Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Making the choice for Father - SP 28a

Now back to Father and the second “thing” to be done to succeed in choosing His Way. This is also from our book “Soul Awakening”.

The second of these is:
to make a different choice than your father / mother.

Your reservation is well founded in deceit, dishonor, and decay.
Seek not these things, because those they engage,
they would destroy with themselves.

Basically, this is how it starts. People who make choices to engage in the unrighteous - unholy are consumed by it. By the time adults have children, they have already given their energy away. They no longer know how to stop giving their energy away, nor how to receive more energy from their Divine Nature, therefore, what they do is take energy from their children as well as from others, so as to stay alive a little longer. This literally gives them years of energy.

“Honor not your father and your mother in this matter,
or decay and destruction shall ensue.

It is rightly your Honor to serve All That Is.

In this matter, give your energy not away

by honoring them, for this pushes
their destruction further away and yours closer to you.

Because you have been in the process of rebuilding your energy, people will think that this energy can be taken from you by taking away what you have. This may be especially True of parents who feel entitled to ‘their’ children’s energy.

You are not required to Honor your parents nor anyone who comes as a thief / beggar / borrower [/lender] unto you, by giving them that which they seek to take from you [or receiving from them that which would allow you to do what you know you should not be doing]. Honor is not biological, neither is it based on worldly achievement [/ title]. Instead, Honor is based on who Honors Father unto Source and All That Is (Tri-Un). It is acceptable to only Honor those individuals who Honor the Tri-Un.

If your parents or anyone else who comes unto you, do not do so, then it is acceptable to not Honor them. At this point, you may be remembering the Bible teaching which says that you must honor your mother and father. However, we bring for your consideration, whether the original intent was to convey the need to Honor the masculine / feminine principle, or Source.”
Here is the same thing said differently. This is a quote from our book “The Peal of Bells”:

“Like a child taught to dependent be,” she affirmed, “independent no more. For “survival of the fittest” no longer applies here. Subservient children, the better to see. Without ‘sustaining drive’ of your Endeavor “children” you will always be.”

The re-united understood that AurorA was talking about how adults, or parents, who have lost the capacity to receive Divine Sustenance, have found the Divine Expression of children to be of sufficient sustaining Power to ensure their survival. Because of this, children are coerced throughout their life to continue to be the food for the darkness expressing through adults or parents. While resenting the control, these children see no way to be or become independent self sustaining Divine Expressions. On one side they are entrapped by their family, and on the other, they are entrapped by society. The need for jobs, housing, food, taxes, transportation, tiding, marriage, and eventually children, drains any additional resources they can obtain. These children either obediently seek greater sources of “income” or in rebellion, dimly perceiving Divine Expression, withdraw from participation in one form of darkness endeavor, only to become entrapped in another.

“The people who have withdrawn,” she continued, “usually end in poverty areas. Spiritual expression is dimly experienced, but there is no understanding or comprehension of how to Divinely Express outside the incredibly rigid framework imposed on humanity through society or darkness….”

“Securing a loan, is anchoring to another person.” AurorA proceeded. “These two people then have two roles from which to choose. The parental role or the child role. Most people go back and forth in a play between the two, because neither person wants to be the “food” or child to the other, and neither person, if they have any sense of Honor and Virtue, wants to be the person “feeding” on the other.

When a person is comfortable with either role they have assumed, the roles will become sustained. However, we are speaking to people of conscience who can recognize the darkness in either role…”

As you can see clearer now, freedom from tyranny does indeed start on an individual level and it starts right where you are. The exploration I did on this topic was meant to make it easier to recognize the many ways and behaviors which are used to entrap each one of us into a way of life that facilitates the feeding of the unrighteous – unholy. This cycle of poverty indebtedness needs to end. Having a revolution and putting a new government in place will do nothing to accomplish this. Now you should understand why this is so. This is an individual process through which each one of us claims his / her sovereignty and right to Live Life in Freedom and Joy.

