Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Enter into conflict with – SP 25

This is the second to last post on this exploration of what it means to engage in the tyranny of another. We have come quite some ways…

To enter into conflict is indeed a way to engage in the tyranny of another. Whether one initiates the conflict or gets involved in a conflict, one participates in the game of the unrighteous – unholy. One must remember that any behavior of the unrighteous - unholy is always designed to the detriment of the People who engage in it.

  • To come into collision
  • Clash, or be in opposition or at variance
  • Fight or do battle
  • Struggle for mastery

A collision is “… coming violently into contact”. To clash is to “strike violently together”. A battle is “a hostile encounter or engagement…”. To fight is to “war against”. To struggle is to “put forth violent bodily effort against an opposing force.” Opposition is “resisting, combating” and “antagonism, hostility”. Variance is to be “in a state of controversy, or of dissention or enmity” – it is related to the word “variant” which means “being in an altered or different form…”

Before there is conflict, there has to be an alteration from the peaceful state of the People. Would Father have altered us from our Peaceful Nature so as to allow conflict to exits? No. We really speak of the purposeful implementation of situations that are designed to alter People’s perception so as to allow conflict to enter. To me this “altering” thing simply yells “coercion of nature” which is a characteristic of what majikians do.

This is to say, if you find yourself in conflict, be ware, for you are acting from an altered state of mind / nature which is not conducive to your well being and is not expressive of your True Nature. Conflict between people is unnatural.

  • Pass within
  • Penetrate or pierce
  • Engage or become involved
  • Be admitted
  • Assume the obligation of
  • Take an interest or part in
  • To form a constituent part or ingredient of

There are four ways then conflict can “enter” into your life:
  1. when you get engaged or involved by someone else
  2. when you assume the obligation of avenging some wrong, or finishing someone else's battle, or bringing justice, and so on
  3. when you ask to be admitted into a conflict because you have an interest – as in “fighting for a just cause”, or entering the military
  4. when you are a constituent part of it - that is to say “you” are causing it

There is one reason you become prone to entering into conflict:
  1. you have been penetrated or pierced (remember the alteration?)

Penetrate: [akin to inward: compare to penates]
  • enter into the interior of
  • to enter and diffuse itself through
  • to affect and impress deeply

  • among the ancient Romans, tutelary deities of the household and of the state, worshiped in close association with the lares
  • cap: a covering for the head; the topmost part

This connection to deities of some kind is unanticipated, yet is not surprising since we speak of unrighteous - unholy behavior and we know that one of the ways that the unrighteous - unholy use to alter People is through what Father calls shades and shadows of darkness.

So we speak of some kind of “entity” that has entered into a person and deeply affects and impresses that person. I say “entity” in quotation marks because this can be a virus, a bacteria, a heavy metal, a toxic chemical, a parasite, or an actual energetic being of some sort.

  • to make a hole or opening in
  • bore into or through; tunnel
  • force or make a way into or through
  • often to penetrate with the eye or mind
  • to affect sharply with some sensation or emotion

These are just some of the ways that these “entities” can enter into a person. The end result is of course that once the “entity” is in place, it can sharply affect a person through the use of sensation or emotions.

I know that there is research from brain imaging scans which shows that violent behavior is a brain malfunction which can be taken care of with proper medication or nutrition. In this material they make kind of fun of the idea that in the past people used to think that violent people were possessed when in “reality” all they had was some sort of brain damage. I would say that perhaps the people in the past knew better than what we give them credit for. I would also say that nowadays we have just become that much more ignorant to the actual cause behind unnatural behavior. Perhaps, what the brain imaging scans show are the effects of being possessed by the shades and shadows of darkness. The accident, malnourishment, toxic exposure that “caused” the damage was simply what created the conditions needed for the “entity” to enter.

Father has explained that all conflict and animosity between people are caused by the shades and shadows of darkness that abide in them. This is why before there is conflict, there must be an alteration.

So what do you do about this? Don’t play. Just because it sounds like you, feels like you, thinks like you, and smells like you it does not mean it is you. There is a way to Respectfully handle a situation and avert conflict. Ask for Father’s Assistance. When someone is soliciting the conflict from you, you do your best to remain calm and answer with a soft firm voice. In a way you could liken it to giving the response of “a customer service representative” but without the lying. If needed walk away, if needed don’t look at the person in the eyes (see piercing), if needed say “let’s talk about this another time” and hang up or begin doing something else, or if needed change the topic of conversation. Always stay with the facts and Truth. Recognize that challenging and confronting any person is to engage – to engage is to loose. Do it differently.

Nutrition is always an excellent place to start doing it differently. As you improve your nourishment by eating fresh and energetically healthy foods, supplement with minerals and vitamins, and you increase your capacity to express Love as Self, these shades and shadows are expelled and you find that Peaceful behavior is what remains.

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