Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Impressing the mind SP 10b

The second way usurpation is implemented is by impressing the mind. In a way, this behavior is very similar to what has already been described, however I will take this opportunity to expand upon one aspect of all of this which I have not directly addressed before.


  • to seize into service or use as by force or constraint
  • to fix deeply and firmly in the mind or memory

We have already established that to seize is to take possession by force so as to capture and imprison.

You may or may not have noticed, that in this process, there has been one word that has been popping up directly or indirectly in almost every instance: possession.

It is time to look at this more closely.


  • the act or fact of possessing, or the state of being possessed.
  • Actual holding or occupancy, as distinct from ownership


  • To hold or occupy
  • Also, of a spirit, esp. an evil one, to occupy and control, or dominate from within, as a person
  • Hence the idea to dominate or actuate after the manner of such a spirit.
  • Possessed: dominated by an evil spirit or influence, demoniac, demented, mad

As you can see, the connection between tyranny, occult powers, use of 'unnatural knowledge' and demonic possession / remote influencing / dementia / energetic intrusion is very readily available. We speak of controlling and dominating which is pretty much the same as coercion. As was determined in the Mystical and Magical series, coercion is practiced by majikians (those who do various kinds of black majik). Majikians are tyrants. Tyrants are majikians. The only difference in this matter is whether they operate from the physical level or from the spiritual level.

So let's explore this slightly more. To take possession of someone's mind is to forcefully occupy or hold their faculty of memory, Soul, or intellect. That means that someone who has impressed your mind has successfully gained control or dominion over you from within.

What follows is a summary from years of conversations with Father through which He explained to us what had been done to us, the People, to derail our journey with Him. Of course, being members of the People, we have had to receive Guidance from Father as to what to do to regain our Freedom from this. Much if not all of what you read in Linda's blog and mine is a result of this applied Knowledge. We know what we say works and is True (at least for us) because we have experienced it in our lives and we had to learn what to do to be Free of this intrusion. It takes practice, strength, and determination, but one can indeed succeed.

There are several levels of possessive energies.

1. One of the most pervasive ones is the physical parasitic invasion in the form of viruses, bacteria, fungus, mold, and parasites (worms) which can affect and control your behavior. The simplest example of this is the flu. When someone "catches" the flu, his / her behavior changes. Another example is a yeast infection, where the person with the infection begins to crave all kinds of sugars that actually feed the yeast and create the environment the yeast likes. Father has Said and explained, and I know this to be real from experience, that certain parasites have actually such control of people that they can direct people's actions on an unconscious level, so as to create situations that will produce the emotions needed to sustain these parasites. The vast majority of difficulties and animosities between people are actually caused by the parasites in them. That is whence much of the trouble comes from. Some time ago, there was an article on Unknowncountry which spoke of how parasites can alter behavior and are responsible for cultural differences. This article ended with the quote of a scientist saying something in the likes of, "well is not that bad, after all this is what makes us different from each other". Yeah, right, guess who was in control of that scientist...

I never confirmed this with Father but it is my personal theory that the reason why people who receive organ transplants suddenly begin craving things they never did before the transplant, is in great part related to the parasites that are transferred with organ. Those cravings are the kinds of experiences or foods that create the emotions and environment needed for the parasites to thrive.

I could probably write an entire book on this, but suffice it to say that it is wise to do regular deparasitic programs. Look also for herbs and oils that have known antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial properties and learn how to use them wisely. Joy, Happiness, Love as Self, the energy of the Smile are all energies that drive parasites away, have as much of this as you can. Which is to say, whenever you experience something other than that, it is possible there is some kind of parasite creating those emotions so it can feed on them. Begin to differentiate yourself from the emotions (anger, hate, resentment, and so on) - these are unnatural and not an expression of your True Nature. Father has explained that there is no valid justification to hold on to such emotions.

Many smaller parasites will exit through the skin. We call these "escapes". Usually they come out in two phases. First something that looks like a tiny round solid thing, many times with a little thread. Then, a few days later comes the "hook" it used to hook you on. Sometimes these can be quite painful to remove. Worms that don't exit through your feces will exit through your nose. Those long buggers... you may actually be doing a lot of nose picking... few things are more annoying than a little worm wiggling inside your nose... which by the way leads me to the following comment. Children are very good at picking their noses to remove these buggers. However, when parents teach them how uncivilized it is to pick their noses, they learn that it is improper to remove those parasites from their bodies... which leads them to the conclusion they have to live with them. Perhaps, if you have a child you should teach them the value of nose picking... just teach them to do it privately as a "courtesy" to the worms who reside in other people and can't stand seeing their "equals" being removed from the host. By the way, disinfecting your fingers after a session of nose picking is wise. You can use properly diluted food grade (if possible) hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar, or a spray with essential oils.

