Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Closure – SP 29

There is indeed another Bright New Way as Father would Say that leads unto a Bright New Tomorrow.

Change needs to be made on an individual basis. When a man who knows Truth and lives as a Sovereign heads a family, then the family can live in Truth and Sovereignty. When strong families who know Truth and live as Sovereigns come together, they make a strong community. When several communities live in Truth and Sovereignty, then there is Sovereign Expression upon the land. In Sovereign Expression individuals live their life as Guided by Father Which Is in Heaven, Harmoniously with Universal Law. Where Universal Law is consciously lived and expressed, the Light of Father’s Grace is Present and where Father’s Grace is present, there can be no room for darkness, death, decay, or destruction .

Because change occurs first and only on an individual basis, change occurs without the need to engage anyone in the process. In this understanding of Sovereignty and thus Respect for other’s choices, it is recognized that men who make this change have no inherent drive to go out to the world and impose their views upon others. It is understood that if others want to live under the rule of tyranny then that is indeed their choice.

Unfortunately, historically, the problem has not been that those who seek to live in Truth and Sovereignty force their views upon others, but that tyrants have put it upon themselves to force everyone else to live under their tyranny and to kill and destroy the land and the people who resist it. In the past, people who have intrinsically Desired to live as Sovereigns were able to do so by escaping tyranny and moving out to the West. Yet it is the case that tyranny has followed right behind and today there is nowhere to “escape”. Few have indeed survived the onslaught of this tyranny as it seeks to envelop the Earth. Many believe there is indeed nothing that can be done to make a difference or change the outcome. Apathy has become the only coping mechanism left besides violent resistance.

In looking at the past with Spiritual Discernment, it is possible to recognize that the main mistake made by those who fled tyranny was to believe they could sustain their Sovereignty without Knowledge of Universal Law and of the Father. They recognized tyranny, they understood they didn’t want to live under it, but failed to make changes on an individual level that would allow them to sustain their Desire for Sovereign Expression. Thus, it was simply a matter of time before they would fall prey to the “old ways” they sought to escape from.

Tyranny can only be manifested upon those who believe in self-rule. That is to say, those who have come to believe they can sustain themselves without the need to be of one a-chord with the Father Which Is in Heaven and their Soul, and without an understanding of Who the Father Which Is in Heaven Is, how He manifests upon the Earth, and how His Grace provides the shield of protection needed to live in Sovereign Expression. While this knowledge was inherent among all some time in the not so distant past, there came a point where an abrupt change was brought upon the Earth to initiate the loss of this knowledge. Life under Universal Law and Father’s Grace gradually became unavailable as people’s capacity to be sustained by the Father was diminished. Natural law replaced Universal Law but it was not sufficient to sustain Sovereign Expression. As tyranny expanded, natural law was gradually replaced by the system of man made laws and beliefs we are forced to abide by in this time and space continuum. A system based on lack, competition, and the survival of one at the cost of another.

It follows then, that when an individual learns to live by Universal Law again, he will be able to sustain his Desire for Sovereign Expression once again. Father Which Is in Heaven, made this Knowledge available to us and has Guided and Directed us step by step toward first an explanation of what has happened and then an understanding of how to do it differently.

Simply stated, when one chooses to live of one a-chord with his Divine Nature and Soul, Harmoniously with Creator, one begins a Journey toward Truth and Sovereign Expression which, of a necessity, leads to the Father Who sustains Life in this Solar System and is the Voice of All That Is / Creator.

As we have seen, there are two steps that need to be taken to choose the Father Way. The first is to nourish the physical being and the second is to make a different choice than our father and mother. That is to say, we must strengthen ourselves and we must stop feeding the unrighteous - unholy even when they manifest through our parents. We must stop being “obedient children” who will do whatever it takes to gain the “love and approval” from parents or an-other. It is time to grow up and become the Honorable, Respectful, Beautiful Beings who have reclaimed their Love as Self and thus their Inheritance from the Father Which Is in Heaven. We must learn to be at Peace, while allowing every single person to live with the consequences of their actions.

    “To sustain and nourish in your Endeavor of Heartfelt Desire a permanent and lasting change Free of failure, requires but a simple procedure of “exorcising” this demon from your Endeavor.

    To do so would require but three things.
    • First, linger no more on Heartfelt Desire failure. Seek instead Father’s Kingdom.
    • The second of these is your Heartfelt Desire to nourish and sustain your Endeavor by Divine Means be solidified in your Endeavor.
    • The third of these is your Heartfelt Desire be aligned with Divine Will and Intent, the Radiant Energy to which you aspire.”

When it comes to the Father Way, one must throw away both the dirty water and the baby. That is to say, we can’t find our Way with the Father as long as we hold on to the ideas and preconceptions we have formed in our mind based on what others have taught us / imposed upon us. Even if there is some Truth in the deception, it all must be thrown away, for otherwise we will remain stuck in the frame of reference given to us by the unrighteous - unholy to deceive us.

Instead, we must look within and reawaken to our own innate knowledge of the Father Which Is in Heaven and of our Journey with Him. This is inherent in us. The world would tell us that without indoctrination we would not know “god”, but in reality it is the indoctrination that disconnected us from our Knowing of the Father. Left on our own, we would not grow to be savages, but rather most wonderful, Honorable individuals who Journey with Respect and Joy upon the Earth exploring the Beauty of Creation through our own Mystical and Magical Journey with the Father.

Let us then claim back the Inheritance Father has Given Us, one person at a time.

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