Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,



Recently, Linda and I watched a newer Kung Fu type movie just for fun. Both of us used to like these type of movies because of the little spiritual kernels that would be dispersed here and there throughout the movie. You may know… the master teacher that shares his wisdom with the student…

As Linda so well put it into words: when you have nowhere to turn for Truth, nowhere to go for Truth, no one to go to for Truth, all you have left is looking to the deception with the hopes of discerning whatever Truths are being used to support the deception.

This movie we watched is case in point. At one point in the movie, we have one of the heroes who had claimed to be an “immortal”, mortally wounded. In his dying bed he acknowledges he never made it to immortality and then says something in the likes of: “immortals do not attach their hearts or desires unto anyone or anything, but can you say that in doing so they have truly lived?”

We the People in our indoctrination would most certainly say "no", but Father would Say “yes”. In a way you could say that is the basic understanding or learning upon which the Father Way rests: recognizing the fallacy of the romantic and heroic perception we have been given by the unrighteous-unholy that says that attaching to others is what makes us “alive and human”. In fact, Father has explained to us that is when we attach to others that we no longer walk among the Living

It is from this basic recognition then, that we proceed to untangle our hearts and minds so as to restore them to their rightful, sovereign stature that allows us to return once again to the Truth of Who We Are.

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