Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Missionary trip with commentaries - Village 3

Village 3 represents one step further in the Progression to expressing the Truth of Who We Are. People in this village had either attained or retained such close relationship with Creation / Creator and their True Nature, that they were simply unavailable to the unrighteous / unholy. No matter how hard the priest and his helper tried to find them that day, these People remained unavailable... nothing more than a myth.Ā 

This is why getting rid of the unrighteous / unholy through resistance and battle is unnecessary when one focuses on returning to the Truth of Who One Is.

As us the People make manifesting the Truth of Who We Are as the Honest, Honorable, Peaceful, Joyous, Harmonious, Creative Humans that we are more important than anything else, as we withdraw our participation from the little "p" play and prepare / strengthenĀ  ourselves for big "P" Playing, as we end squandering our resources / feeding the unrighteous / unholy and redevelop our capacity to Properly Nourish our Soul, we will see the unrighteous / unholy presence and their influence over us begin to diminish until the day they fade away into the nothingness from which they came.

Father describes this process as dissolving the door that never existed and it is for us the People to accomplish on a planetary level. In other words, rather than attempting to become a "type 3" civilization that would become the "bridge" for the unrighteous / unholy to contaminate other planets, we should Whole-Heartedly become "Village 3 People".

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