While it seems things are going nuts, the reality is that old fear mongering tactics are being used to distract us from where our focus should be. They have been doing this garbage for thousands of years and it has given them good results... why would they change now? Perhaps it is time to stop […]
Tag - Father s Kingdom
Father's Good Will
Here is a nice little gem from Source about Father Which Is in Heaven. Source: It is your Father's Good Will and Intent to place before you a table laden with all that sustains and nourishes the Soul.
Honey, sweet honey...

Well, after many many years of a bee-keeping break, the community in which I reside resumed bee keeping. While we have all kinds of wild bees hovering all around, this year we were gifted a hive by the area bee-keeper. Not so long ago was my first harvest of honey. Delicious! Here are a few photos […]
The obvious
Once you know where Father's Cathedral is then the obvious becomes obvious: To Know Him you need to be in Nature. Whether it be a little patch of weeds, the backyard, a park, a farm, or the middle of nowhere you will always find Father in His Cathedral waiting for you to notice the Beauty of what He […]
Sensory Deprivation - 5
There is another reason why we have been exposed to sensory deprivation from the natural frequencies of Creation and the Good Will and Intent of Father Which Is in Heaven for us which is to know ourselves as the Love that we are and Pleasantly In-Joy our visit upon his Garden here on Earth.Here are […]
Making someone or something more important that our own walk with Father and making decisions based on what someone else thinks or has written is leaning. Leaning away from our sovereign nature. Leaning away from Father's Good Will and Intent for us. This leads to trouble and we miss the obvious: […]
Ever realized?
Have you ever realized everything that goes into growing the vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, herbs you eat? The Sun, the Moon, the stars, the rain, the winds, the soil, the Earth, animals, insects, microbes, minerals, gemstones, rivers, wells, planets, galaxies, little people all participating in […]
Dirt of Creation
How can anyone get 'dirty' Playing with Creation? Dirt is an aspect of Creation. Mud is the aspect of dirt mixed with the aspect of water.How can anyone get 'dirty' Playing with Creation?Perhaps one day we 'civilized' cultures will realize how cruel it is to deny children and adults alike the Joy […]
In Father's Words
Here are some quotes from Father: ...that which is by Divine Natureinherent in humankind, humans,is that which is Noble,and by Virtue of incessant Interventionavailable, always available.Every moment of every day,that which is by Nature kind and developmentally, strategically aware in humanity,is […]
Words of Wisdom
Here are more pertinent quotes from Father:You must release that which isDivine in Nature from that which isnarrowly focused in greed and hunger.Seek not that which is mundane for the lustful excitement it gives you.Seek instead the sublime Power and Energy of your Divine Being.While at first it may […]
In Father's Words
Now is the hour for you to see clearlyyour Father's Good Will in all matters.It is not in pettiness and (worldly) passionthat you Discern My True Will.Labor not over the mistakes from the past.You divert valuable energyfrom what is needed to be done.
More of Father's Wisdom
Let Father work in you.be Joyous, happy, anddo not try to figure anything out.Just Know that Fatheris working in you.
A single moment
More Guidance from Father: Hard workwas never intended to obtain, gain, or win the prize.It is by moral excellence that you shall enter the Kingdom.It is by moral excellencethat you shall obtainThat Which Is yours.It is not in the doing,as most would have you believe.It is in the wonderment of a […]
A glimpse

"There is one more thing to know Showay. This world was not designed to expand that which is the female principle. Man has walked upon Terra in domination to regain his sense of receptivity. While purported to honor women, native tradition held it not so. In sovereign domination man has walked […]
Way too funny... or maybe not...

"Who would have thought," Showay mused to himself, "that visiting a few farms could unveil such amazing information". Too energized to continue sitting, he got up and began slowly pacing around the house. "If I get this right," he continued in his thought process, […]
Practical Application - a conclusion (the end)
Once we wake up from the spell and give ourselves permission to allow the deception to end, we allow Truth to enter, fill our Being, and become an experience of our daily Life. With this understanding we can ask on a recurring basis: How would I see things differently now that I know about the […]
Practical Application – a few examples
Let’s begin to take a closer look at the practical application of Knowing Respect and therefore welcoming Universal Law in our Lives. For example, we take disease and vulnerability to disease as a normal experience of life. Yet in Light of our understanding of Respect, we now know that intrusion […]
Practical Application – an introduction
As pointed out in an earlier entry, when us People loose sight of the Divine Nature / Origin of Life, we loose sight that by Universal Law, we (and all of Life) are entitled to Respect and therefore to not be violated nor intruded upon by anyone, including the unrighteous – unholy. Concurrently, […]
Summary – Part 8
Qualities of Respectful People - continued Here is the list, which I checked more than twice… Respectful People Honor their Sacred Walk upon this Earth. Respectful People are Virtuous. That is to say, they have a great Love of that which is Right and a conscious Desire to Live by this. Respectful […]
Summary - Part 6
What is Respect? - The long version The long version, is… well, longer. Respect… … is an exceptionally Good and Desirable Gift. … is to embrace and express our own Divine Nature. … is an expression of Who We Truly Are and therefore a "hands on" experience. … establishes our basic or […]
Summary - Part 4
Respect - a Right and Proper Way A more Proper understanding of capital "R" Respect for / of Life and therefore People, Earth, and Nature conveys knowledge of the Sacred and Holy Nature of Life, Life’s entitlement to Respect, and Life’s inherent great Spiritual and Moral Worth. This is […]
The exploration of the concept of Respect has been a most enlightening one, full of interesting surprises. It has certainly made it easier, at least for me, to have a fuller understanding of what it means to be Divine in Nature and how such Divinity is meant to be expressed and experienced. You may […]