Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Clarification on judgment

Yesterday I wrote about the Foundation of our being which is composed of Truth, Integrity, and Honor. The definition of the word “Honor” includes the understanding of having “a keen moral judgment”. Since it is the case that the word “judgment” carries a lot of “emotional weight” in society it seems appropriate that I refine my understanding in this matter.

This time I will talk about both, the false and the accurate use of this word “judgment”. I will use the same dictionary I used yesterday.

  • the act of judging
  • discernment
  • discrimination
  • a disaster or misfortune regarded as inflicted by God as punishment
  • Logic The form of thought in which two terms are compared and their fitness to be joined under a given relation is affirmed or denied

  • to hear and decide in an official capacity the merits of (a case) or the guilt of (a person)

The false way

The misuse of the word judgment is based on the idea of punishment and guilt and the infliction of some kind of disaster and misfortune upon the person found guilty. On one level people believe that “God” goes around judging and condemning people for their actions and on another level, people take it upon themselves to act as “God” and go around judging and condemning others for their actions and thus inflicting imaginary sentences upon those judged - sentences which many times people actually take it upon themselves to administer.

This deception is often accompanied by the belief in “self righteousness”, the acquisition of resentment, anger, and hate toward those who “sin”, and an air of moral superiority over others. This kind of attitude and emotions blinds people, who in their misdirected fervor, cannot see the inappropriateness of their own actions.

Father has explained to us that kind of behavior takes the focus of the person away from the Divine causing an instantaneous disconnection from the Divine and thus causing the energy of the person to be given away to the situation. This then allows the situation to become overblown, so to speak, and to rule over the person. It is a self defeating situation, which is why it was introduced by the unrighteous – unholy: as long as someone subscribes to this way of thinking and acting, he is stuck and diverted from Truth.

Many recognize the impropriety and false arrogance of this kind of behavior and not knowing any alternative decide that no one’s behavior should be evaluated as to the correctness or incorrectness of that behavior. They will say there is no such thing as a wrong way of seeing things or doing things and in the context in which this conclusion is presented they are correct. However, this does not mean that their conclusion is accurate or pertinent to what is happening.

The accurate way

From my understanding of what Father has shared with Linda and I, an accurate understanding of the word "judgment" can be obtained through the word “discernment”.

  • the mental power of discerning
  • Syn. See Sense

  • to perceive as with sight or mind
  • to recognize as separate and different
  • discriminate mentally

  • sound or natural judgment

The neutrality of this behavior should be apparent and self evident. I recognize someone may get stuck by the use of the word “discriminate” in the definition. However, when one recognizes that just as with the word “judgment”, there is a false way and an accurate way to “discriminate”, then it is possible to move past this stumbling block.

  • to draw a clear distinction

So we speak of the capacity to distinguish between Truth and deception. Between that which Respects Life and that which destroys, manipulates, coerces Life. Between someone who deceives using all the words we want to hear and someone who speaks Truth which may sting like iodine stings when put on an open wound. Between that which is good for our Health and that which is destructive to our Health. Between Reality and illusion. Between that which seduces us to bondage and that which supports our Journey as Free People upon the Land. Between our Real Feelings and the energies of the shades and shadows of darkness and others that present themselves as if they were “ours”.

As I quoted Father in my posting “If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck…

It is a simple matter to Discern.

Is this matter / material of Source,
or is it opposite / unlike All That Is?
When it is so, you of course Know,
as a matter of hand, its origin.

Anything unlike Source
belongs not in your mind or unto you.

It is a small matter to monitor and engage
a safety valve, or safe space.

In this capacity to Discern, we can actually make the sound choice to not play. A strong foundation requires that we differentiate so we can say NO to that which is an unrighteous - unholy construct to deceive us and thus take our Inheritance and Birthright away from us.

This capacity to Discern is indeed a Spiritual Gift for which one must ask in Honesty of Heart to become present and active in one’s Life. It is a Gift that must be nurtured and developed Harmoniously with Truth.

From my experience I can say that Discernment is pretty much neutral in the sense that it does not carry the emotional garbage of condemnation, hatred, punishment, and so on. It is a recognition of what is happening. Yes, there may be pain in the realization and you may become aware of hatred you have harbored toward those who hurt you, but rather than give this an outlet in the form of anger, victimhood, and need for revenge or punishment, you lay these energies on the Altar of Divine Love and Power in Right and Proper Exchange for Truth, Peace, Love as Self.

When you can Discern and speak about what is happening neutrally, free of emotions, and with a clear, sound mind and heart, you know you have succeeded in clearing your Foundation from that which pollutes, contaminates, and weakens it.

So, when you contemplate Honor, it might be beneficial to think of it as the capacity to have “a keen moral Discernment”.

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