It is of utmost importance in your Journey with the Father to stop feeding the unrighteous – unholy. End the leaks and seal the holes that allows them to drain you. Initially it may be the case that the unrighteous - unholy who feed on you will get stronger while you try to figure it all out. More in to you, more out to them. However, when you stop feeding them, their capacity to prevail upon you will be diminished until it ends for good. All the false sense of responsibility and false indoctrination of what it means to be “human” are designed to make ending the feeding difficult. “What kind of child would have his parents pass away sooner because of his / her choices?” “You are supposed to take care of your parents who have done so much for you.” “Without them, you wouldn’t be here.” “We fed you and clothed you, you owe us.” “Don’t you want to see your mommy or daddy live longer?” “Your supposed to be a good productive child in society.” And so on…

So what do you do when you realize someone is having you for lunch? Stop what you are doing and stop playing their game. It will take strength, perhaps even more than what you think you have, but it is possible. Pray to Father for Guidance and Assistance. Say “I do not play, get thee away. Get thee away ends your play.” Plain and simply refuse to obey and do what is being demanded of you. Refuse to allow your energy to be taken. Stand in your choice to do it differently. This is not the same as engaging in battle. You are just not playing. Change what you are doing. Take a walk, do a creative project. Turn your focus back to Father. Use herbs, flower essences, sage, incense, singing bowls or bells to help yourself refocus and regain your strength. If you find at any time that you gave it all away, take it easy on yourself and your family. Rather than turning against yourself and your family for food, have something nourishing to eat (chocolate is a good choice because cocoa is very beneficial – it tastes bitter to them and they don’t like that). Do a creative project. Take a walk. Talk to Father and ask that He replenish you and show you how to do it differently. Make a choice to not play the next time and make a choice to not feed on your family or someone else.

One way to know you are succeeding with the Father in ending all leaks and sealing all holes is when your resources from the Father flow. If you notice your resources drying out, then that is an indication that someone is blocking Father’s flow to you, is draining your resources, or, you are giving your resources away. He calls this behavior “squandering of His Resources” and He does not allow it to go on unchecked. If no lasting changes are being made on your part to end the squandering, He will diminish His flow of resources to you. Father does not Desire to feed and sustain the unrighteous – unholy. This is one of the reasons why all the Abundance upon this Earth is decreasing to the point of extinction: it has all been used to feed and sustain the unrighteous - unholy and Father is bringing and end to it. This does not mean however that this trend cannot be reversed were we to being doing things differently.

Another way to find out if you are squandering your resources is by the sensation of the body. When you are being drained, you tend to be in a state of exhilaration. It is like being in a rush. You are restless, your energy is flowing fast and you may feel you can go out and conquer the world. Your right thinking is unclear and it is difficult to focus upon anything that has to do with the Father and is Right and Proper course of action. Thus, when you are being drained, you don’t feel like greeting the Sun, you don’t feel like Prayer or contemplating, you don’t feel like eating well or being creative, and you have a lesser problem walking all over others or making decisions that negatively impact People and Earth, as well as yourself. If you look at your body, you may see yourself weak and thin. Your posture will be out of alignment. The head tends to go forward, ahead of the body, the lower back tends to arch forward, causing your belly and buttocks to protrude. You may see a smirk on your smile or shadows around your eyes. Your eyes become dark and opaque. If you focus on where the rush is you will find it is slightly “outside of your body”. Your thoughts and behaviors change and you find yourself compelled to do things that otherwise you would not do. This experience may feel good, but it is because you are feeling your Life energy as it is being drained / given away mixed in with the “rush of death” for you are literally dying in the process. When the feeding stops, you may feel exhausted and weak and you may have the need to replenish your lost energy. Unfortunately, as Father has explained, many do this by taking energy from someone else (often spouse and children and many times coworkers and friends) through fights, arguments, verbal or emotional abuse, lust, ridicule, eliciting sympathetic behavior from others, and so on. Alternatively some people choose to eat. Eating would be a good choice if it was done free of guilt and in a wholesome way.

In contradistinction to this, when you succeed in keeping your energy for yourself, you will feel strong and robust, steady and peaceful. This feeling is internal, you feel the strength inside the abdomen and perhaps also inside the chest. If you look at your arms and legs, you may notice the strength. Strong legs, strong chest, strong arms. The posture of your body is upright, your lower back doesn’t protrude forward and your head is on top of your body. Your eyes will clear and may even change color. Your thinking is clear and gentle - there are no oppressive thought patterns. You InJoy the morning Sun, the Prayer and contemplation, the creative expression, and you make choices that are Respectful of People and Earth, as well as yourself. This state of Joy is free from elation or excitement, and it is lasting. Rather than leaving you empty handed, it leaves you fulfilled, thus you have no need to go out and create situations designed to feed on others.

It may be difficult to recognize it at this time, but the Father Way is Light Hearted and Fun. Yes, it requires some tough choices to get started, but once that initial part is accomplished, the Healthy Fun of a Mystical and Magical Journey with the Father begins.

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