Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


To entangle or involve – SP 24a

Ok, let’s continue. SP 24 was about the word “entangle”. Today, it’s all about “involving”. This promises to be another one of those “who would have thought possible” postings... which you may have guessed because it has taken me several days to actually post it.

  • To roll, wrap, or shroud in something that surrounds or conceals
  • Enshroud in mist, darkness, or obscurity
  • To roll up on itself, wind spirally, coil
  • Implicate, as in guilt or crime, or in any matter of affair
  • To swallow up, engulf, or overwhelm

There are so many levels of meaning to this word that I find it difficult to not feel involved. I have contemplated for several days how to tackle this one and I will do my best to unveil what needs to be understood so the Light can shine once again.

To implicate

This one is quite simple. We speak of when someone accuses, incriminates, associates someone else in any matter. Of course, being done by the unrighteous – unholy, regardless of appearances, the claim is always false but it contains some elements of Truth which are used to make the case believable. It is a maneuver designed to shift the blame to a “scapegoat” or a way to falsely accuse someone in the hopes of destroying their life or gaining their forced servitude. Similar to what happened to Martha Steward when she was incriminated in illicit trading activities. From what I read, she was found guilty not of participating in illegal trading activities, but of lying to the court when she was under oat. She didn’t do what she was accused of, but she made the mistake of thinking that she needed to make inaccurate statements so as to protect herself.

Even when it appears that for all practical purposes the accusation is true and they may be behavior on the part of the accused that would seem to corroborate this, it is the case that there always is some twisting of the Truth or facts, or the hiding of some important piece of information that would make the hoax apparent.

In a case like this, one must indeed stand in Truth and in the Father. One must know that even though it appears that the accusation is valid, there is some way in which one is being deceived, not only by the one making the accusation, but also by one’s perception. Prayer for Truth, to be shown how to proceed step by step is of utmost importance. It is possible that your perception of the situation is inaccurate because you lack certain pieces of information and that if you were to have those pieces of information you would say “wow this changes everything” or “so I didn’t make a mistake”, and so on.

To roll up on itself, wind spirally, coil

This one will take a leap of Faith, because what I will say is based on something Father has revealed to both Linda and I, and probably 99.99 percent of the population remains unaware of this fact.

Two images come to mind when I read this definition. First is of a serpent coiling itself around its prey before it “swallows it up”. I’m sure many people could attest that this is how they feel when they are being overwhelmed and entangled into ever more complications, debts, bills, and so on.

The second image that comes to mind is that of the DNA. If you remember from school, we are told that DNA is made of two strands that come together to form a spiral which then coils upon itself.

Can you guess what I will say next? Since rolling up on itself and coiling is a descriptor of the word “involve” and this word describes how one becomes a player in the tyranny of another, then it follows that a spiraling and coiling DNA is an indication that one has become “entangled in the tyranny of another.”

This is not just speculation on my part. The reason I was actually able to make this association is because many years ago, Father explained to us that DNA is not meant to spiral and coil. The exploration of the word “involve” simply brought this to Light.

The unrighteous - unholy have done many genetic manipulations to the People and many of them are being done right under our nose. Father has Said that vaccinations are used for this purpose. In addition, many plastics and other products have been linked to genetic malfunctions in the People and animals of this Earth (for example, reproductive harm and early onset of puberty). Creating genetic malfunction and defects in the People through the products we use, water we drink, air we breath, and food we eat is genetic manipulation.

So what do you do about this? Do some research and find out the kind of products that you should avoid using. Look at the labels. Do they say the product causes reproductive harm or any other kind of disease / genetic alteration?

As to the DNA the answer is to look neither to the right nor to the left, but straight ahead.

To overwhelm

Overwhelmed is how you see yourself when the unrighteous - unholy decent upon you to either destroy you or seek to enlist you in their ranks of servants.

