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May the Father Walk with you,


To secure for aid – SP 20

So here it is, my next posting in the Spiritual Swimming series. Right now we are exploring what it is to engage or be engaged by a tyrant. A few days ago, Linda and I talked about how Father has repeatedly said to focus on Him, rather than trying to understand the deception. Yet sometimes it is the case that to “brake the spell”, one must be able to recognize what is happening. I remember many times in which I was pestered by something that would trouble and trouble me, keeping my focus away from Father. No matter what I would do, I wouldn’t be able to make a different choice. In these cases, when I would ask Father and He would show me the origin of the problem, I could then end it: “oh, I see, now I can change this.” This is sort of having the light in your room go out and you spending hours and hours flipping the switch back and forth or checking all the wiring, yet nothing changes, until someone comes along and says “have you replaced the light bulb?” “Oh, I get it.”

In this posting, I will explore how one can engage or be engaged by a tyrant by providing / securing for aid. A most innocuous activity, or is it?

  • Not liable to fail, yield, become displaced
  • Also, to protect
  • Fix firmly in place
  • To seize and confine, as a prisoner
  • To make (a creditor) sure of payment, as mortgage, bond, or the like
  • To be dependent on

  • To help; assist; afford support or relief

To secure for aid in its simplest terms is an agreement or understanding (contract) made by someone who needs help / assistance / support / relief and someone who is willing to provide such help. On the surface this seems quite innocent and well intended, and perhaps it would be if this agreement was made between honest People who are free of what we call the “save the world” syndrome.

The problem arises when one of the parties to this agreement is unrighteous – unholy, serves the unrighteous – unholy, or when the parties involved have an improper understanding of what it is to provide or request assistance. In this case, we are speaking of a different scenario because for the unrighteous – unholy, offering help to the People or seeking help from the People is simply a means to entrap and gain a foothold in the lives of those affected by such actions. Any kind of agreement / contract with the unrighteous - unholy is always designed to the disadvantage of the People who by the very act of contracting with the unrighteous - unholy become imprisoned by the deception. By the time the affected People realize what has happened, it appears to be too late, for the unrighteous – unholy have become firmly fixed in place and difficult to dislodge.

Some examples follow.

One is the typical child who needs assistance to learn or do things during his developing years and who naturally looks unto his parents to provide this support. In this scenario, when the parents have a false understanding of responsibility, or when someone purposely uses the opportunity, a child may learn that his safety, help, assistance comes from parents or others, rather than from the Father. That is to say, the child is not properly educated in the knowledge that his parents are simply facilitating him until he can receive that which he needs to support his journey directly from Father. Instead, this child becomes dependent on others and learns to see the Father as a distant being who has little to no influence in his life other than perhaps judging and punishing his misbehavior.

Another example is of the farmer who somewhere in the 1900’s was deceived into believing he needed big machinery and chemical poisons to simplify his life and be more productive. At the beginning it all seemed fine and dandy and it seemed that the farmer made a good choice. However, several decades later, the Truth has become apparent. The farmer has destroyed his land and he has to go into debt to work his land. The nutritional value of the food he grows is decreasing and he can no longer harvest his own seed for next year’s planting. This system of bondage and destruction has become so ingrained and firmly fixed that many farmers can no longer think outside such a confining system. And the most ironic part of all of this is that farmers nowadays have to earn money so they can have food on his table.

In the example of the farmer, the unrighteous – unholy, in their false pretense of their “good heartedness” to “help” the People and “save the world”, promised the solution to all food problems if only the People would agree to indebt themselves so as to purchase their solution. You may have heard this kind of promise before. They repeat it time and time again, whenever they are ready to implement some new way of pilfering the People. The industrial age, the farming revolution, demo-cracy (government), genetic engineering, nuclear power, computers and technology, science, quantum physics, entangled physics, progress, and on and on. Yet it is always the case that after the glitter that accompanies their claims and solutions ends, all that remains is greater level of misery and entrapment of the People. A coincidence?

