Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Father, Father Christmas, and Mystical and Magical

Recently, Father explained to us how it is that we loose our Knowing of Him. This is specific to the western cultures who believe in Christmas and Santa Claus. We have no idea what kind of deception is used in other cultures to end their Knowledge of the Father.

What you say? You do believe in the Father or God? I used to think so too, that is until Father showed me different. So brace yourself for this ride.

I have spoken about the Mystical and Magical aspects of Creation and of Life. As children, this Knowledge of the Mystical and Magical is inherent and quite active, even though it is disregarded by adults as plain “child fantasies”. In a way, it can be said that there is, so to speak, a “Circuitry” in our physical expression that allows us to perceive the Mystical and Magical aspects of Creation and that allows us to Know and Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven.

You may have heard people or scientists talk about humans being “wired” to believe in God. In reality, it is not that we are “wired” to believe in God as if someone just implanted some kind of program in us to make us believe in the Father whether He is real or not and thus cause some kind of mass delusion of the human race. Instead, it would be more accurate to say, that we have been Created in such a way that allows us to perceive Creator and the Truth of Creation. You cannot know Love unless you have the means to be that Love. In the same way, you cannot Know Father unless you have the means to Experience and Know the Father. Or in a more mundane example, you cannot taste food without taste buds. The taste buds are not in your body to deceive you into thinking that what you eat has flavor, but rather to allow you to taste the flavors of the food you eat.

In other words, this Mystical and Magical “Circuitry” is not there to deceive us into believing in something that does not exist, but rather to allow us to experience what does Exist and is Real. Without it we can’t Know Creation just as without taste buds we can’t know flavor. The problem does not arise from having this Mystical and Magical “Circuitry” but from the tampering the unrighteous - unholy have done to it.

Let’s follow the story of a little boy.

As a child, this little boy’s capacity to experience the Mystical and Magical was active and present to various extends, probably depending on how much his brain was affected by all the vaccinations he received at birth and the type of nourishment his mother received during his gestation. This little boy didn’t just believe in the Mystical and Magical, but Knew it to be True. He knew the Mystical and Magical because he could sense and experience Father’s Presence and he could see such things as fairies and guardian angels. This little boy also knew something else was going on because he could see strange beings hiding in his house or attached to people.

During this time when this little boy Knew of these things, he was introduced to the story of Christmas and Santa Claus. The story of a fat guy in a red dress that could see everything the boy did and that would bring presents at the end of the year if the boy behaved. A guy that could fly in a sleigh pulled by reindeers and place his presents under the tree after sliding down a chimney. A time of the year when candles would be lit and lights would be placed in houses and trees, turning everyday life into a magical scene.

To this little boy’s innocent perception, this kind of story with the lights, presents, ornaments, and glitter fit right in with some of his Mystical and Magical Experience of Life. Therefore, this whole illusion of Santa Claus became entangled with his Mystical and Magical “Circuitry”. In other words, the belief in the illusion portrayed by his parents and society at large became enmeshed with his Mystical and Magical “Circuitry”. Watching Santa movies, sending letters to Santa, visiting Santa in a mall, and receiving presents portrayed to be from Santa, helped to further blur the differentiation between illusion and reality.

You must remember that at that young age, this little boy was still in touch with the Father and thus had an innate knowledge of the benign nature of Creation. He was not able to understand or conceive that anyone, much less his parents, would deceive him in such an elaborate way.

So his little life goes on until the day arrives… the day in which he is told or finally accepts that Santa Claus is fake. The day in which he realizes that he has been deceived by his parents and everyone else who participated in this sham.

This is a very shocking experience to this little boy. He feels great sorrow and pain and in his sorrow and pain makes the choice to stop believing in Santa Claus and in deception. There is a problem tough this little child is not aware of. First, the illusion of Santa Claus has become enmeshed with the Mystical and Magical “Circuitry”, and second, because this child does not have his Spiritual Discernment sufficiently developed, he can’t recognize this. Thus, instead of just removing the deception of Santa Claus from his Mystical and Magical “Circuitry” and retaining Truth, this little boy ends his belief in the deception by shutting down the “Circuit” all together. Suddenly everything he Knew to be Real becomes a deception: Father Which Is in Heaven, fairies, guardian angels, the intangible, his Soul. In his little mind, if Santa was a deception, then everything else must be too. His parents were right when they would tell him that he was just fantasizing about things and should give it all up to become a grown up.

