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May the Father Walk with you,


To pledge, pawn, or stake - SP 17

The first way to engage a tyrant is through a pledge, pawn or stake. Let’s find out what this means.

  • One who becomes bail or surety for another
  • Hostage
  • A piece of personal property delivered as security for the payment of a debt or discharge of some obligation, and liable to forfeiture.
  • In general, anything given or regarded as a security
  • Sometimes, a child as an evidence of the union or mutual love of the parents
  • An assurance of support or good-will by drinking a person’s health [!!]; the drinking of a health; a toast
  • A solemn promise of something, or to do or refrain from doing something

  • Something given or deposited as security, as for money borrowed
  • Anything or any person serving as security

  • A stick or post
  • A post to which a person is bound for execution
  • Punishment of death by burning
  • Post to which an animal is fastened to be baited
  • To put at hazard upon the result of a game
  • An interest held in something
  • To furnish with necessaries or resources, originally by ways of a business venture with a view to a possible return

We are basically talking about any action that puts a person under an obligation that requires a security to be given to ensure the fulfillment of the obligation. This security can be in the form of a person, property, or a child. As outlandish as this may seem, it is the case that loan contracts do require a “co-signer” and specifically transfer the obligation of payment to future generations of the debtor should he default, that is to say his children. We live in a society in which children are commonly used as security just as if they were property that is at the disposal of parents.

While to all superfluous appearances, the grantor is a “benefactor” who provides the resources for others to accomplish their “dreams”, there is an occult intent which lies hidden behind the assurance of support or good-will toward the debtor. This occult intent is the “drinking” of the debtor’s health.

To drink among other things is to “imbibe and consume”. To imbibe is “to take or receive into the mind”. To consume is “to destroy”. This is to say, that the grantor receives, in addition to the interest agreed to, the health of the debtor. As the grantor energetically imbibes or takes into his mind the debtor’s health, the debtor’s health is consumed and destroyed. How many stories are out there of people who lost their livelihood, health, or committed suicide because of their debts? What we have not been told is that this is part of the desired outcome of a debt based society. These are the cases in which the grantor is extremely successful in “imbibing the health” of the debtor. We speak of people who energetically feed from the situations they impose upon others. This is energetic cannibalism.

To enter into a pledge or debt is to put oneself at hazard of ending at the post to which animals are fasted to be baited / fed upon / tormented through worry. The debt collectors set loose to collect upon those who default are but the dogs which are set to attack and worry animals for sport.

Anyone who is willing to destroy a person’s life for the recovery of a debt is, if not at tyrant him / her self, an instrument of tyranny.

Thus, one way to not engage someone who would tax you / consume you, is to not enter into any obligation that requires a security to ensure the fulfillment of the obligation.

Father has explained that in His Way, there would be no more than a verbal agreement between people of a like mind. Not even a handshake. A simply written outline of the agreement is also possible. This agreement is always flexible and allows for changes in circumstances. There is no pledge or security made, so if circumstances fail, there is no loss of property by the person who receives the assistance. I will say more on this under entente.

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