Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


“eyes of deception”

There are so many details in this second story of creation that have the “smell” of unrighteous – unholy tinkering that I don't even know where I would begin should I want to describe them. Fortunately for me, my intent in writing these few entries on the stories of creation as accounted in the first chapters of genesis is simply to point out that there is a serious problem with the foundation upon which the western understanding of “god” rests. This in turn affects our capacity to keep our Guiding System properly aligned.

As a result of this faulty foundation, People then look to the wrong places for the Real Creator. These People turn away from Truth and look toward the deception for their answers. I have done this myself not even knowing that I was doing it. Not because I wanted to worship the unrighteous – unholy, but because I was deceived. I was looking for the Father, yet going to the unrighteous – unholy and then wondering why things where going downhill.

This leads to the missing link 2 recently provided by Father and Linda:

“There are increasing amount of People having a close call with death. The friends and family, sometimes the person oneself pray to “God” to spare that person’s life and bring healing. Then if the person can’t be spared they pray for “God” to keep that person’s Soul. Take them to heaven. These people are praying with sincerity and faith but in the utmost of deception.

People have been quoting a lot the verse [from the bible] that says that even the elect will be deceived in the end times. They normally are referring to the antichrist arrival. That they are not going to know the difference. Well, a physical person may come along but in reality, it is an energy that is already present. It is an activity. It is what is already happening with those people. He is already doing what he does. All those people, all those Souls are already being committed and condemned to the unrighteous – unholy, at any point in [a] person’s life, because people are praying to this god of deception. They are praying to a deception, they are seeking [unto] a deception, they are faithful to a deception. It is the most subtle form of unrighteous – unholy expression. Because from the very beginning, wherever that beginning is (as a child in a nursery, in Sunday school, [or] even [as] a child in the womb of a parent who has been deceived) what they are taught is “God” is the deception.

No matter how innately spiritual or sincere [a] person is, when the teaching or the perception is only identifiable through / as or of the deception, then every good will, good intent, good purpose has been turned to the deception. Every presumably spiritual prayer, will, intent of every deceived person has gone to support / strengthen the deception. Every “christian” who has been taught this deception puts faith in and praise to, gives energy to the “god” of the bible has become fertile ground for the arrival of a personification of that “god”. Presumably the second coming of Christ.

The real point here is that the People who have been praying to, giving to, believing in the “god” of the bible have been participating in the deception. They don’t know it, they can’t see it, they do know that prayer works, but at what cost? The scientists can’t figure out why prayer works because those of the deception do not want them to tell the People why it works.”

We cannot find the answer while seeing with the “eyes of deception”. In our choice to restore our Guiding System by placing Father and Universal Truth above all else, we cannot retain the dirty water nor the baby.

I know from experience, that coming to terms with having sought the Father in all the wrong places is difficult and painful. How can someone Trust himself again after being so deceived? Yet, we must find it within ourselves to recognize that it is not our Desire for the Father that is in question, but rather how we went about fulfilling this Desire.

There are two things that remain unaffected by the deception: Father's Desire to restore us to Truth and our innate Love for the Father and Truth. Have Faith that this is so and ask the Father Which is In Heaven for His Grace that all mistakes done be undone and that His Good Will and Intent to Restore Heaven on Earth prevail.

From the entry "Moments of Freedom" :

Choose Faith rather than failure,
Know that you have missed the mark,
pick up another and aim.
And closer, one by one,
you will find yourself to the target,
until at last you are centered in All That Is.

This is a great learning, it is a process,
each adjustment brings you closer to the mark.

To learn more about a Foundation of Truth, click here.

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