Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


One last visit to the creamery – Part 1

There is one more aspect of my visit to the creamery that I would like to write about: the energetic interaction between people and between people and the land.

Today I will write about my experience regarding the energetic interaction between people. My next posting will be on my experience with the little festivities that they had going on that day.

As I was walking around the farmer’s market seeing what was available, I was aware that there was a lot of energetic hunger which manifested in improper energetic interaction between people. This interaction manifested as energetic solicitation to entice into lust and have some kind of lustful energetic exchange.

At this point, I will mention three possible causes to explain such behavior.

  1. Hunger.
  2. The need for another / romance.
  3. Darkness deception / attack.

The behavioral changes that are caused by lack of nourishment are well documented and explained by John Gray in his book “The Mars and Venus diet and exercise solution”. Basically, the hungrier someone is, the more attached that person becomes to others and thus the more likely it is he / she will feed on others.

Since I observed this behavior at the Farmer’s Market, one could wonder, why would it be the case that People who shop at the Market are malnourished. There are several possible answers to that.

One answer may be that they are vegetarian. At this time and age, a vegetarian diet does not provide the necessary nourishment to sustain a spiritual journey. Father has explained that while it is a noble Desire to stop eating meats, our bodies do need to eat fish, chicken, turkey and yes, occasionally red meats. This is not how it was meant to be, but rather how it is now because of how far we have drifted away from Truth and how much our bodies have been altered by what the unrighteous - unholy have done to Mother Earth and us. We simply need to come to terms with this fact. To become robust and strong individuals, both physically and spiritually, there is a need to supplement with meats. This will be so until we have progressed enough in our spiritual journey to have a shift in consciousness that makes meats unnecessary.

Another reason for this malnourishment may be following improper diets that keep People physically and spiritually starved since these diets do not allow for Soul nourishing foods such as chocolate, sweets, and fats.

Another reason for malnourishment may be caused by health food fads that promote non foods such as soy (read this article).

All this weakening of the body and Soul makes it more difficult to not leak energy. This energy can be lost through damage in the energetic or physical body, through parasitic presence, and through actions which causes the energy to be given away or to be taken away by others.

Malnourished and depleted, these individuals turn unto others for energetic food thus solidifying their “need for others”.

The need for another / romance
Another reason that causes People to improperly use their energy is the perceived need for another and thus for romance. Father has explained that many People who get damaged as children because of abuse, have a tendency to seek their restoration through another by acquiring a romantic view of such kind of relationship. Stories such as Snow White, The Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella tend to fuel such notions of being restored to an ever happy life after the prince rescues the damsel (who by the way has fallen prey to some unrighteous - unholy person).

As you may have perceived, this need for another gets compounded as People grow in age and become increasingly malnourished, for as we have seen above, malnourishment tends to solidify the apparent “need for others”.

While there may indeed be damage that needs undone and there certainly is “something” missing in People’s life, it is the case that the way we go around trying to solve this problem does not work. This explains why many never stop looking for that “special someone”. When it doesn’t work with the “current someone”, they go on looking for the “next someone”, never realizing that the problem is not “someone” but rather the idea that this emptiness and longing for what is missing can be satisfied by being with someone else.

One additional compounding factor to this need for another is the body’s so called “sexual needs” which many times become stronger as one progresses spiritually. Why you may ask? Because of lack of understanding. As we cleanse and clear the energy flow in our system, more energy becomes available to us. However, when we don’t know how to receive and properly utilize this energy, it gets re-routed to the so called “sexual organs” where it gets accumulated. It is this accumulated lower energy that the unrighteous - unholy use to manipulate us into thinking that what we need is to express sexually with another. Father has explained to us many times and I have written about it many times that People do not lust because they have “equipment” so to speak, but rather because the unrighteous - unholy use our energy to satiate their lustful needs through our bodies.

Darkness deception / attack
The third reason for this energetic misbehavior is plain and simple the dedicated attack of darkness upon those who begin to advance spiritually. Father has explained to us, that darkness comes to People at their finest hour, not to befriend them, but to entice them in darkness’ way. What is darkness’ way? Nothing more and nothing less than the act of stealing energy from others camouflaged under the idea of romance where someone takes some and gives some in return. This is lust. Lust for sex, lust for money, lust for power.

People tend to fall prey to this attack, first because they don’t recognize it for what it is when it happens, second because they have been indoctrinated into thinking lust is normal and natural, third because they are malnourished and hungry, and fourth, because of the perceived need for another.

It is not a coincidence that darkness deceit is facilitated by malnourishment and the longing for that “special someone”.

So, there you have, my three cents on this situation. The reason I write about it under entente, is because one must understand what is happening so to avoid the pitfalls of ignorance and deception.

It is in Truthful Knowledge, robustness, and strength that People can succeed in doing Father’s Good Will to solidify Heaven on Earth.

Some ideas to address the issues listed above are:
  1. Amply nourish your Self and Soul through organic foods, including meats, fats, and sweets.
  2. Seal all the holes through which your energy is leaking. Much of this can be accomplished through Proper nutrition and herbal supplementation. Energetic disciplines such as Tai Chi also help by making one aware of one’s own energy system.
  3. Cleanse parasitic presences / entities from your body and energy system. This requires a combination of herbal mixes, lots of smiling with the eyes (read this and this), ending unrighteous - unholy contracts, and ending the need to give energy away to those we either feel obliged to or attracted to.
  4. Learn Discern Truth from illusion / deception.
  5. Begin to recognize that the longing you have for another, is really not for another, but for that which is missing in your Life.
  6. Recognize that that which is missing in your Life cannot be restored through a relationship with another, but can only be returned to you, by asking Father and Source that it be so.
  7. Learn to recognize darkness’ enticement when it presents itself so you can say “No, I do not play. Get thee away. Get thee away ends your play.”
  8. Begin to contemplate the Understanding that you can look unto the Father for your Nourishment and Sustenance and that you can learn to receive such Nourishment and Sustenance directly from Him by means of the Solar Wind.

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