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May the Father Walk with you,


To pledge, pawn, or stake – SP 17a

I haven’t been posting for a while because there has been a bug bugging me for a while. It seems like now that I have made the choices to get rid of it, I can see that when I addressed the topic of “pledging, pawning, or staking” I focused on only one aspect. This aspect was based on the idea of not entering into a contract in which a security is needed to fulfill the obligation.

The second aspect is simply the other side of the same coin. That is, not allowing oneself to become the pledged security or bail that is offered as a collateral or assurance of good will.

Let us refresh our memory with some definitions.

  • One who becomes bail or surety for another
  • Hostage
  • A piece of personal property delivered as security for the payment of a debt or discharge of some obligation, and liable to forfeiture
  • In general, anything given or regarded as a security
  • Sometimes, a child as an evidence of the union or mutual love of the parents
  • An assurance of support or good-will by drinking a person’s health [!!]; the drinking of a health; a toast
  • A solemn promise of something, or to do or refrain from doing something 

  • Something given or deposited as security, as for money borrowed
  • Anything or any person serving as security
  • A stick or post
  • A post to which a person is bound for execution
  • Punishment of death by burning
  • Post to which an animal is fastened to be baited
  • To put at hazard upon the result of a game
  • An interest held in something
  • To furnish with necessaries or resources, originally by ways of a business venture with a view to a possible return

Ok, giving special consideration to the underlined definitions, we can see that this aspect of giving or making a pledge to someone else has apparently two ways of manifesting. One is when a person is made the actual bail or security in the contract. This puts the person under obligation and thus liability to forfeiture. Where forfeiture is defined as “a transgression or crime” and that which is lost “by the commission of a crime or misdeed,” thus “penalty” or “fine”. The second way this manifests is in the form of a promise to do or refrain from doing something. Both seem to really be the same, but one is really more applicable to written legal contracts that can be enforced by the legal system and the other is more applicable to verbal promises made between people and which are enforced on an energetic level by means of “guilt”, “abuse”, “verbal threats”, “false sense of obligation and duty”, and the many other ways available those who practice majik.

Either way of engaging in this kind of behavior with a tyrant, turns someone into a hostage and puts someone at various kinds of hazards which are dependent on the kind of “game” that is being played. Failure in this matter can lead to many undesirable consequences not the least which include interests, punishment, baiting, and execution.

Interestingly enough, consideration of these consequences led me to think about Gandhi and Martin Luther King, both noble men whose life ended through execution. I guess this is some food for thought as to what kind of contract may have been breached to which they were a security to.

Obviously, the most recognizable way of entering in such liability is by accepting or offering it. For example, the offering or acceptance of securities is a common business practice. Many pledges are also made by people throughout their lives: to the country, the government, the military, a loved one, a friend, an organization, a sports team, a political party, a religion, and so on. Each pledge requiring a different kind of security by the person: devotion, a lifetime of servitude, a sacrifice (of life for example), and so on. And each kind of breach of contract having its own type of punishment: incarceration, payment of fines, withdrawal of love and approval, condemnation, shame, excommunication, and so on.

Of these ways of entering into such liability, the ones that need more careful consideration are the ones that are made as children. This is so mainly because these pledges have a tendency to become unconscious where they remain quite alive and active. Examples of such pledges may include accepting the responsibility for the safety or wellbeing of a parent, accepting being mommy’s boy or daddy’s girl, accepting the responsibility of parents, and many others which also include perhaps pledges to avenge some injustice experienced, fulfilling some plan concocted by a family member, or becoming the savior or superhero that solves all family problems to keep parents from fighting or a specific parent from abusing.

One of the things that Father has brought to my journey is the opportunity to see first hand how the unrighteous - unholy operate at various levels. There are two examples that perhaps may help you see the various aspects and consequences of promises and decisions made by a children.

There is a family Linda and I know. His mother is a fury, no question or doubt whatsoever about it. Neither in my mind nor in Linda’s mind. She is lustful, manipulative, seductive, and thus practitioner of majik. It has become obvious that the relationship between him and his mother is inappropriate, which causes a lot of jealously in his wife and thus animosity between his wife and mother. This inappropriate relationship between mother and son certainly started in childhood and carried through in his desire to marry someone who is just like his mother. The resemblance is such, that were you to see a picture of both women at around the same age, you would not be able to see the difference. Now he lives with two furies, one on a daily basis which he has learned to hate and the other one on a regular visitation basis which he still is infatuated with, not realizing that both are the same. This man has a son, which he has also learned to hate, because his wife has molded the child into this effeminate mamma’s boy who is convinced his mother is unloved and that he is to be his mother’s substitute lover (both of whom are patiently awaiting his father’s demise). It is easy to see this man’s pain and sorrow surface around his son, for he can see in his son what was done unto him. Not knowing what else to do to “turn his son into a man”, he uses violence and abuse to “toughen him up”, making everything so much worse. What got this man into such problem? Whatever pledges and promises he made to his mother. What can get this man out of this mess? Ending these contracts and recognizing that he is not bound to fulfill his word. (This idea of being a “man of his word” who fulfills all contracts regardless of their nature is a convenient contrivance that always works in the benefit of the unrighteous – unholy). What is his punishment for breaching the contracts made to his mother? The withdrawal of her love and approval which he never got as a child because it was used by her to manipulate him.