Father has explained that, on one side, darkness will come to you in your finest hour “to befriend you not but show you their ways”. Darkness does not care when you are in the pits. That is where they want you to be. However, they do care when you are succeeding in freeing yourself from their stuff because that means you could potentially wake up to their deception and show other people how to do it differently. How do they know when someone is progressing in their spiritual journey to the point they need to meddle with that person? There are two ways. First, through family and close friends. It is not a coincidence that those who desire to better their lives find the highest opposition comes from their friends and family. Second, by the light they emit. As a person grows spiritually, the light emitted increases. This can especially be seen during the night. Father explained that these triangular aircrafts that fly over cities at nighttime are used to scan areas and determine who needs to be targeted for “special consideration” which usually means they will send trouble. What can you do about this? First pray for protection, and second leave a night light on in your bedroom. The Father Way is very practical.

On the other side, death, decay, and destruction come to you in your lowest moments to “offer” you a “way out” and thus gain your support in their “fight” against the “darkness that is oppressing people”. What can you do about this? Stay out of those lowest moments and if you find yourself in one such moment, make sure you don’t play their game. Father is but a prayer away. Stand steadfast in your knowledge that all is well and will be well. Remember that nutrition and / or a creative activity are excellent ways to be lifted up – no need to enter into contracts or dedicate your life to “fight evil / save the world”.

Before I continue, did you notice the carefully chosen expression “on the one side and on the other side”? Remember what I said about the DNA and not looking to the right nor to the left but straight ahead? Does that now make better sense? The contracts one enters into with the unrighteous - unholy get imbedded in the DNA and are then genetically passed to offspring when the parent does not correct the mistake. We call this a “genetic disease”. Viruses, bacteria, and shades and shadows which are the result of contracts made with the unrighteous – unholy, are also passed from parent to child.

Father has explained this is why “alien abductions” happen along genetic lines. At one point someone in the lineage fell prey and made an agreement that subjugated that person and all future generations to these “aliens”. What needs done in cases like this, is to end the contracts. Remember? All contracts made with the unrighteous - unholy are made under deception and therefore are null and void from inception. You are not obligated to pay for the “sins” of your lineage, but you do need to do the cleansing work to end any active contracts in your life. This includes removing the shades and shadows which were put upon your lineage to ensure “fulfillment” and “payment” of the so called “debt”. This applies to even the so called “original sin” of “Adam and Eve”. The curses that came out of that mistake were not of the Father. That is how the unrighteous - unholy justified their actions (God is punishing you). Father would have shown them their mistake and how to correct it that they be immediately restored to Truth.

To enshroud

To involve is also to plan situations designed to entrap someone by enshrouding him in a mist / darkness / obscurity which is meant to be difficult to get out of. This is designed to conceal Truth. This can of course be done on a person to person level. However I will focus on a “bigger picture”.

  • A cloudlike aggregation of minute globules of water suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth’s surface
  • fog or haze
  • due to remoteness of time, something conceived as obscuring mental vision by enveloping the mind or veiling the character of a thing
  • hazy appearance before the eyes, as due to tears or to bodily disorders

  • any darkened state of the atmosphere, or the diffused substance that causes it
  • a dark mass, as of smoke
  • fig. an influence or a condition that prevents clear mental perception

  • something appearing like a mist or obscuring the view
  • to subject to rough and severe treatment
  • often, to subject to abusive or ridiculous tricks

One of the ways to cause this enshrouding and concealment is by putting up a fog or haze above a person. We speak of a darkened state of the atmosphere that prevents clear mental perception and causes severe damage to the body. We speak of air pollution. It is well known that air pollution is very detrimental to the health and that the heavy metals in the air cause damage to the brain, many times altering the behavioral traits of people.

Another way this is being done is by the spraying of chemtrails in the skies and wheather manipulation.

  • absence or deficiency of light
  • gloom; sorrow or trouble
  • concealment; blindness

  • dark, as from want of light or illumination
  • murky; dim
  • enveloped in, concealed by, or frequenting darkness
  • unclear to the mind or understanding

These are all descriptive of how it feels when the skies are covered with this thick film of poisonous material or when artificial storms are created.

This is to say that pollutions, chemtrails, and weather manipulation are all ways through which we the People are being engaged in the tyranny of another.

So what do we do about this? Use our creative nature to bring forth new ways of doing things. Another option is to be of one a-chord with the Father Way. Because the environment is an external manifestation of our mental state, when we are of one a-chord with the Father, the skies remain clear.

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