Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Artless Creativity

Finally... the list


Enthused by AurorA’s promise of forbidden Knowledge, Showay stood up with his pen and diary and went inside to prepare for the next stage of his progression. Breye-Yendeze who had been quietly accompanying Showay, slowly raised his head and began his stretching exercises. First his neck. Then his  […]

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A slight shift


As he contemplated this revelation he was very aware how the deeply seated pain and disappointment he just surfaced affected his life and interfered with his capacity to progress in his Spiritual Journey. He could also see how jealously and competition became more ingrained in him as he grew older.  […]

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The big day


Recognizing the fallacy of his thinking, his teacher tried to water down Showay’s dreams of grandiosity to no avail. He was sure to win "the prize" of admiration and approval and with great focus and pride began preparation for that grand day. Early in the morning of open house day, Showay  […]

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Air of grandiosity


… a time in his preteens, when he still actively pursued his interests in arts and crafts. At school he delved into the creative projects with gusto and enthusiasm of heart, while at home, he shared in his mom’s artistic endeavors with great interest. Many hours were spent observing his mom work  […]

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Back in time


One thing that would reoccuringly surface to trouble Showay during this otherwise Peaceful and uneventful time of respite, was his visit to the farms. He knew what he had seen. He knew he could easily identify some of the more apparent differences between the four farms. Yet, there was an intangible  […]

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Restfully unproductive


Almost a year had passed since that infamous day in which Showay’s Life was endangered. He was now as settled as he could be in the new rental property which lay in a small, relatively quiet town. One thing he certainly injoyed about this place was the adjoining city park, which afforded him and  […]

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Story Time


    "Some time ago, during my own journey toward awakening", shared Aurora to an attentive Showay, "the unrighteous - unholy assigned one of their kind to stop my progression. Aware of the penalties such undertaking causes under Universal Law, this person contracted someone else to do  […]

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I don't play


    The trip back to the motel was uneventful. Showay was happy to be back in the warmth of his room and after a quick meal went straight to bed hoping for a good night sleep and a better tomorrow.     The first attempt against his life came a few hours into his sleep. He felt it as an energy beam  […]

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A walk in the park


 Back in the present, Showay had been sitting for a while in his vehicle trying to figure out what his next step should be. Recognizing the golden opportunity at hand, Breye Yendeze suggested they go to the park and take a nice long walk. He was eager to explore new territory.     "That’s a  […]

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A story of manipulation


    Long ago, in what now seemed to be another lifetime, Showay had made a trip to the continent of antiquity to pursue the not so uncommon practice of what could perhaps be termed "shallow tourism".  A practice that consisted in visiting "must see" tourist attractions while  […]

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A day in town


    Showay had a very good night and awakened with great anticipation to the endeavor of this day. As the old woman had reassured him, he and Breye Yendeze were welcomed at the lodging she suggested… with a little bit of hesitation, but welcomed nevertheless. He was quite sure that it was the old  […]

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A place to stay


    The trip north was uneventful even though it started much later than anticipated. Showay never ceased to be amazed by how much there was to pack every time he moved. It always appeared to him that the last loose ends where the most time consuming to put away. He had yet to figure out how to get  […]

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Crossing the line


    The past several weeks had been full of unexpected events in Showay’s Life. First, he received an unexpected monetary gift which, as was explained to him by Aurora, could be used in two ways. Either to maintain the "status quo" or to take a step beyond the line that had been drawn on  […]

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Pause Days


    "A few more days…", thought Showay , "and daylight will begin to lengthen again." He was at his desk, looking at the diagram of Terra’s orbit "around" HelioStella. With a smile he reclined in his chair and allowed his thoughts to drift back to that wonderful first  […]

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The experience of creative expression


So here begins a new adventure into the written word to unveil some hidden Truths that have been encoded into the English language. Perhaps one day I will turn these explorations into some kind of Mystical and Magical adventure story played by our good friends Showay, Aurora, and Breye-yendeze.  As  […]

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