Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


To entangle or involve – SP 24

Two other ways to engage in tyranny are: allowing oneself to become entangled or involved, or entangling or involving someone else. It goes both ways, whether you allow yourself to be engaged by a tyrant or you are the one engaging others in tyranny, you are acting in a way that is not of one a-chord with your Divine Nature. Either way, correction is needed to re-turn to the Father Way.

We have already touched upon the word “entangle” in prior postings. This time I will take a slightly different approach.

  • Insnare
  • Embarrass
  • Perplex
  • Complicate
  • Involve in anything from which extrication is difficult

  • To take in or as in a snare; entrap; catch

  • A device serving to entrap, entangle, or catch unawares

  • To put obstacles or difficulties in the way of
  • Impede, hamper
  • To beset with financial difficulties
  • Burden with debt
  • To perplex mentally; confuse; disconcert
  • To render difficult or intricate

  • To bring into a tangled or confusingly involved condition

When you find yourself being embarrassed with obstacles and financial difficulties, you find yourself burdened with debt, mentally confused and perplexed, or in situations from which you can’t easily get out, then you know tyranny is seeking to engage and entrap you or has already done so.

It has been quite amazing to see how, as I have progressed in my walk with Father, things simply just become way easier to do. While at the beginning it seemed all I did was wrong or would cause some kind of delay or unforeseen mishap, now things are different. You could say I find myself more and more “in the flow” of the Father Way, and the unrighteous - unholy are less and less able to pester me. It is significantly easier to stay with the Truth of who I am, to be focused on what is before me to do in the Father Way each and every day, and to actually succeed in receiving what Father has for me.

When you find yourself entangled, the best thing to do is stop, recognize what is happening, and realize that obstacles, difficulties, burdens, and confusion are not the Father Way. Stop playing. You have either a shade and shadow of darkness upon you, someone has or is wishing you ill will, you picked up something from someone else, or you have some “written or unwritten” contract with some unrighteous - unholy person / entity.

The best one can do is to look unto Father for Guidance and Direction. Ask to be shown what the origin of the difficulty is. If it is a shade and shadow of darkness you can tell it to “go away”. It may take perseverance, assistance from herbs and flower essences, and protection from Father to succeed, but it can be done.

If it is a curse or spell, once that is shown to you, you will see that the very fact of knowing it, allows you to “not play”. When you no longer allow yourself to be a target of such practices, the ill will simply will not find you or will be lifted from you. Once that happens, the ill will is automatically returned to the person who sent it, but multiplied in magnitude several times. There is no need to return fire with fire. When you don’t play, they will find out that what “goes around, pours around”.

If you are shown, you took upon yourself desires, needs, distortions that belong to someone else, then you simply must let that go. You can’t fix or solve what does not belong to you.

If it is a “written or unwritten” contract, ask Father to show you what kind of contract you made. Recognize that all contracts made under deception are null and void from inception. Ask that by Father’s Grace they be null and void and lifted from you. You ask for this, because to your perception these contracts are “valid and enforceable”. That is to say, you feel obligated to comply even after you realize you made a mistake. It is difficult to stand your ground when you operate under the indoctrination that you are obligated to abide under such deception. Then, ask Father for Guidance and Direction as to what needs done to bring closure to them. If you carefully read what is being said in writing you will many times find the answer has already been provided. Just make sure you don’t make the mistake of false association, that is, assuming that because one paragraph may apply, the next does also, or assuming that the words used actually mean what you think they mean.

Keep in mind that Truth is available not to fight, confront, or resist the unrighteous – unholy, but simply to bring Freedom to those who Desire it.

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