Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


One last visit to the creamery – Part 2

Yesterday I wrote about my experience regarding the energetic interaction between people. So today, I shall write about my experience with the little festivities at the creamery.

As it turned out, the creamery was having a special celebration which consisted of live music and an outdoor dinner. When I arrived at the creamery, the band was just setting up, which means I was able to do my wandering around the land in the quietness of nature. However, by the time I began my walk back to the creamery, the band began playing and it became obviously apparent to me that the noise we call music was completely out of place and quite disruptive to the energies upon the land. It was also very apparent that the crowd that began showing up for the celebration was also quite out of place. They were there because it was the trendy thing to do, as well as for the music and the alcohol.

Linda and I have observed the same phenomena in the many vineries and vineyards we have visited over the years. The live music, the alcohol, the dinner and the crowd that was there just because it was the trendy thing to do.

Of course, I presume business owners kind of “love” this because of the money that it brings to their businesses, but the question one must ask is at what price is this profit done?

A few years ago, before the digital transition, Linda and I watched a PBS special with Andrea Bocelli. During the interview he had an opportunity to speak about how he was nourished by the land in which he grew and how one time he was able to organize a concert in his home town. What he did not say, but was apparent in the way he communicated about it, was that he found the concert to be very disruptive to the land. Rather than the crowd appreciating the land and perhaps awakening their appreciation for Nature, as Andrea probably expected would happen, the land was disrupted. It almost seemed as though to his perception, that event changed his home town and land forever and it was certainly for the worse.

This is to not to say that all People are disruptive to Nature, but rather that setting up a stage that brings an unnatural amount of People to the land at any given time is in and by itself very disruptive. Especially when you consider that most of them, because of their choices and how they are being influenced by the unrighteous – unholy, would otherwise have no interest whatsoever to be upon the land.

As we begin to transition into entente and doing Father’s Good Will to solidify Heaven on Earth, we must take the consequences of our actions into consideration and recognize that we must be Discerning.

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