure or satisfaction of When it relates to engaging in tyranny, pleasing is related to two words: […]
To attract - SP 21
I have already explored the meaning of the word “attract” in SP -12a while talking about the despotic aspect of tyranny. Today, I will re-explore this word on a slightly different level. Attract: To draw to one’s self or itself Act upon by an inherent physical force compelling approach or union To […]
To secure for employment – SP 20a
Let’s take a look now at what it means to “secure for employment”. Once again, remember that the focus of this exploration is to unveil how the unrighteous - unholy or tyranny engage the People or how the People engage them. Thus, the focus is on the unrighteous - unholy aspects of the words so that […]
To secure for aid – SP 20
So here it is, my next posting in the Spiritual Swimming series. Right now we are exploring what it is to engage or be engaged by a tyrant. A few days ago, Linda and I talked about how Father has repeatedly said to focus on Him, rather than trying to understand the deception. Yet sometimes it is the […]
Remember the extra step – SP 19
When you get ready to end the contract in which you placed another above all else, remember to take the extra step of unlocking that which you had to “lock away”. This is to say, remember to unlock the Truth of Who you Are, the Truth of Love as Self, the Truth of your Walk with the Father. May you […]
To make liable, specifically to betroth - SP 18
Another way to engage in “tyranny of another” is by becoming liable or, more specifically, betrothing a tyrant. First let’s see what we can learn from the word liable. Liable: Bound or under obligation in law or equity Under obligation if called to do something Subject, exposed, or open to something […]
To pledge, pawn, or stake – SP 17a
I haven’t been posting for a while because there has been a bug bugging me for a while. It seems like now that I have made the choices to get rid of it, I can see that when I addressed the topic of “pledging, pawning, or staking” I focused on only one aspect. This aspect was based on the idea of not […]
To pledge, pawn, or stake - SP 17
The first way to engage a tyrant is through a pledge, pawn or stake. Let’s find out what this means. Pledge: One who becomes bail or surety for another Hostage A piece of personal property delivered as security for the payment of a debt or discharge of some obligation, and liable to forfeiture. In […]
Moving forward - SP 16
In Father’s Guidance as to what needed to be done to progress in my Journey with Him and be able to live in Universal Truth, Universal Law, Universal Love, He provided the following answer: Accurately indeed you would say that is not so of your Desire, it is however so were you to engage not tyranny […]
When things get rough - SP 15
As you journey with the Father it is the case that things do get rough here and there. When the attack of those who would seek to oppress you seems at its vilest, just stand upright and have Faith in the Father and in your Desire for the Father Way. No defense, no retaliation, no attack in return, […]
We made it... SP 14
The last posting concluded the exploration of the word "tyranny / tyrant". This exploration can be summarized as follows: A tyrant is anyone or anything that heavily burdens others with cruel and unjust impositions and restrains, and interferes and meddles with their lives in an annoying […]