Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Summary – Part 1

I thought it appropriate to make a summary of what we have uncovered regarding Respect.

little "r" respect - the improper way

The improper way of little "r" respect is plain and simple dis-Respectful behavior. Therefore, it is a transgression of Universal Law. It is that simple.

In other words, when one engages in the false witness of little "r" respect, no matter appearances to the contrary, one is really being dis-Respectful to himself and others while disregarding Universal Law.

Why is this so? Simple, because this false witness against the Good Will and Intent of All That Is disregards the Sacred and Holy nature of Life and produces a distorted perception of self-righteousness that justifies  and condones the violation and intrusion against Life.

In this false testimony against Creation, Life is declared broken and unworthy of "respect" unless it is earned through worldly achievements that are meaningless and irrelevant to a person’s Spiritual Journey and degrading / destructive to the Soul and environment.

This fraud against Creation purports the false presumption of inequality or unequal standing between the parties.  It is a one way street, for in this distortion, the "superior" never "respects" the "inferior".

This fraud against Creation demands blind and submissive obedience of the "inferior" to the "superior" and requires of a necessity that the "inferior" set aside their very own views or wishes in favor of those of  the "superior".  This of course generates a sense of unworthiness, pain, hatred, envy, and / or helplessness, especially when done under fear of retaliation. 

This fraud against Creation purveys the false witness the "superior" was given "divine" dominion over the "inferior", while at the same time negating the very existence of All That IS and branding Universal Law as either non existent or  irrelevant to worldly affairs. Thus, it falsely conveys the mistaken perception, that this is the way things were created to be and that nothing can be done to change this, unless of course, the "inferior" resort to the same abusive behavior they are being subjected to and thus do unto others as it was done unto them.

This of course is only to the benefit of those who want to control and abuse.

Some key identifiers of dis-Respectful behaviors as identified from dictionary definitions are:

  • it profanes, defiles, violates, brakes, desecrates, and intrudes
  • its abusive and oppressive
  • diverts Life to obscene, lustful, indecent behavior
  • pollutes and contaminates
  • corrupts the purity and innocence
  • is offensive and evil in principle and practice
  • includes mischievous actions or the causing of trouble, petty vexation, disturbance, or irritation under the pretense of playful / benevolent conduct
  • is noxious or causes "injury to health or morals"
  • destroys, injures, kills, or hurts
  • alters the True Natural Order of Life as established by Creator (not to be confused with the "worldly order" the unrighteous - unholy have beaten us into)
  • causes Life to toil, labor, and requires hard work
  • produces weakness of spirit and health
  • drains / consumes money and resources, bankrupts, and produces poverty
  • breaks ground or digs (with irreverence) into the Earth
  • changes the natural Harmonic music of Life into disruptive noise
  • harms or wounds (self or others)
  • pierces or damages (self or others – for example body piercing)
  • compels, assaults, captures, or rapes
  • misuses power and energy
  • alters the mind or will (hunger, sickness, dehydration, manipulation, seduction, drugs, marketing, and so on)
  • uses coercion, moral / social / political power or influence, armed forces, police forces, or binding contracts
  • engages in battle or conflict
  • assails with hostile words (self or others)
  • criticizes (as in passing judgment), reprimands, condemns, or blames (self or others)
  • stimulates artificial growth (for example, as is generated by genetic engineering, hormone altering products, cancer inducing products / pollution)
  • trespasses (body / mind / soul / spirit / personal space / Universal Law / Earth / Nature)
  • interferes with Serenity, Peace, Harmony, Nourishment, Abundance, and Balance

Contrary to common doctrine, the word inhuman is not descriptive of animals, but rather of those who are dis-Respectful. It is descriptive of those who willingly and purposefully inflict pain, hardship, and mental suffering on others (or self) and those who enjoy seeing others (or self) suffer whether for entertainment, pleasure, profit, or any other excuse.

This fraud against Creation, which is designed to weaken, impair, degrade, pollute, defile, intrude, and so on is vitiating, foreign, and alien to us HUMANS. It is designed to interfere with our capacity to express our Divine Nature and Live a Peaceful, Harmonious Life enjoying the Blessings of Creation. From this it follows that we cannot hold on to the very way of life that is designed to destroy us and expect a change for the better.

Perhaps the most important understanding regarding this fraud is to realize that because it is a transgression against Universal Law and therefore illegal and unnatural, we don’t have to put up with it nor participate in it.  As Father has been teaching us, there is a way to do things differently.

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