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May the Father Walk with you,


What is more costly?

During my visit to the creamery I also had an opportunity to visit the farmer’s market. It was a nice casual atmosphere with several local people selling home grown produce, fruits, meats, and other products. Some prices seemed reasonable and others seemed plain and simply outrageous.

Like a dozen free range eggs for 4 to 5 dollars. Hens that are raised by the free bounty of nature and then freely lay eggs should, in a sane economy, provide the least expensive eggs. After the initial investment of getting some hens and building a chicken coop, there is no cost other than perhaps the time it takes to move the chicken coop around the land and to gather the eggs. Grains could theoretically be grown upon the land to sustain the chickens during the winter. And if you have a rooster, well, it is just a matter of time before the chickens start multiplying on their own.

I realize that economics teaches about ‘economies of scale’ and charging what the market can bear and so on, but that is, as many people are realizing, just plain baloney. The cost of setting up an egg factory with thousands of hens laying eggs far surpasses the cost of growing a few free range chickens. Egg factories require the indebtness of the owners, who have to obtain loans to build the facilities, acquire the automated equipment, provide a continuous supply of food and medication to the chickens, pay all the appropriate licenses, hire the personnel, provide perhaps benefits to the personnel, figure out a way to treat the waste that such facilities produce, and probably, constantly replace the many hens that die of exhaustion, malnourishment, and disease. Of course this does not take into account the damage such factories do to the land and environment as well as to the People who eat such nutrient deficient eggs. Economies of scale really does not work as we are taught in school and college, because the larger the facility, the more destructive it becomes to the environment and the People, and the greater the indebtness and therefore enslavement of the owners. In determining the real cost of production, the owners of the egg factories really must take into consideration the cost to their own lives, the environment, and to the Health and therefore Life of the People. If this were done correctly, it would be determined every time, that the cost of such practices is always prohibiting.

Yes, free range eggs are more valuable because they are more nutritious, while factory raised eggs are worthless because they lack real nutrition. However, this should not translate into more dollars for free range eggs and less for factory raised eggs. Why? Because coinage, whether paper or precious metal, is an instrument of slabor – you have to work to get it and work as we know it, is slabor (slave labor).

The more freely obtained from Nature and thus the Father, the less enslavement should be required in the form of money. While the more coercive of Nature and thus destructive in process, the greater amount of money should be required as an indicative of the cost of such practice. Money becomes then what it really is: an indicator of destructiveness, enslavement, and sickness. The more money the greater the level of destructiveness, enslavement, and sickness. This is why the United States is one of the “richest” nations as measured in money and also one of the most destructive, enslaved, and sick nations.

Were the exchange for eggs done as a trade of goods for goods, then, it would be appropriate to say, free range eggs should receive a higher trade of goods than factory eggs. Why? Because free range eggs are more valuable than factory eggs.

So in practice, this would look like this. If someone is selling eggs, they would have two prices, one is the price if the payment is made in money and the other is the price if the payment is done in an exchange of goods. For example, the exchange would be, one dollar if payment is made in cash and the equivalent of five dollars if the payment is made as a trade.

Now you may say, wait a minute. If this is the case, people will always choose to pay the lower cost of one dollar versus the trade. Well, that would be the case for some, but when you awaken to Truth and you realize that to earn the one dollar you have to enslave yourself to a job that keeps you from being able to InJoy the Freedom of Life and your own Journey with the Father in a Mystical and Magical Play, you would soon recognize that the cost of earning that one dollar is very high. That dollar was earned at the cost of you Happiness, Joy, Spiritual Growth and Health. Where you to factor in the Health cost and so on that it takes to earn money, you would soon realize that the cost far outweighs the value of the money. There is a great energetic loss or cost attached to earning money through slabor.

Compare that to someone who creatively designs or does something that is Soul Nourishing, and in the process receives Happiness, Joy and full-fillment as he / she grows in her Spiritual Journey. You could say that in this process, there is no real cost, for the person has benefited in Health and Spirit. This benefit is Divine Increase. There is a great energetic benefit to being creative in a way that is Respectful and Harmonious to Nature.

So what is more costly? To pay one dollar in money for a dozen free range eggs or to trade the equivalent of five dollars in goods for those eggs?

I would say the one dollar – every time.

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