Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


To urge, persuade, or induce – SP 22

As we continue in this exploration of what it means to engage in the tyranny of another, you may have noticed that we keep exploring words and behaviors that appear to be seemingly harmless and are well adopted in our society. Yet it remains the fact that all these words are descriptive of the word “engage” (see SP 16). That is to say a better understanding of what it means to stop “engaging” in tyranny of another, can be obtained by exploring the meaning of many of these descriptive words. By learning to recognize this behavior, we can do three things. One is to know when someone is trying to engage us in unrighteous - unholy behavior, the other is to recognize our patterns that would engage someone else in unrighteous - unholy behavior, and the third is to be able to recognize how to do it differently.

So let’s move on.

  • To push or force along
  • Drive with incitement to speed or effort
  • To endeavor to induce or persuade, as by entreaties or earnest recommendation
  • To exert a driving or impelling force

  • To prevail on (a person, etc.) by advice, reasons, inducement
  • To induce to believe or convince

Induce: see incite

  • Syn: urge, stimulate, encourage, prompt, instigate, provoke, goad, spur, arouse, fire, induce.
  • -- To incite is to urge on to some action, either good or bad, as by working on the feelings or passions. To instigate is to spur on or incite, often in an underhand way, especially to something evil. To induce is to lead or bring to some action, condition, belief, etc. as by persuasion or influence.

The underlying factor of this kind of behavior is to compel or force someone into action through manipulation of emotions, feelings, and passions.

In other words, we speak of a disrespectful behavior, as all behavior based on tyranny or the unrighteous - unholy is. Why? Because rather than Respecting someone’s choices, people who engage in “urging, persuading, inducing” use the emotions, feelings, and passions of someone so as to get them to do something they do not want to do or would not do on their own. As recognized in SP 21, this is seduction: “To lead or draw away, as from one’s chosen course, accepted principles, faith, allegiance, etc., by persuasions or inducements.” Fear, threats, violence, force, lust, power, greed, hunger, love and approval, pains and sorrows, hopes, desires for peace, love, joy, abundance and even one’s Desire for the Father Way can all be used to manipulate People.

This kind of behavior is NOT the Father Way. In our book “Mysteries of the Ruby Valley”, Aurora explains the following to Showay about the Father Way:

    “Do it or do it not. Choose, or choose it not. Either way, it is indeed your choice. The Father neither engages nor encourages. He simply facilitates and assists. You might take unto eternity, should you so choose. You are not forced, coerced, nor indulged. The choice is yours to make or not to make. Choose well, for the results are yours forever more.”

Behavior that is designed to manipulate people into a course of action that they would not have chosen if left alone is the way of the unrighteous – unholy. This is what they do. They twist Truth and used unfulfilled needs to lead us away from our walk with the Father. This is what they did to us and why we are were we are. Thousands upon thousands of wars have been fought, untold amounts of land has been destroyed, and millions upon millions of People had to be killed and many more had to be enslaved and abused to reach the level of desolation, loneliness, malfunction, apathy, and deception of this age. The unrighteous - unholy would say we did it to ourselves, but the Truth is they used our innocence and friendly nature against us.

To be deceived and manipulated through words and actions that are designed to influence our perception and feelings is to be hampered in our ability to make choices that would allow us to remain upon the path of the Father Way.

So called “leaders” are expected to use this kind of behavior to manipulate People. Excellent examples of this are very well exemplified in movies, usually right before the People are being asked to do some kind of self sacrifice. That perfect speech that inflames passions and encourages People do to something that they know they should not be doing… like the one about going to the moon… just when People were realizing that something was amiss in the way things were being run… along comes this speech to incite hope back… . Yet in the end, nothing changed for the betterment of the People. Now that the spell of this speech and accomplishment has been lifted, we know we are worse off than we were before. Rather than being allowed to deal with the recognition that something had gone amiss and changes needed to be made to restore our lives to Freedom and Joy, we were persuaded into accepting the false hope that going to the moon would somehow bring this change to us and restore the nation. Our sense of pride was manipulated against us and in so doing we lost the opportunity for real change that was available at that time.

We also see this kind of behavior in “business management”. Managers are expected to be able to keep the workforce “motivated”. That is to say, whenever People begin to realize that what they are doing is actually boring, destructive to their Self and Creative Nature, managers are required to give encouraging speeches that get People to let go of the Self Evident Truth so as to continue to “forge on” upon a destructive lifestyle. People are given a false sense of pride for the benefit of the company… and of course, we all know that this kind of incitement only lasts so long… which is why there are so many ways to provide incentives at work. When one runs out, pick up the other and hope that you have enough to keep People working for you until it is time for them to retire or be fired.

This kind of manipulation is also seen in marketing, science, and technology, where the latest gadget is always accompanied with the false promise that it will be the one that will solve all problems and answer all needs while being forced down our throats whether we like it or not.

We also see this kind of behavior in childrearing. Tricking children into doing things they know are unhealthy for them. Using force to prevail upon them. Using coercion and manipulation to destroy their gifts, dreams, and aspirations when they do not match “orderly worldly perception”. Encouraging them to become like their parents or some other “role model” rather than supporting the discovery of their own individual nature, and so on.

As you may see now, restoration to Freedom and the Father Way requires us to stop participating in this kind of behavior and manipulation. It requires that we stop allowing others to lead us astray / asway and that we stop persuading / forcing / manipulating others into choosing something that is not their chosen course of action. Note however, that this does not mean we “indulge” the unrighteous - unholy behavior of others. That is to say, if someone is acting in an unrighteous - unholy way toward us, it is not for us to let them prevail upon us, or to persuade them to make a different choice. Instead, we do not play and if appropriate (as if would be in the case of a father with his child) Truth is spoken. We stand in the Truth of the Father, the Truth of who we are, the Truth of what is happening, and we make choices based on that Truth.

To be shown Truth by the Father or to speak Truth is to allow a choice based on reality to be made. When a father speaks Truth to a child and does not play or participate in an unrighteous - unholy play, what the father is doing is first showing by example how to not play, second showing by example how to stand in the Truth of the Father, and third how to end the play of the shade and shadow of darkness that is manipulating the child’s perception.

One step at a time, we continue our restoration to the Father Way.

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