Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Thy will be done

A few days back I had the opportunity to hear the bible story of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.

According to the story, this is the garden Jesus visited before being betrayed and crucified. While I was already aware of the falsity of this story, to my surprise, there was still a greater insight to be obtained in this regard. Perhaps the writing and editing of my parenting book facilitated this.

How so?

Simple. In this parenting book I place a lot of emphasis on one of the earlier Conveyances Linda and I received from Father Which Is in Heaven in which He explains the meaning of His Good Will and Intent.

Here is the quote:

Good Will
is that which is your Father's Intent for you.

His Intent
is for your Blessedness, Wholeness, and Completeness
out of the Consciousness / Awareness of the
Love that you are.

When one actually grasps the meaning and significance of this, one quickly realizes that it is actually impossible that the Father of which Jesus spoke would have actually required him to be tortured and killed at the cross as we are led to believe. Non of those experiences lead to Blessedness, Wholeness, and Completeness, much less to the experience of Love. This is not just conjecture on my part. Father actually confirmed to Linda and I that He never asked Jesus to be crucified.

Aware of this, I always presumed that the prayer Jesus supposedly made to the Father in this garden was an outright lie because it implies that Father wanted him killed.

if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt

This time however, it dawned on me as I was listening to the passage in which Jesus spoke this prayer that it wasn't Jesus who said it to the Father but rather what the Father probably Said to Jesus. 

"Hey there!" And I'm paraphrasing big time. "Getting crucified is not my Will. My Will is for your Happiness and Joy that you may know and experience the Love that you are. I would rather not have to go through this experience, however, if that's what you want... thy will be done, not mine. I will still Love you and Accept you and Welcome you but you will not find me there." Which of course Jesus didn't, hence his cry "why hast thou forsaken me?"

It is the Father Who Says to each one of us "thy will be done not mine." It is Father Who Says to each one of us "I would rather have Fun with you and show you how to manifest the Love you Are, but if you wish to destroy yourself then go ahead... thy will be done, not mine. You rather get drunk? Thy will be done, not mine. You rather suffer? Thy will be done, not mine. You rather kill? Thy will be done, not mine. And I will keep Loving you just as you are."

"...but how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled...?" Jesus is said to have said when his disciples tried to protect him from the crowd of people that came to take him prisoner.

It is really unfortunate that Jesus is portrayed as being more interested in fulfilling scripture than in manifesting Father's Good Will and Intent. Obviously they are not one and the same.

It is just as sad and unfortunate that we have been doing the same...

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