Let’s take a look at an example in which the unrighteous - unholy ask the People for assistance: “If you help us make money / attain our business goals then you can have all this and all that and live happily ever after in all the wealth you will have.” Of course they never mention that you will loose your health in the process, that you will miss the best years of your life confined (or imprisoned?) in some cubicle or office, that what you will be doing will contribute to the destruction of the Earth and enslavement of the People, that you will be kept so busy that you wont be able to do your Journey with the Father… you know, those little details that People get to ponder in their deathbed when the glitter of deception ends and they finally realize it was all for nothing.

Another classic example is the armed forces. “If you help us maintain our safety and agree to kill anyone who opposes it, then we will give you money in return… you can go to college… you will have an education… and a retirement… there will be peace on earth and a great life…“ Yet has war and armies ever solved any problem other than making it possible for tyranny to kill / destroy / oppress the life of the People who love freedom? Ever heard of the “war to end all wars”? Did it? Of course not. The unrighteous - unholy tell us it is the People’s fault, but in reality it is and has always been them who have been behind every single conflict on this Earth. Conflict makes for good energetic food. All promises they offer to those who would assist them are empty, for the destruction that is brought upon the Soul and Spirit of those who participate in such deception, is far greater than anything they will receive in return, that is if they actually receive anything. Of course, we are told “free-dom is not free”, which is quite an oxymoron in itself. We are told the “price of freedom is the life of those who fight to maintain it”, but isn’t this human sacrifice?

These kind of contracts not only occur on the “tangible” or physical level, but also on an intangible level with the “non-tangible to us” unrighteous - unholy entities. They come and whisper: “You want vengeance? You want protection? Anything else? I can help you with that too.” Of course they never really tell you the cost, misery, and bondage that their help will bring to you… they just make it look all so innocent and safe… they are indeed the perfect salespeople who create great “bundled offers” that seem sooo attractive, and after all, they “care” so much for your well being… or do they?

Can you recognize the pattern of this kind of trickery behavior? Big promises (aka save the world), ignore the details, ignore the Father Way of Respect for the Earth and Humanity, indebt yourself = confinement, seizure, dependency, imprisonment, death.

Having said the above, I will now give another example of how the unrighteous - unholy work and entrap people.

Here is a message that was send to a friend of ours by his mother for his coming birthday:

         “Together with my desire that you have a very beautiful day on the ---. I have wired you your gift.

         I desire you the best, that all that is in the deepest of your heart be fulfilled together with your dreams and longings.

         A great hug


Now, it is very likely that to most, such a message would be interpreted as coming from quite a kind mother who wishes the best upon her son, and perhaps it would be, if it indeed came from a good hearted mother. However, what if it came from a woman that made a contract with the unrighteous - unholy and who offered her son as security for that which she would receive? (see SP 17a) What if she was carefully instructed on how to abuse her son and condition him to fall prey to certain distortions that would ensure his continual support and feeding of the unrighteous – unholy? What if the conditioning and manipulation of his son included taking information of his walk with the Father and twisting it so that as he sought to fulfill his Desire for the Father, he would be actually following an alternate plan as programmed in him by the unrighteous – unholy? What if the conditioning and manipulation included having his mother portray herself as his “other half” and something was shown to him to make him believe her claim was accurate? What if his mother had him pledge his troth to marry her (see SP 18) and actually conducted a wedding ceremony with him in which she had him pledge a life of devotion to her? What if this manipulation was then carefully shifted to his unconscious so that he would not be aware of what happened, yet be actively affected by such pledges? What if, as he became an adult, she began visiting him in the “secrecy” of his dreams to solicit lust and remind him of his duties as her husband? Can you begin to see how the message suddenly looses its innocence?

Let’s then reread his mother’s “good wishes”:

- “I desire you the best” – of course, she wants him to succeed as he was programmed because she has a debt to the unrighteous - unholy and her son is supposed to pay for it.

