Here are more pertinent quotes from Father:You must release that which isDivine in Nature from that which isnarrowly focused in greed and hunger.Seek not that which is mundane for the lustful excitement it gives you.Seek instead the sublime Power and Energy of your Divine Being.While at first it may […]
Tag - Entente
Practical Application – more examples
There are of course many more examples of things and conditions we have taken for granted as part of everyday life on Earth which fall apart in Light of what we have learned about Respect and the Sacred and Holy Nature of Creation and therefore Life. Here are some additional "worldly […]
Summary - Part 6
What is Respect? - The long version The long version, is… well, longer. Respect… … is an exceptionally Good and Desirable Gift. … is to embrace and express our own Divine Nature. … is an expression of Who We Truly Are and therefore a "hands on" experience. … establishes our basic or […]
Summary - Part 5
What is Respect? The short version is simple: Respect is to recognize the Sacred and Holy Nature of Life and therefore ourSelves. It is to recognize our inviolable Nature and to disengage from anything that would tell us otherwise. It is to act in a manner that supports and facilitates expression of […]
Summary – Part 3
Us the People of this Earth are HUMAN and therefore HUMANE. Humane: BENEVOLENT Benevolent: marked by good will By definition of our very Nature, us the People of this Earth are Benevolent and therefore of Good Will. Anything unlike this is a deception and false witness against our True Nature. As we […]
One may wonder
After reading the quote from "A Simple Answer", one may wonder, if all we have to do is ask for Father’s Plan to prevail upon the Earth, why then any need to get glimpses of this Different Way? Here is what Father has Said about such matters during our visit to the Ruby Valley many years […]
Summary – Part 1
I thought it appropriate to make a summary of what we have uncovered regarding Respect. little "r" respect - the improper way The improper way of little "r" respect is plain and simple dis-Respectful behavior. Therefore, it is a transgression of Universal Law. It is that simple. […]
One more aspect... continued
Now, let’s take a look at what we can learn from the word "Gentiles" as it relates to our Divine Nature [1] . Gentiles: see heathen heathen: a member of a tribe or people that has not adopted Christianity, Judaism, or Islam an irreligious or uncultivated person. Ready to connect some dots? […]
Some literary fun
I mentioned earlier that the word "consideration" has "way more" in store for us… are you ready for the ride? benign: gentle gentle [Doublet of genteel, gentile]: noble Noble: having or indicative of excellence or dignity characterized by or displaying superior moral qualities […]
Ending the spell
lively: keen keen: able to cut or penetrate readily mental acuteness refined perception Here we seem to have reached a contradiction. If, as we have seen earlier, Respect entails not harming or wounding, how can it be said that it also entails cutting and penetrating? Simple. We speak of different […]
Let the Light shine
bright: full of light splendid full of gladness or hope auspicious clear and translucent To treat ourselves with consideration is also to conduct ourselves in such a way that allows our inner Light to shine and fill our Being. It is to conduct ourselves in a way that favors manifestation of […]
Ending automation
watchful wakeful: alert: lively and bright Being aware of where we are throughout the day does not make us "boring" and "dull". Instead, it facilitates our capacity to wake up. Yes, it does take effort, and yes, it may appear at times that one looses "spontaneity" in […]
There is more to learn
In the entry "A precious Gift", I began exploration of what it means to be Respectful by taking a look at the dictionary definition which defines Respect as "to treat with propriety and consideration". Having extensively explored the meaning of propriety, let’s take a look at […]
Our Humanity
The word "Proper" as it pertains to "Respect" has one more definition that I would like to point out and explore. Proper: honest Respect and Honesty go hand in hand. Someone who is not honest does not understand the foundation of Respect and therefore misses the point of what it […]
Notes, notes, and more notes
Again, indoctrination would make it easy to take what we have learned about Joy and Respect and make a false assumption. Which one? The one that would say because Respect and Joy are related, it follows that to be Respectful one needs to take responsibility for making others laugh and be happy. […]
Another word
We have come a long way in our understanding of Respect and while it may seem there cannot possibly be any more to say about it, there is indeed more. From the entry "Key understanding" we know that the word "pleasant" as it relates to Respect can be defined by two words. One is […]
Important note
In exploring the word "welcome" in relationship to Respect, it was uncovered that the Gift of Respect is / has been freely given to us by All That Is for our enjoyment and satisfaction. No tricks, no traps, no bondage, no subservience to All That Is. The three definitions of the word […]
Pertinent Quote
Here is a quote from Linda which I think is pertinent to this series. In reference to Father Saying that, rather than contaminated, the whole planet is radioactively polluted. Contaminated: make impure to touch together polluted: make unclean, corrupt, profane make dirty, impure, worthless The […]
A distinction
One thing to keep in mind when speaking of the relationship between Respect and Abundance is that we speak of inner Wealth. This inner Wealth then translates into external Abundance. This is different than worldly opulence derived from the mercantile game. In this system there is no inner wealth, […]
Key understanding
A Gift… the sound of our very own Being… a way of Life… a way of Being… a most excellent and desirable thing… what am I referring to? Respect of course. But this is not all, there is more to understand… There is another word that defines "Proper" and therefore "Respect", namely […]
A way of...
In contemplating the relation between Respect and our own sound or Feeling Tone, it follows that because each person’s Feeling Tone is unique to that person, the Gift of Respect is also expressed and experienced uniquely by each individual. The Gift of Respect is part of experiencing who we are. […]
What's music got to do with it...?
Apparently quite some important part. It turns out that "quality" is also a reference to the timbre of a voice or musical instrument. Timbre is tone and tone is sound. Whose sound you may ask? Your sound. My sound. The sound of Creation. The music that we are. As Linda says "the […]