Everything this little boy Knew to be Truth has now been turned into a deception. The door to the Mystical and Magical has been shut. He can no longer experience his Soul, he no longer experiences the Father, he no longer see fairies and guardian angels, and even if he did, he now knows better than to believe in the deception or in the fantasy of his mind.

In a way, it is possible to say, that this little boy died that day he shut down his Mystical and Magical “Circuit”. From now on, Life no longer has inherent meaning or value. He no longer Knows Truth. He becomes the “great pretender”, pretending all is well. Pretending he has no pain and sorrow for having lost the Mystical and Magical Experience of Life.

From here on this boy usually has two choices: to become a believer or non believer.

  • For believers, the desire for something “greater” or the Mystical and Magical is still alive even though it is no longer considered to be Real. This desire is no longer based on Truth, but rather fueled by parents and preachers who purvey the restrictive / constrictive “realm of god” which incorporates the deception of Santa Claus and oddly enough Disneyland, yet denies and condemns the Reality of a Mystical and Magical Life. This desire is also fueled through books and movies. Yet in their Hearts, believers know that these words, books, and movies come from the very same system used to deceive them into believing in Santa Claus. Thus, believers go about their lives pretending that what they are told, and what they read, and what they watch about the “intangible” and the “realm of god” is True, even though they know it is all a deception (a knowledge which by the way is accurate). Those few believers who are not satiated by the restrictive view of religion and still hold some hope of a Mystical and Magical Life, easily fall prey to the dark / distorted expression called majik which is, of course, a false depiction of Truth and Creation.
  • Non-believers are those who gave up even the hope for something “greater” to exist. For them nothing is real unless it can be touched, smelled, heard, or measured with technology or the physical body. They go around pretending nothing intangible is Real and that there is no such thing as Creator. They can see how believers are being deceived by religious babble, yet do not realize that they themselves have been deceived and disconnected from Reality the day they shut down their Mystical and Magical “Circuitry”.

As you probably know, this is indeed a very traumatic event for this boy. It is an event that seriously affects the rest of his live for he knows himself to be a pretender. Life no longer has meaning and in his despair he will one day do unto his children that which was done unto him.

Father has explained to us that from this damaged perception this individual would not longer be able to Experience and Trust the Mystical and Magical of Life and therefore Father.

This is where I was before this understanding from Father. Yes, I would seek the Father and yes, Linda and I would talk to Him and record His Conveyances, yet in my Heart, I could not believe in the Reality of the Father. For me, deception was real and Father was fake, just like Santa. I had more faith in the world than in the Father. Father has explained that even if He had manifested right before my eyes, I would have still doubted the veracity of what I saw and just think that I had imagined the event.

It wasn’t until Father explained this and helped us understand the need to Discern and separate the deception of Santa Claus from the Mystical and Magical “Circuitry” that I was able to correct my mistake. I tossed the deception and made the choice to restore the function of my Mystical and Magical “Circuitry”. Now, I could begin once again to Know the Reality of the Father and the Mystical and Magical Life. I did not receive full restoration overnight but certainly things are changing. In a way you could say my resuscitation is taking a while…

Thus, to answer Virginia’s question in Truth is:

No Virginia, there is NO Santa Claus, but a man who is known as Father Christmas did walk upon the Earth. His name was Saint Nicholas and Father explained to us that this man sought to keep the Knowledge of the Father alive by giving People presents that met their need for Abundance, just as the Father does to all who look unto Him.[1]

Yes, the Mystical and Magical is True and Real.


[1]  After over 1600 years of stories and changes, the Truth of St. Nicholas actions seem to have been pretty must lost. Without Father we would have never known what gave rise to this man’s actions.

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