My last comment on this level of parasites. Parasites that exit from your brain will also come out the nose. This is usually accompanied with bleeding. Linda and I have found that when the nose bleeds, an effective way to end the bleeding is to actually gently blow through the nostril that is bleeding. Once the parasite or whatever is dislodged, the bleeding will stop immediately. This can be quite scary, because sometimes there is a lot of blood that comes out, including clots of blood. Usually, before a major bleeding happens, you will have a few minor ones, as if to let you know to prepare. Make sure to have a lot of tissue paper with you when this happens. If the bleeding happens in public, just cover your nose with the tissue paper and quickly go to a restroom where you can blow your nose into the sink. Then clean it all and presto... one less parasite controlling your life. Of course, neither Linda nor I are doctors, therefore, my humor and folk wisdom in this matter should not be construed as medical advice.

2. Another level of parasitic infestation is found in the "non-physical" level. It is comprised of what we have termed shades and shadows of darkness. Among these are the trickster which enters the body slightly after the Soul, right after birth. A trickster, as the name implies, seeks to confuse you and trick you into behavior that is unhealthy. You get rid of a trickster by requesting it to leave and asking Father for assistance in this matter. Again, ask for Discernment to know it is not you and then choose Truth. Eventually it will be displaced.

Another one is called a pariah. This one is passed from infected mother to child. Pariahs can also be received through abuse, when the abused child believes he / she needs to become like his / her abuser. Even though pariahs are inherited, the person who inherited it has to actually "activate it into life" so to speak, before it can become active and present. This is usually accomplished by the pariah mother who will create whatever conditions are necessary for the child to activate his / her pariah. Another way to get one is by actually inviting it in - it is the "contract with the devil" scenario of which the pariah is a part of. Pariahs are responsible for some of the worst atrocities upon Earth. People with pariahs tend to be Mr. or Mrs. personality but are sure full of hate inside (kind of furies). In the past, society would get rid of contaminated people like this by sending them to far away islands or casting them away from their community. Getting rid of a pariah is rough because it involved consent. Never mind it is all based on deceit and abuse, but there is still some degree of consent. First thing to recognize is your Desire to be Free of it, then recognize the contract is null and void or perhaps choose to void the contract which you can do by Father's Grace and finally, return it to the person from whom you got it: "I picked up something of yours which I no longer want so I'm returning it back to you." They will be glad to receive it. This can be done over the phone if necessary.

A necromancer is some kind of being that can be sent by someone unto another. It will seek to attach itself to the crown of a person's head and influence the person to do whatever bidding it was sent to do. Usually necromancers are sent to cause the target to become infatuated by however sent it. If you find yourself attracted to someone in a way that is abnormal, then you either got one of these in your head or you have been spelled. Either way, you get rid of it by not playing, just as with any unrighteous - unholy energy that seeks to control or manipulate you. "I do not play, get thee away. Get thee away ends your play." "Lead me not unto unrighteous - unholy day." By the way, my speculation is that certain Jews wear that little black hat on their crown precisely to protect themselves from this necromancer. To the unrighteous - unholy the color black is solid and they cannot penetrate it.

The last one I will speak of in this category, is the globular which is a kind of glob of energy that can either float on top of entire neighborhoods or float in front of your third eye. What this thing does is block the flow of energy from the Father thus where this thing is, there is poverty. This is why it is so difficult for people that end up in such neighborhoods to get out of them. Symptoms of its presence aside from poverty include resources being consumed quickly without much being obtained in exchange. Whatever money you have is never sufficient and it never goes far. When you get extra money, it is quickly consumed by unexpected things and so on. You get rid of this by claiming the resources of the Father for you each and every day. By Blessing the resources and asking that they no longer be squandered or blocked. By asking to be Divinely Guided as to how to allocate your resources. You know you are succeeding when you start getting more things with the same amount of money. You kind of have the feeling of "wow, who would have thought so little could get so much" as opposed to "how much got so little".

3. The next level of possession is different than the others, for this actually involves an entity invading your body and taking over control of your body. This can be done by creating a live threatening situation or accident which causes the Soul to be displaced and thus creating the opportunity for en entity to invade the body. Someone on a Coast to Coast interview explained that this also happens when people pass out from being drunk. That disembodied spirits can enter into someone at that moment of passing out. The other way this happens is by consent which can be presented as a very positive thing. For example, Native Americans speak of "all my relations" which is a concept in which they believe many entities can use the same body and that it is ok to allow "various relations" to take over the body at different times. Father has explained to us that this is not His Way. There is only one Soul per body. Any other entities are intruders. You handle these the same as the other. Withdraw your permission, withdraw your participation, ask Father for assistance. Make choices that Honor your Divine Nature, your Creative Expression. Learn to Smile and be Love as Self. Nourish your body and Soul. Be Joyful and Happy. Be at Peace. And remember Proper nutrition makes this so much easier.

I remember reading in passing a section of the book "Conversations with God" in which the author explained that in his conversations with "God" (remember god is a very generic term which can represent many who would like to think themselves as gods), "God" explained to him that the only mistake by some souls was to seek incarnation before their due time. When you think about it, how do you think some entity can get a body before it is given one? By possession of course. Suddenly the picture does not look so innocent, does it? Stealing would perhaps be more appropriate. In the end, that is indeed what the unrighteous - unholy are, a bunch of thieves who believe in living the "good life" at the expense / misery of those they infest. Insane parasitic thieves is a good descriptor of the unrighteous - unholy and it is time for us the People to stop being hosts to such insanity.

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