- “… that all that is in the deepest of your heart be fulfilled” – her desire is indeed sincere, she wants him to succeed in fulfilling the programming the unrighteous - unholy put in his heart so he could not find his way back to the Father Who certainly would show him how he had been deceived and would show him how to be free of such insanity.

- “…with your dreams and longings.” – now she is wishing him to remember to fulfill his longing to return to his “only love”, his “other half” with whom he has “dreamed” of having a beautiful life filled with lust.

- “a great hug” – what if whenever she would hug him, she would use the opportunity to surround him with dark and lustful energy and with a kind of “majik concoction” designed to infest and alter his perception of reality toward reinforcing his bondage to his mother?

Can you see how it is possible such a woman could whole heartedly and sincerely mean every single word she wrote and yet convey such deviation that is beyond comprehension?

If you notice, she also sent him money for his birthday. What if the money was indeed her offer to purchase his life? If this friend had accepted the wire transfer, he would have quite literally sold his life away and in so doing, given away Father’s Grace and Protection. Soon thereafter, he would have encountered death and be awaited on the “other side” not by the Father, but by the unrighteous - unholy group who purchased his life through his mother. How could that be you say? How could she sell him away and wish him success at the same time? What if the wishing of success was simply the mechanism used to awaken his hidden programming and to make him vulnerable to accepting her offer? What if he had been able to free himself from the contracts imposed by his mother and the only way she could negotiate staying alive was by selling the life of her son unto slavery? Can you see also, how after the death of her son, which she brought upon him, she could claim martyrdom and say that even up to the end, she wished him “well” and “success”? Sounds like a Bible story…

You say this is too extreme? Perhaps, but perhaps not. Less extreme versions of this kind of insanity are conducted by parents every single day who sell their children to a lifetime of bondage to the “taxman” so that they can claim their children in their tax returns and save a few hundred dollars each year. These children are literally being offered as a security to pay for part of their parent’s debt, for the “taxman” knows that the children will pay in their lifetimes more tax money than what the parents were allowed to save. Not to mention the fact that these children will continue the cycle of bondage by selling their offspring when the time comes.

Can you see how agreements / contracts with the unrighteous - unholy are always designed to the disadvantage of the People even when the claim is made it is for the People’s benefit? Can you see how by the very act of accepting unrighteous - unholy help one can become imprisoned?

There is indeed a reason why Father has asked me to explore the meaning of “not engaging in the tyranny of another”. Father has asked me to recognize the many levels in which the unrighteous - unholy operate and to be able to identify their patterns of deception and ways of manifestation. The exploration that I’m undertaking in this Spiritual Swimming series is indeed making this recognition possible, that I may recognize how I have been deceived by them and learn to do it differently, the Father Way.

“I do not play. Get the away. Get thee away ends your play.”

It is time to end the belief that seeking or receiving the help from the unrighteous - unholy will benefit anyone. It is time to end the belief that helping the unrighteous - unholy succeed in their goals will benefit anyone.

To end the madness one must choose to walk in the Father Way of Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, in Universal Truth, Universal Law, Universal Love, as it expresses individually in each culture.

The only way to end the unrighteous - unholy presence and all the problems and misery that their presence and ways have brought to Earth, is to stop playing their game. Their game is designed to make us feel responsible for and carry the burden of their wellbeing – we are supposed to self sacrifice and come to their rescue so that they may live well. Their game is designed to allow them to live a “good life” at our expense.

We must see past the glitter of their false promises and the pain / sorrow of having been deceived by them.

It is time that one by one, we the People stop seeking / receiving the aid of the unrighteous – unholy. It is time that one by one, we the People stop answering the unrighteous - unholy call for aid.

It is time that one by one, we the People turn to the Father Way.

It is time that one by one, we the People let go of that which is foreign and vitiating to us and claim back that which Rightfully belongs to each one of us.

In this, one by one, the unrighteous - unholy presence will be ended.

Unto All Righteous and Holy Day let it be so.

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