Another example comes from another family. In this family, the father has two step daughters who he has taken upon himself to pit against each other by using hatred, jealousy, and competition and using this “in fighting” to turn one of them into his faithful girl. The promises each of these girls are making against each other and in agreement with their stepfather may be carried for the rest of their lives. At the same time, this man, has ruined the life of his son, just as his mother ruined his by denying him the opportunity of following his musical gift and redirecting him to the military. His son, seeking full freedom from his father, entered the military too, where he met a girl who he got pregnant. Now that the child is born and the mother has been sent overseas to fulfill her pledge to defend tyranny, he has been forced to move in close to his father, so his child can be taken care of. As you can see, once again, the decisions and pledges that people make as children based on their experiences have indeed severe consequences in their lives. Again, what is the punishment for not playing? Perhaps withdrawal of love and approval, perhaps physical or verbal punishment.

Now, that we have given some consideration to the obvious ways of engaging in such pledges, let us look at the less obvious one. This one is when a person is turned into the security of a contract without their knowing.

For example, lets say that someone wants the power and fame that they believe can be theirs by becoming a member of certain unrighteous - unholy groups which abound all over the world. They say, “well, if we give you what you want, what will you give us in return?” Payment has to be made for their services of course, but this payment is not only in the way of money, but also in the form of energy. Energy you say? Yes, not the one that comes from the electrical outlet, but the one that can be drained from humans when they are out of alignment with the Divine. We speak of the food of the unrighteous – unholy. Of course, not wanting to be the ones consumed, those who approach these groups will say: “what about feeding on my child?” or “what about feeding on this group of people?” And they will say ok, this is how you do it and what your child / the people will be bound by. And so the process begins to make the child / people agreeable to being energetically drained by them. Now, no one in their sane mind would accept becoming someone else’s food. Thus the effort to create insanity in those affected. For example, in the case of a child, the training pattern might be, “you love your mom / dad right?”, “and you would do anything for us, right?”, “and we sacrifice ourselves to give you food and shelter and schooling, right?”, “and of course wouldn’t you do the same for us?” This is followed then by the physical, sexual, and psychological abuse that will turn the child away from his Divine Nature and create the energies of pain, sorrow, lust, hatred, and so on that the unrighteous - unholy will feed upon. This abuse is specifically directed and applied when the child / people refuse to play, thus creating the understanding that “as long as one plays along there will be no abuse.” And who wants to be abused? Not recognizing that they are never really bound by this false contract, and not wanting to be drained to death, the child / people will then seek others to entrap. If they can get someone else to pay for the burden imposed upon them, that is less that is taken from them. When those who entered into the original contract realize that the agreement made is consuming them too, they will seek others to feed upon. You know what this is? A pyramid scheme! Pyramid schemes are illegal.

Now, just as this can be done on an individual level, so it can be taken to a national level. “So, you want the power and fame that comes from ruling? But you don’t want to be the one paying for the services ah? Well then what about doing this to your nation so we can feed upon the People of your land?” Then begins the national indoctrination: “you love your country right?”, and “you love the freedom you have right?”, and “do you realize how much this freedom costs?”, and “what will you do to contribute your part?”, and of course you know the drill which is followed by the physical, sexual, and psychological abuse and famine needed to turn the People away from their Divine Nature so as to create the energies of pain, sorrow, lust, hunger hatred, and so on.

One way this kind of national manipulation is clearly, yet not recognizably, enforced is through the issue of money. The government borrows money which it has to repay plus interest. How does it repay this? By issuing bonds. The reason this kind of promise is called a bond is because it is an instrument of bondage. Who gets enslaved in this process? The People of course who have to pay for these bonds through their labor, which of course is accepted because we are told People have to be productive and it is for the good of the country, and so on. Slaves and slave labor is no longer sold on an individual level on market streets. Nowadays slave and slave labor is sold on national levels through the ironically called “free market exchanges” of the world, where governments and individuals can purchase the bonds or their right to the slave labor of whatever chunk of People the contracts fall unto. This is why productivity of the “labor force” is tied up with the value of bonds and money. No one wants to acquire rights to unproductive, lazy slaves.

Here you may question how is it that this creates the energy that feeds the unrighteous – unholy? That is a valid question. Recognize the destruction of the land and the People that is caused by this need to be productive. Recognize how many reports link stress with decrease in life span. Recognize how the enslaved are no longer free to follow their Hearts in the Father Way because they have debts to pay. These and many other examples all cause conflict, sadness, sorrow, envy, lust, coveting, and so on. All energies that feed the unrighteous – unholy.

When the status quo is no longer sufficient to feed the unrighteous – unholy, then carefully planned market and economic crashes are put into place to augment the misery of the People. And when this cycle of rise and burst is no longer sufficient, then wars of various kinds are created.

The general belief is that understanding the market and its cycles is impossible because it is so complicated and because of this “invisible hand” that is quoted as being responsible for orchestrating or regulating the market. Well, I would say that all this mystery is quickly dispelled when you recognize how everything is designed to feed the unrighteous – unholy, who, by the way are the “many hands” that manipulate the market. I say “many hands” because there are after all two groups who are fighting each other, each with its own agenda and need for food.

So what can one do about all of this? Learn to “not play”. When the unrighteous - unholy come to ask for payment, one can say “no, this contract has been made in ill will and is therefore invalid”. When events come by to solicit anger, pain, sorrow, lust, and so on, rather than participating in it, one can choose to do it differently. One could lay the emotions on the Altar of Divine Love and Power in Exchange for Peace. One could learn to remain at Peace, which of course would be facilitated by proper nutrition, rest, and parasite cleansing. One could create wealth in ways that are debt free. One could begin his walk in the Father Way. Step by step reducing his physical and energetic participation in the game of the unrighteous – unholy.

Step by step unto the Father we the People shall prevail.

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